The 12th planet. Any one ever read it??

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I am convinced Zechariah Sitchen is on the right track with it.
The earliest civilizations (Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon) all tell us that the Gods came from "out there" and came here and created us. They are even quite specific as to HOW they created us, and why. His books are about the driest reading you'll read in the next decade, but WELL worth the effort it takes to get thru them. Everything he postulates is backed up by impeccable sources. I HIGHLY suggest anyone who is seriously interested in this subject to read him.
It really pisses me of when staunch fundamentalist religious zealots tell me I'm crazy and there is no way that aliens came here. I just tell them that the fact that they are so obtuse and ignore the overwhelming evidence that there was contact merely shows me they are the ignorant ones. We are now exploring the "out there", so why is it impossible that other beings came here? We have sequenced the human genome, and recombinant gene splicing has been going on here for a couple of decades now, how is it impossible that we were created by other beings?
Zechariah suggests that the Sumerians tell us that the "Gods" needed a "work force" and created us from the existing man-like beings. That completely explains the "missing link". There would be no evolutionary step we are missing, because we leapt past it by genetic engineering.


Well-Known Member
I am convinced Zechariah Sitchen is on the right track with it.
The earliest civilizations (Sumeria, Akkad, Babylon) all tell us that the Gods came from "out there" and came here and created us. They are even quite specific as to HOW they created us, and why. His books are about the driest reading you'll read in the next decade, but WELL worth the effort it takes to get thru them. Everything he postulates is backed up by impeccable sources. I HIGHLY suggest anyone who is seriously interested in this subject to read him.
It really pisses me of when staunch fundamentalist religious zealots tell me I'm crazy and there is no way that aliens came here. I just tell them that the fact that they are so obtuse and ignore the overwhelming evidence that there was contact merely shows me they are the ignorant ones. We are now exploring the "out there", so why is it impossible that other beings came here? We have sequenced the human genome, and recombinant gene splicing has been going on here for a couple of decades now, how is it impossible that we were created by other beings?
Zechariah suggests that the Sumerians tell us that the "Gods" needed a "work force" and created us from the existing man-like beings. That completely explains the "missing link". There would be no evolutionary step we are missing, because we leapt past it by genetic engineering.
*no worries.. 'they' will be here shortly.. ;) just enjoy the show~ and pack many bowls


Ursus marijanus
I am by no means a religious person or zealot of any stripe. However I have seen no (0, zero) durable evidence for nonterrestrial life, let alone sapient life. This overwhelming evidence ... I admit to not having seen any. Can you direct me to any in the peer-reviewed scientific literature?
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
I am by no means a religious person or zealot of any stripe. However I have seen no (0, zero) durable evidence for nonterrestrial life, let alone sapient life. This overwhelming evidence ... I admit to not having seen any. Can you direct me to any in the peer-reviewed scientific literature?
cheers 'neer
*humans.. its all about visuals with you guys huh.. i mean us.. *cough ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I am by no means a religious person or zealot of any stripe. However I have seen no (0, zero) durable evidence for nonterrestrial life, let alone sapient life. This overwhelming evidence ... I admit to not having seen any. Can you direct me to any in the peer-reviewed scientific literature?
cheers 'neer
Ditto. I want to see this books "impeccable sources".

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You really out to read that book, and the next two. The Wars of Gods and Men. I know it will be a struggle to get thru it, but the knowledge gained will be priceless.
The really fucked up part of it is that we have KNOWN what the Sumerians believed and that information was either discredited as the "mythology of primitive peoples or destroyed by the church. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Sumerians had some pretty advance mathematicaland astronomical knowledge for "primitive peoples". In less than 10,000 tears we went from living in goatskin tents and herding cattle, to raising architectural wonders that we'd be hard put to reproduce with todays technology.


New Member
I could believe God was actually an alien(s) that claimed to be God, tried to help us, realized they were doing more damage and just frigged off on us like in the bible. I could see a lot of the bible as being true, like Jesus being a healer, maybe he was just a really lucky and charismatic whack job. I see it like fear and loathing in las vegas, based on true events with extra BS added

