The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

Cite the article. There are a few pharmas--very few--who make significant profit from treating chronic pain, which is the biggest legitimate use for cannabis. If they lobby against cannabis I'd be surprised, and I'd bet their $$$ are significantly less than the black-market lobby that is desperate to keep cannabis illegal in order to keep the gravy train rolling.

You seriously think that cannabis manufacturing isn't a corporate venture?

GW Pharmaceuticals holds USA patents on almost every method of cannabinoid extraction. Big pharma already has medical marijuana by the balls once it is federally rescheduled dispensaries are gone and we will pay out the ass for Sativex which can be made for a few bucks with CBD Crew seeds. If big pharma didn't give a shit they would not have gone through the trouble to patent most every cannabinoid extraction method.

And just look what they did to Bernie Sanders who wanted to federally legalise cannabis he won NH by a whopping 22% and leaves with about the same amount of delegates as Hillary Clinton and big pharma is right there buying our politicians.
Caveat emptor is fine unless you need an HPLC rig to test your pot.

I just roll my eyes at the folks on here who go on and on ad nausem about the 'Man' and crooked corporations and then I see them discussing using pesticides "but not in the last two weeks of flowering." Gee, thanks.
I have never once used pesticides I use spiders hundreds of them just the little ones though big ones I kill sure some do use pesticides but they are fucking retarded and know nothing about farming just in it for the money because everyone knows that spiders are a farmers best friend even my grandmother.
Donald TRUMP is the only man that speaks the truth. Look what he says about vaccines. Look what he says about trade imbalance. Bernie wants to punish success, take your guns and flood this country with low skilled cheap labor from illegals, who we owe nothing to. Trump can't be bought. He also ain't afraid of the republican party. He won't say anything to get elected like the rest of those desperate politicians in both parties. Rand Paul is good, too.
Donald TRUMP is the only man that speaks the truth. Look what he says about vaccines. Look what he says about trade imbalance. Bernie wants to punish success, take your guns and flood this country with low skilled cheap labor from illegals, who we owe nothing to. Trump can't be bought. He also ain't afraid of the republican party. He won't say anything to get elected like the rest of those desperate politicians in both parties. Rand Paul is good, too.
Rand Paul was good but Trump is a joke building a wall will not stop illegal immigrants the Thai restaurant I worked at all illegals except for the owners. I also must say I don't know if I ever met a single Mexican they are all Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban etc. the people who come over on a boat. Trump is for medical marijuana against legalization which will destroy the dispensary industry completely and give GW Pharmaceuticals their monopoly. Bernie was not out for guns that's Hillary Clinton. Trump also wants to lower minimum wage and lower taxes on the rich while Bernie wants the opposite.

Sure Trump is honest.... About wanting to fuck us all!!

There is a reason the Establishment allowed Trump to win and not Bernie Sanders who both won the popular vote of the people in the NH primary. I would rather have Trump than Hillary Clinton though but they are the two worst choices IMO.
And you say your employer who chooses illegal immigrants over legal workers like its a good thing. Wouldn't that bring down wages for people like us?
Rand Paul was good but Trump is a joke building a wall will not stop illegal immigrants the Thai restaurant I worked at all illegals except for the owners. I also must say I don't know if I ever met a single Mexican they are all Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban etc. the people who come over on a boat. Trump is for medical marijuana against legalization which will destroy the dispensary industry completely and give GW Pharmaceuticals their monopoly. Bernie was not out for guns that's Hillary Clinton. Trump also wants to lower minimum wage and lower taxes on the rich while Bernie wants the opposite.

Sure Trump is honest.... About wanting to fuck us all!!

