The Amendment King


Well-Known Member
Despite the fact that the most right-wing Republicans in a generation controlled the House of Representatives between 1994 and 2006, the member who passed the most amendments during that time was not a right-winger like Bob Barr or John Boehner. The amendment king was, instead, Bernie Sanders.

Sanders did something particularly original, which was that he passed amendments that were exclusively progressive, advancing goals such as reducing poverty and helping the environment, and he was able to get bipartisan coalitions of Republicans who wanted to shrink government or hold it accountable and progressives who wanted to use it to empower Americans.

Here are a few examples of the amendments Sanders passed by building unusual but effective coalitions:

  • Corporate Crime Accountability (February 1995): A Sanders amendment to the Victims Justice Act of 1995 required “offenders who are convicted of fraud and other white-collar crimes to give notice to victims and other persons in cases where there are multiple victims eligible to receive restitution.”
  • Saving Money, for Colleges and Taxpayers (April 1998 ): In an amendment to H.R. 6, the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Sanders made a change to the law that allowed the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education to make competitive grants available to colleges and universities that cooperated to reduce costs through joint purchases of goods and services.
  • Holding IRS Accountable, Protecting Pensions (July 2002): Sanders' amendment to the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act of 2003 stopped the IRS from being able to use funds that “violate current pension age discrimination laws.” Although he faced stiff GOP opposition, his amendment still succeeded along a 308 to 121 vote.
  • Expanding Free Health Care (November 2001): You wouldn't think Republicans would agree to an expansion of funds for community health centers, which provide some free services. But Sanders was able to win a $100 million increase in funding with an amendment.
  • Getting Tough On Child Labor (July 2001): A Sanders amendment to the general appropriations bill prohibited the importation of goods made with child labor.
  • Increasing Funding for Heating for the Poor (September 2004): Sanders won a $22 million increase for the low-income home energy assistance program and related weatherization assistance program.
  • Fighting Corporate Welfare and Protecting Against Nuclear Disasters (June 2005): A Sanders amendment brought together a bipartisan coalition that outnumbered a bipartisan coalition on the other side to successfully prohibit the Export-Import Bank from providing loans for nuclear projects in China.
Once Sanders made it to the Senate in 2006, his ability to use amendments to advance a progressive agenda was empowered. Here are some of the amendments he passed in the Senate:

  • Greening the U.S. Government (June 2007): A Sanders amendment made a change to the law so at least 30 percent of the hot water demand in newer federal buildings is provided through solar water heaters.
  • Protecting Our Troops (October 2007): Sanders used an amendment to win $10 million for operation and maintenance of the Army National Guard, which had been stretched thin and overextended by the war in Iraq.
  • Restricting the Bailout to Protect U.S. Workers (February 2009): A Sanders amendment required the banking bailout to utilize stricter H-1B hiring standards to ensure bailout funds weren't used to displace American workers.
  • Helping Veterans' Kids (July 2009): A Sanders amendment required the Comptroller General to put together comprehensive reporting on financial assistance for child care available to parents in the Armed Forces.
  • Exposing Corruption in the Military-Industrial Complex (November 2012): A Sanders amendment required “public availability of the database of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors” – an important step toward transparency that revealed the corruption of the revolving door in action.
  • Support for Treating Autism in Military Health Care: Sanders worked with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) to pass an amendment by a vote of 66-29 ensuring that the military's TRICARE system would be able to treat autism.
Bernie Gets It Done: Sanders' Record of Pushing Through Major Reforms Will Surprise You
summary: Sanders is neato-keeno

How is his bill to repeal Citizen's United doing in the Republican controlled government?

"Justice Democrats" will ensure this stalemate remains in place. Their focus is on unseating Democrats. How many seats do you think they will turn over to Republicans? If I were a right winger, I'd donate to them too.
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Do you understand how DNC collusion damages future elections? Why should anyone support a party or donate their time or money to a rigged political system?
I love it- a whole wall of achievements and all they can think of doing is complain that we aren't supporting their candidates who colluded with business interests and the right to hurt millions of Americans.

Seems a wee bit disingenuous to me, what do you think?
Thanks to Bernard's inflatable movement that popped up out of nowhere and shunted most of the disgruntled left back into the DNC, there is still no viable third party. That and his months of campaigning for Hillary make him probably the biggest tool of the corrupt DNC.
Thanks to Bernard's inflatable movement that popped up out of nowhere and shunted most of the disgruntled left back into the DNC, there is still no viable third party. That and his months of campaigning for Hillary make him probably the biggest tool of the corrupt DNC.
So he's forevermore tainted in your eyes?
The Justice Democrats are tools.
I know you love this guy, but again the message makes sense in spite of the messenger;

The problem isn't just Republicans; it is elitists on both sides who perpetuate the American political oligarchy that refuses to acknowledge, let alone address, the problems the bottom half (and growing) of the country is experiencing.
But they stand for the same positions.
I don't know what to say to somebody who can't discuss reality. I think you will just fall back on your own false beliefs. But here it is.

Yes, we support the same positions. No, I don't support the same solutions. The Justice Democrats push a monolithic party whose candidates must adhere to an long list of litmus tests. It's a case of east and west coast urban liberals using campaign donations to invade the local politics of other areas. This is a kind of moral imperialism and I think it's a foolish, losing proposition.

I also think that the kind of moral imperialism you and Justice Democrats preach is more than likely to extend the rule of Republicans.