THC & Urine Test

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
ok so before i start id like everyone reading this to know im not looking for stupid little comments like oh you should quit just hold it out.. im facing 21 years in prison i dont really care at this point.

anyway i managed to pick up 3 felonies and a probation violation. i had been caught with possession and on probation for a year. i was doing fine didnt smoke or anything then i was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and thanks to a specific someone being a narc i now have 3 felonies over my head. no heres my issue

of course i was put on drug testing.. turns out its daily... AM only. my hholding the probation is a dick. ill be going to jail next month i presume. i was released on bond after a week in jail for the felonies. they had me on 2x a week testing which i managed to still smoke and test clean. they arent a real picky testing location and by picky i mean if my piss looks like water and is at body temp theyll test it. so i would just drink a couple bottles of water piss before i went to test and then give them fresh crystal clear urine that they would test and have no issues with and id be on my way home ready to smoke a bong load. no problems here right? well then my judge decided i want you testing here now at JAMS i go to this place for testing and they send all samples to a lab so i had to stop smoking which wasnt a big deal just a pain in the ass. after awhile i was clean again only took a weekish i think. i go to court again and ask to return to my old drug testing location (im purposely not saying names because i dont want a good thing ruined) the judge had no problem and i was allowed to test at the center i started in.

i start smoking again as soon as i walked out of court. went the next day, drank all my water only about 16 ish ozs i went and dropped and my pissy was kinda yellowish. next thing i knew i hear looks like your positive for thc, they send it to there lab to test the nano grams so theyll see it wasnt just in my body. i go home and drink water all day go to sleep wake up 3 hours early just to drink 60+ oz of propel. i go to test and drop dirty again. following day i do the same and test clean. i was clean for 3 days all of whohc i smoked maybe 3 grams a day. and a vape bowl before going to sleep. then all of a sudden i drop dirty again, and a second time.. what the hell.

now this is most likely my error somewhere but i cant figure out where, im about 5'11" skinny as rail, not to lazy but i dont work out and lately eat about one meal a day,i piss before i go test and dont hold it long at all. this is just a dipstick test that should only go to about 50ng. im confused as to whats going on other than i smoked, i tested dirty. id like to figure out is it my metabolism breaking thc down to slowly or something? if im able to piss crystal clear and still get around 50ng of thc metabolites in there somethings going on. let me know what you guys think and if anyone has any answers


New Member
I used statflush to clean my piss when I was in this situation. I could smoke a blunt and take 4 statflush pills and be good. When I smoked two blunts a day I needed more, (like 8/10) pills. It was very expensive. Cuz you only get 2 pills for 30 bucks. When I relized how much I was spending on weed(altogether) I quit. I was only for 3 months anyways. Stuff got dropped and now I smoke more than ever.Why are you asking if your going to jail anyways? I would be smoking lbs in 1-2 sittings if I had 21 large over my head.. Sounds shitty man. Defiantly not worth marijuana. That's for sho... What do you want me to say? Life is what you make of it.. Sorry


Well-Known Member
The test is for the metabolites of THC. You say it is dipstick testing but are you sure? The tests run basically in 2 "strengths" - 60PPm and 15PPM as the cutoff for sensitivity. If it is 60PPM an occasional smoker might easily pass. However if they use the 15PPM anybody who smokes daily, even small amounts, is going to test dirty. Also, water dilution often results in "Unable to accurately assess" which is often determined to be "dirty" in the absence of it testing totally clean. So a questionable positive might then be sent for verification by gas spectography. There ain't no foolin' that motherfucker. I find it hard to believe they would send you back up on dipstick tests.

BTW goldenrod and other herbal "hides" are now often included in assays and are often deemed as attempts to conceal. Not illegal but raises red flags.

Good luck.