There is a reason the Establishment allowed Trump to win and not Bernie Sanders who both won the popular vote of the people in the NH primary. I would rather have Trump than Hillary Clinton though but they are the two worst choices IMO.
And you say your employer who chooses illegal immigrants over legal workers like its a good thing. Wouldn't that bring down wages for people like us?
How would it touch our wages? We have a minimum wage the thing Trump wants to lower and Bernie Sanders wants to raise. I also have no problem with illegal immigrants I think we should all be able to live wherever we damn well please on this Earth. I ain't going to shit on Mexicans because they where not born on the right side of an imaginary line.
Why do people hire illegals or pay people off the book?Your boss already thinks the minimum wage is too high. I never singled out one immigrant group, but illegals work construction cheaper than Hispanics who have been here a while.
How would it touch our wages? We have a minimum wage the thing Trump wants to lower and Bernie Sanders wants to raise. I also have no problem with illegal immigrants I think we should all be able to live wherever we damn well please on this Earth. I ain't going to shit on Mexicans because they where not born on the right side of an imaginary line.
Why do people hire illegals or pay people off the book?Your boss already thinks the minimum wage is too high. I never singled out one immigrant group, but illegals work construction cheaper than Hispanics who have been here a while.
Actually the illegals got paid decent and every under the table job I did was over minimum wage. I could care less no illegal immigrants took my job and them Thai people where cool I would never snitch them out for not having a green card.
Socialism will not work as good if everyone gets paid cash off the books. How do you feel about bernies position on gun rights? I kinda like Bernie, but he's a big time pussy. Trump can run a large corporation like the American economy better than Larry David. I feel like neither trump nor Bernie can be bought, but Trumps nationalism and pro American manufacturing appeals to me. He actually understands businesses and trade.
Actually the illegals got paid decent and every under the table job I did was over minimum wage. I could care less no illegal immigrants took my job and them Thai people where cool I would never snitch them out for not having a green card.
... AIDs in vaccines? Oh well, ship it to the homosexuals.

WTF? Don't tell me, you've seen Bigfoot, too.

Nice try. There were some clotting factions in the early-mid '80s that were contaminated with HIV because it was isolated via plasmapheresis and HIV-infected individuals donated before folks knew about AIDS. But no one knowingly marketed it, contrary to the conspiracy websites you obviously visit. Bayer and Baxter pulled the products as soon as they found out.

Believe it or not, the folks who work in big pharma coach little league, make pies for bake sales, and are generally trying to improve the world. As opposed to your Snidely Whiplash, mustache-twirling view of the world.

I actually played a tiny, tiny part in some of the original epidemiological studies that identified the "gay plague" as it was called. Amyl nitrates ("poppers") were the leading suspect at the time.

But by all means, don't let the facts distract you from your delusions.
Socialism will not work as good if everyone gets paid cash off the books. How do you feel about bernies position on gun rights? I kinda like Bernie, but he's a big time pussy. Trump can run a large corporation like the American economy better than Larry David. I feel like neither trump nor Bernie can be bought, but Trumps nationalism and pro American manufacturing appeals to me. He actually understands businesses and trade.

What makes you think Bernie is a pussy?
Should your industry be marketing prescription drugs directly to consumers? You think children should be on the drugs the Pharmaceutical lobby pushes? Will I die without your flu vaccine. Are you a paid spokesman or are you trying to reconcile your guilt?
Typical trollitup response. Like debating a stump.
Should your industry be marketing prescription drugs directly to consumers? You think children should be on the drugs the Pharmaceutical lobby pushes? Will I die without your flu vaccine. Are you a paid spokesman or are you trying to reconcile your guilt?

1. Nope, adds unnecessary costs.

2. Some, of course. When I was a kid, I had classmates wearing leg braces from polio. How about you? No? When I was a kid, childhood leukemia killed close to 100% of those afflicted. I gave blood til I was blue in high school when a beloved classmate needed thrombocytes. How about you? No? Probably not as 95% are now cured. Have a kid with acute asthma and swear off meds. I dare you.

3. Jury's out. Some evidence that flu vaccine can cause cross-reactive antibodies that worsen cytokine reaction. Guess who found that out and published it? Glaxo. Shock! Horror!

4. Nope, I'm an educated adult. Are you a shill who would climb over your granny to get vaccinated if H5N1 breaks out with a 40% mortality rate? Probably.
WTF? Don't tell me, you've seen Bigfoot, too.

