This is my very first grow....ever...and i think its starting out pretty well. A buddy has givin me a box full of nutes and a MM book to read but im still not sure what im supposted to do with the nutrients or how to mix each one, or when my plant need them. These are they nutes i got...

PH up/down/ and ph 7 calbration solution
Bat Guano- indonesian 0-13-0 and mexican 10-2-0
neem concentrate
fish emulsion 2-4-.5
liquid life grow 6-0-4
power flower 2-2-5
B. Seaweed .1-.5-1
schultz plant food 10-15-10

these are my babies, there 2 weeks 2 days old since i put then under my 175 MH

PLEASEEE ANYONEEEE what should i give these little girls so they can grow me some dank!!!?????????????


Well-Known Member
the one to the far left look kinda like mine =O
you got the same question as me too haha
from what ive heard you shouldnt give em anything yet. too small man, toooo small :)


New Member
Sounds like your friend gave you some of the basics. There should be some threads on feeding, etc on RIU, if you look. I have not used most of what he gave you. Just read up, and see what you need to add. The plants are really small, so they will not like large doses of any of it, most likely. I am a fan of going out, and just buying a small botanicare vegetative formula, and that with what you have will get you to flowering for the most part. Just make sure to PH balance your water after you add any nutes. Good Luck. Like I said, though, probably some really informative threads on feeding. Seeya.