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
the felonies arent for marijuana. the reason i ask is because im out on bond now and id like to try and get my sentenced put on to extensive probation and house arrest. but failing tests over and over like this looks shitty.

im postiive this is a dipstick ive been shown how the test my urine, i give my same and they have a simple 4 panel test, THC, cocaine, Benzos, and opiates. im unsure what ppm they test at. but normally they just dip the test in my urine wait and if i didnt fail they turn around a min later and say your negative for all drugs and ask me to dump my sample. im wondering if maybe they have a 15ppm test because i can not get around it. for 3 days though i smoked all day and at nihgt, went to drug test... and im clean. i stopped smoking 2 days ago and still dirty.

is my metabolism maybe to slow? i try not too eat any fatty foods so theres no new fat cells.
i lay down after going the bathroom in the AM before i go test, i like to piss 3 to 4 times before going in, but after i piss i drink about 4oz to refill and lay down. is that possibly the cause?
should i wait until i hav eto piss my brains out before giving my sample? the past couple times i didnt have to go that bad and kinda had to push it out a little.

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
so i found out that they test for thc50 and thc20 im not sure what those numbers mean but you can see them by clickling the link and choosing Data Sheet. they test a 50ng and at 20ng it looks like


New Member
So.... You got 21 big ones over you head and you want to have that at home because you wanna smoke weed?
This is the exact reason why marijuana is still illegal. If we can't comprehend that this is a drug and your going to get busted for it... Why? I love weed too.. But why mess your life up for it? It doesn't make sence to me.... Doesn't sound like they test for alot of things. So you could always take drugs they don't test for...

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
ok your not really understanding me here. im trying to figure out whats going on here thats causing me to fail. im not saying fuxk it and getting blown every day. i dont think thats why marijuana is still illegal but to each there own. no i dont want to get off and sit at home on house arrest and smoke. they'd drug test me. this is felony probation were talking about. im trying to figure out whats going on and why im suddenly failing so much.. but thank you for your opinion


New Member
So your trying to tell me that you wouldn smoke on house arrest because they'd drug test you?????? When your being tested anyways and still smoking???? I belive that.......... Anyways. What I said in my first post was that, the more you smoke, the longer it's gonna be in your system. If you don't wanna fail so much, drink lots of water in a steam room, and eat hella poppy seed muffins. Smoke all you want. The reason why you were testing negative was prolly cuz you hand been smoking that much, then when you thought you could get away with it, you took advantage. And now you test positive... Ya dig?


Active Member
So your trying to tell me that you wouldn smoke on house arrest because they'd drug test you?????? When your being tested anyways and still smoking???? I belive that.......... Anyways. What I said in my first post was that, the more you smoke, the longer it's gonna be in your system. If you don't wanna fail so much, drink lots of water in a steam room, and eat hella poppy seed muffins. Smoke all you want. The reason why you were testing negative was prolly cuz you hand been smoking that much, then when you thought you could get away with it, you took advantage. And now you test positive... Ya dig?

Hate them drug tests, always come at the wrong time, puts me on a right para, whats worst is when you get home and notice something written on your notes2012-11-01 14.29.58.jpg


Active Member
ok your not really understanding me here. im trying to figure out whats going on here thats causing me to fail. im not saying fuxk it and getting blown every day. i dont think thats why marijuana is still illegal but to each there own. no i dont want to get off and sit at home on house arrest and smoke. they'd drug test me. this is felony probation were talking about. im trying to figure out whats going on and why im suddenly failing so much.. but thank you for your opinion
You are failing because your smoking weed...duh


Well-Known Member
Like somebody else mentioned they test for metabolites.. That means that if you were previously clean, smoked 1/2 an ounce then went right in for testing you'd likely pass.. The half-life of THC in your system is much more than a day.. The half-life of the metabolites is even longer.. That means that they're going to build up over time with continual usage.. If you reach blood saturation levels you're looking at 21-28 days for it to dissipate with no usage at all.. BTW, when the cops hauled you in did they by any chance mention the fact that you're a dumbass fool??