Nice try. There were some clotting factions in the early-mid '80s that were contaminated with HIV because it was isolated via plasmapheresis and HIV-infected individuals donated before folks knew about AIDS. But no one knowingly marketed it, contrary to the conspiracy websites you obviously visit. Bayer and Baxter pulled the products as soon as they found out.

Believe it or not, the folks who work in big pharma coach little league, make pies for bake sales, and are generally trying to improve the world. As opposed to your Snidely Whiplash, mustache-twirling view of the world.

I actually played a tiny, tiny part in some of the original epidemiological studies that identified the "gay plague" as it was called. Amyl nitrates ("poppers") were the leading suspect at the time.

But by all means, don't let the facts distract you from your delusions.

Believe it or not your arguments are complete garbage.

They knew it was contaminated with something and put it out anyway. When discovered what that something was they pulled it and lost a major lawsuit because of the entire action. So you go right ahead believing your nonsense.

There are lengthy interviews where Hilleman jokes about how they couldn't find monkeys without that damn monkey virus (AIDs)... pushed out anyway. There is no morality at all in those running the Pharmaceutical companies. And there is a real lack of morals amongst many of the researchers too. Hilleman jokes about SV40 as well. Cancer causing, knew it was in there - sent out vaccines to millions anyway in spite of it. You can see him laugh on camera about it. Yeah, a real moral dude for sure.

You probably mean well. But you also don't know everything. Although it appears you might not know it from your responses...

"Oh they coach little league!"

So did John Wayne Gacey.
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Believe it or not your arguments are complete garbage.

They knew it was contaminated with something and put it out anyway. When discovered what that something was they pulled it and lost a major lawsuit because of the entire action. So you go right ahead believing your nonsense.

There are lengthy interviews where Hilleman jokes about how they couldn't find monkeys without that damn monkey virus (AIDs)... pushed out anyway. There is no morality at all in those running the Pharmaceutical companies. And there is a real lack of morals amongst many of the researchers too. Hilleman jokes about SV40 as well. Cancer causing, knew it was in there - sent out vaccines to millions anyway in spite of it. You can see him laugh on camera about it. Yeah, a real moral dude for sure.

You probably mean well. But you also don't know everything. Although it appears you might not know it from your responses...

"Oh they coach little league!"

So did John Wayne Gacey.

You do know that Hilleman originally isolated SV40, right, laughing or not? And the original Salk vaccine contained SV40? And that huge epidemiological studies show no difference in cancer rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations?

You're right about Bayer. I've since read up on it and you're right. I only knew their actions in the US and not their sale of old, non-heat treated stock in Japan, etc. I stand corrected.

Explain your comment about the AIDS virus in vaccines being marketed to homosexuals please.
Do you use actual arguments or just deflect? Many of us do not use pesticides at all. You get presented info you don't like so you deflect... if you want I can start about the history of drug companies and all the illegal shit they've done and people they've knowingly killed next... AIDs in vaccines? Oh well, ship it to the homosexuals.

But no surely such moral corporate entities would ever try to protect their interests immorally through lobbying, blackmail and whatever else they can possibly use...

It's not all about you. I was responding to someone else's comment.
The states out west that have allowed marijuana have seen prescription related deaths decrease dramatically, overnight. Alcohol consumption and sales are down in these states. Crime is down because law enforcement can't arrest marijuana users, only real criminals. Now we are treating ptsd with cannabis and having great results. The government allowed the military to be put on the ssri class of drugs, which are known to cause anxiety and increase the risk of suicide. When people do a mass shooting or murder suicide the media can't report the link to ssri drugs because..... they are sponsored by the drug companies who buy commercials on the evening news. Half the kids in this country are being prescribed stimulants to help them "focus". The prescription drug commercials use cartoon characters and subliminal messages to market their poison . Oh yeah, they put out studies saying vitamins don't work, either. Unless they are prescription vitamins like the prenatal vitamins that are marked up a thousand percent. We all know who profits from prohibition.