The 2021 State of the Union, go Joe!

Was Biden's State of the Union Speech Great

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Joe got mojo and is gonna make a difference, some people seek power because they have an agenda and he's one, you are seeing it laid out now. He is articulating a plan and vision for the future, strap in. A great speech that will impact many Americans, to move forward requires leadership and you have that, it also requires boldness, courage and vision and you now have that as well. Be as cynical as you want, it will lead you nowhere, only hope and optimism leads to a better future. To have a future you must get your priorities straight, the future are your children and young people and you must put them before yourself, if you are to have one. Joe knows this and he is not just an intelligent president, he is also a wise one and that combination is required in this moment of history.

I doubt Donald could even understand 90% of what he's talking about and has absolutely no idea about any of it, or interest in it. His name wasn't mentioned, so he won't even watch, he's more concerned about Rudy tonight and I hope he gives him a call about it, the FBI should be listening at this point.

What a contrast between the empty soul of stupidest and most unwise president in American history, and this caring wise and intelligent man. Character counts and intentions are everything, Donald's character is deeply flawed and his intentions malicious. Joe's good character and intentions are as obvious to the wise, as Donald's malicious ones are, you only have to have a heart and brains enough to use it to see it clearly.

So what do you folks think of Joe's state of the Union?
President Biden Says The Wealthy Should Pay There Fair Share In Taxes

During joint address to Congress, President Biden says the wealthy should pay their fair share in taxes and he "will not add an additional tax burden to the middle class."
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Joe got mojo and is gonna make a difference, some people seek power because they have an agenda and he's one, you are seeing it laid out now. He is articulating a plan and vision for the future, strap in. A great speech that will impact many Americans, to move forward requires leadership and you have that, it also requires boldness, courage and vision and you now have that as well. Be as cynical as you want, it will lead you nowhere, only hope and optimism leads to a better future. To have a future you must get your priorities straight, the future are your children and young people and you must put them before yourself, if you are to have one. Joe knows this and he is not just an intelligent president, he is also a wise one and that combination is required in this moment of history.

I doubt Donald could even understand 90% of what he's talking about and has absolutely no idea about any of it, or interest in it. His name wasn't mentioned, so he won't even watch, he's more concerned about Rudy tonight and I hope he gives him a call about it, the FBI should be listening at this point.

What a contrast between the empty soul of stupidest and most unwise president in American history, and this caring wise and intelligent man. Character counts and intentions are everything, Donald's character is deeply flawed and his intentions malicious. Joe's good character and intentions are as obvious to the wise, as Donald's malicious ones are, you only have to have a heart and brains enough to use it to see it clearly.

So what do you folks think of Joe's state of the Union?
I didn't watch it I went to bed. Figure I will catch it later today something, thank you for posting the link.
I didn't watch it I went to bed. Figure I will catch it later today something, thank you for posting the link.
I wanted to watch it but fell asleep . The opinions I briefly read this morning on CNN were interesting. From a B+ to a D. The D rating cleared an F because Joe spoke about Cancer. The ladies looked lovely behind the Joe.
Making a speech is one thing getting it through congress is another, but it's other purpose was to win in 2022. The president may propose, but the congress will dispose. Intentions are everything in these matters though and Joe made his clear, follow his lead or leave the 21st century to others.

Compared to what America recently had for leadership, you got very lucky. If Trump was running the show America would be little better off than India is right now and Trump would be withholding vaccine supplies from the blue states that voted against him. Vaccine roll out would be a disorganized fraction of what it is and the infection rate from variants would be much higher. Scott Atlas would be trying to validate his herd immunity strategy and the CDC would be disbanded. Your allies would have written America off and I'd be planting potatoes in my back yard to survive on next fall. Apparently many Americans don't know the difference between shit and silver.
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We could of had this for president sure sounds better than the other 2 this was the Libertarian candidate.

We could of had this for president sure sounds better than the other 2 this was the Libertarian candidate.

The reason you don't, is not even Trumpers are that fucking stupid, just racist traitors, not all antisocial assholes are suicidal. Libertarianism is just a rationalization for greed not a workable political philosophy or economic ideology, Stalin's version of communism had more merit FFS. How would a libertarian government deal with China? How the fuck would it deal with Canada, we'd eat your fucking lunch and so would any other organized country in the world. There is a reason there are no libertarian governments and never were on planet earth, human communities and humans don't operate that way. Only individuals (usually wealthy or well off) who are pathologically greedy, believe or advocate such horseshit and they can only exist in large scale modern countries and communities that are socially responsible. When examined closely, it's pretty fuzzy thinking driven by antisocial intentions.

Libertarians assume there are no blind or handicapped people in the world or those who become that way and they really advocate a cruel form of eugenics called "let them die"! Liberal means freedom, that's freedom combined with responsibility and responsibly means caring for others, you can't have one without the other. Animals exhibit kin preference, they care for their young only, humans care for their communities and will protect the children of others with their lives. Not many will let a child drown, while calculating what's in it for them and thinking "why should I take a risk", sociopaths do ask such questions, the rest of us don't.
I think with Joe it's gonna be either hold on to your hate and let go of the future, or get on board. His speech and agenda are longer term visions and initial attempts to solve acute problems. First thing are the acute problems that HR-1, voting rights, infrastructure and police reform will address. The rest is for those who want the country to move forward into the 21st century, nobody can accuse him of not trying to change things, there will be no both sides are the same horseshit with this guy.

The vision and deal (The real neodeal meal!) will be clearly laid out and the choice a simple one in 2022 and that's what most of this stuff was about. He's making it clear, I'll lead but to get anywhere you must follow and elect a congress that wants to get somewhere too. 2022 and 2024 will be about issues and policy, get on board or get out of the way, if you want national destruction vote for the republicans, if you want national renewal and a future, vote for the democrats.

I've got Joe figured for an FDR democrat, an extinct species, FDR was not right or left, he was a pragmatist. Like FDR and Reagan he inherited a mess and international economic trends resulting from technological and political turmoil. Such times are an opportunity for transformation and Joe knows this and has articulated a practical way forward. With each successive electoral win the plan will go forward and with each loss it will be adjusted. The statues quo is not an option, shit or get off the pot.

The republicans are in disarray, Rudy's, Donald's and the trials and convictions will throw the party base for a loop! Donald thrashing and freaking out trying to weasel out while attempting to throw the country under the bus will be something to see. The republican establishment will have billions dumped on it by billionaires driven mad by greed though, so HR-1 should be a priority to control dark money. Right now there's nothing stopping the Russians from financing the republican party with dark money, it puts American politicians up for sale on the international market.
Didn't watch it. Didn't care.

I knew it wasn't going to be a batshit crazy rant or some self congratulatory crap.

Apparently, many Americans felt the same as I did as not many people tuned in.

It's nice having a stable, sensible president that you're not worried to death about and feel no need to keep tabs on.