The 39% that are destroying our country


Well-Known Member
A majority of voters oppose President Donald Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency along the U.S.-Mexico border for the purpose of letting his administration shift money to build the wall Congress refused to fund, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Fewer than four in 10 voters, or 39%, support Trump’s declaration, the poll shows, far fewer than the 51% who oppose it. In fact, the percentage of poll respondents who “strongly oppose” Trump’s decision, 41%, is greater than the combined share of those who “strongly support” (26%) or “somewhat support” (13%) the national emergency declaration.

Most Republicans back Trump’s decision, with 77% in support of the emergency declaration, compared with 18%who oppose it. But majorities of Democrats (81%) and independents (52%) oppose the president’s invoking the emergency provision.

The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll is the second national survey to be released since Trump announced his decision to invoke his national emergency powers to build the wall. The other, conducted by Marist College for NPR and “PBS Newshour,” found support for Trump on the issue at a similar level: 37% among registered voters. But more voters, 60%, disapprove of Trump’s decision. And 58% say he is “misusing his presidential power,” according to the poll.

I don't get it.

Ever since Trump was elected POTUS in 2016, the one thing that could be counted on was that his core base support, that now fluctuates between 34% and 39% of eligible voters in this country (36.7% average), would never abandon him, no matter what lies or crimes committed, proving Trump's declaration during his campaign that he could murder someone in broad daylight in Times Square, and it would have no effect with his supporters, and he was unfortunately right.

So, in America today the Trump minority has the power and control, while the majority are left praying that they can survive the next 1.5 years of Trump without going broke or dying in another mass shooting

What the fuck is up with that?
I know you voted for him in 2016.
Do you still support his actions today?
No, you don't know that. Trump is a known con man. I was not voting for him before the pussy grabbing video. His budget is exploding our national debt and so I'm leaning toward Howard Schultz in 2020, only candidate I know of making our national debt #1 issue.
No, you don't know that. Trump is a known con man. I was not voting for him before the pussy grabbing video. His budget is exploding our national debt and so I'm leaning toward Howard Schultz in 2020, only candidate I know of making our national debt #1 issue.
You celebrated alongside white supremacists on election night and cheered as his deficit murdering tax scam passed you pathological lying lardass
No, you don't know that. Trump is a known con man. I was not voting for him before the pussy grabbing video. His budget is exploding our national debt and so I'm leaning toward Howard Schultz in 2020, only candidate I know of making our national debt #1 issue.
Howard Schultz? You truly are a fucking schmuck. What a moron. Another wealthy sonofabitch with no plans except for preserving or increasing the wealth for a few.
Don't sweat it. Trump is a criminal, all this will be revealed.
It will be revealed, but will the duplicity of the American public in evidently supporting his (their) racist, homophobic, tribal baiting be of any consequence?
This has been going forever in this land of hyped up shit called American Values, wave your fucking flag patriotism, screaming to the World, "WE ARE THE GREATEST"
I really fucking doubt it, because I have physically survived Korea, Viet Nam, Granada, Panama, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Syria so far, places that Americans have given their FUCKING LIVES for, for American values, that under Trump today, have absolutely no value.
What a sad, sad miserable fucking joke America has become.
We used to be loved by most, and now are hated by all (except Israel and Russia, and that's a fucking fact, go figure that out)

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Just for shit's and grin's, who did you vote for?
LOL, I don't remember the guy's name anymore, Constitution Party that wasn't even on the ballot in many states. It was a protest vote, I know little about them except they had 0 chance of winning. I normally vote for someone that has a chance of winning. I was ok with throwing my vote away, no way on Hillary or Trump. Libertarian candidates weren't even good enough for a protest vote.
LOL, I don't remember the guy's name anymore, Constitution Party that wasn't even on the ballot in many states. It was a protest vote, I know little about them except they had 0 chance of winning. I normally vote for someone that has a chance of winning. I was ok with throwing my vote away, no way on Hillary or Trump. Libertarian candidates weren't even good enough for a protest vote.
So, in other words, I'm useless for gaining any really useful input
LOL, I don't remember the guy's name anymore, Constitution Party that wasn't even on the ballot in many states. It was a protest vote, I know little about them except they had 0 chance of winning. I normally vote for someone that has a chance of winning. I was ok with throwing my vote away, no way on Hillary or Trump. Libertarian candidates weren't even good enough for a protest vote.

Translation: I voted for trump.

LOL, I don't remember the guy's name anymore, Constitution Party that wasn't even on the ballot in many states. It was a protest vote, I know little about them except they had 0 chance of winning. I normally vote for someone that has a chance of winning. I was ok with throwing my vote away, no way on Hillary or Trump. Libertarian candidates weren't even good enough for a protest vote.
We all saw you celebrating alongside white supremacists on election night