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I am by no means a religious person or zealot of any stripe. However I have seen no (0, zero) durable evidence for nonterrestrial life, let alone sapient life. This overwhelming evidence ... I admit to not having seen any. Can you direct me to any in the peer-reviewed scientific literature?
cheers 'neer
Google Puma Punku (This makes the pyramids look like childs play), Balbek, Nazca, Tikal and if you need more, PM me for a whole list of sources. The Sumerians KNEW we had 9 planets in the solar system, had charts of them and other systems, and enumerated Earth as the 7th planet. There are so many references in the writings and hieroglyphs of all civilizations that depict men in what can only be taken as vehicles with flame being emitted from the back. Google Giorgio Tsoukalos. The evidence out there is too compelling to just dismiss it out of hand.
These guys are lettered, degreed professors of anthropology, biblical history, and in the case of Zechariah Sitchen, primitive languages. Sitchen was one of the most repected Hebrew anthropologists on the planet!!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The Bible IS true, no doubt about it. But thanks to men like Constantine, the council of Nycaea, and the rest, we have a very skewed version of what really happened. We have found almost every city mentioned in the Bible, and have proven the existence of most of the Kings and civilizations mentioned. To me, there is no conflict between the bible and science. The fact that aliens might exist does not negate the existence of a creator. For me, he just isn't the one mentioned in our Bible. Something had to create the aliens as well. All one has to do is sit and watch a Bud form before your eyes to prove the existence of the guiding hand of a God.


Well-Known Member
its not impossible. More than likely, there are innumerable different species of superior beings on distant planets. The ones that are relatively close, could look like chubacca or they could look like Jessica Simpson but shorter. It seems that around 10,000 b.c. the humane race drastically increased their level of intelligence. Did we do it on our own or did we get help, is the question.
Reason I used those two examples, there are thousands of reports of three to four foot tall blond hair blue eyed women that can fly and are incredibly smart, and there are also thousands of 'sightings' of big foot or sasquatch, or whatever is local correct terminology. I dont want anyone to think I believe in these species, I'm just throwing out possibilities. Human beings essetially resembled monkeys, whats with the blond hair, blue eyes, huge tits, perfect skin?

Who were the ancient egyptians trying to impress? or was it not even entirely their work? did they build their own pyramids attempting to recreate the two identical sites thousands of miles away that reflect the stars accurately?

Maybe there are many planet battling for ownership rights on Earth, or there are invisible Earth tours. Sometimes these 'tour vehicles' run into gravity issues, lightning, etc... It is hard to believe they travels 50 lightyears and couldnt mechanically make a machine competent to sustain operation in earths atmosphere, but they may not quite understand our physics, just as we might not theirs.

We once tribed, like many species of monkey, now we civilize and are entirely co-dependent.

Sounds like a good book, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
I am by no means a religious person or zealot of any stripe. However I have seen no (0, zero) durable evidence for nonterrestrial life, let alone sapient life. This overwhelming evidence ... I admit to not having seen any. Can you direct me to any in the peer-reviewed scientific literature?
cheers 'neer
have you ever seen oxygen?


New Member
It seems that around 10,000 b.c. the humane race drastically increased their level of intelligence
look into the stoned monkey theory, basically scientists believe monkeys started to eat mushrooms, had visions of things like the wheel and decided to try to build it


Well-Known Member
you guys would love that ancient aliens show. i've watched all but 1 or 2 episodes and i have to say- im not buying it. you cant cherry pick ancient literature and legends to prove something so outlandish, you need real proof. it is technically possible it happened i will concede, however that does not mean its anywhere near likely.


Ursus marijanus
I was directed to looking up Puma Punku a few years ago by someone claiming that its engineering details strongly suggested, oh let's call it "neolithic outsourcing". I saw impressive (obsessive, even) quality of stonework. I found nothing there that unassisted human stonemasons possessing the technology used by much earlier Egyptians (obelisks, pyramids) could not do. In my personal and subjective opinion, Puma Punku etc. don't begin to qualify as strong evidence for prehistoric human-Other interactions.
The topic of ETs, ancient astronauts etc. attracts as much sentiment as it fails to attract scientific rigor. It tends to degenerate to an altercation about articles of faith. I belong in the camp that demands extraordinary evidence (rather more than petroglyphs and stacked big stones) for the extraordinary claim that Others were here ... and got involved.
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
I have seen most of the show too. Unfortunately they have the same group of 5 or so idiots reiterating the same topics over, and over, and over, and over. They use the same clips and material in almost every show.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I was directed to looking up Puma Punku a few years ago by someone claiming that its engineering details strongly suggested, oh let's call it "neolithic outsourcing". I saw impressive (obsessive, even) quality of stonework. I found nothing there that unassisted human stonemasons possessing the technology used by much earlier Egyptians (obelisks, pyramids) could not do.
I was about to say the same. lol

Also, still waiting on this books "impeccable sources".