
Well-Known Member
Fuck it.

This is gonna be a place to discuss backpacking. In all it's dirty, trail trash glory.

Feel free to discuss all things backpacking and hiking, at all levels of experience.

Planned trips, unplanned trips, past trips, favorite trails, least favorite trails, special spots, secret spots. Gear, food, hygiene, training tips, stretches, clothes, recreational activities on the trail. Favorite drugs to do in the wild, favorite recipes for disaster, worst past experiences, most exciting near death experiences...

Yeah, I know, sounds pretty glamourous, doesn't it?

Or, I mean, if you just wanna discuss penis, or vagina, I'm cool with that too. I don't discriminate.

A hiking trail for a day trip? Okay.

Backpacking for a long haul? Nope.

I know some folks who backpack the Appalachian Trail.
Some tales are funny and or interesting. The stories of days without a shower are not so intriguing.
No animated emoticon
We have some good day trails about not quite an hour north of me. I have nothing to compare them too though. So I'm actually not sure if they're good or not. But I spent a bit of my youth up there getting high and tripping balls and they were good for that.

Done a bit of light day hiking in Southwest China too. That was fun.
We have some good day trails about not quite an hour north of me. I have nothing to compare them too though. So I'm actually not sure if they're good or not. But I spent a bit of my youth up there getting high and tripping balls and they were good for that.

Done a bit of light day hiking in Southwest China too. That was fun.
The 68 mile Backbone Trail is within earshot of my backyard, it travels along the ridge tops and through canyons of the Santa Monica mountains.

A pretty cool trail, I hike a portion of it regularly
I do quite a few day trips, weather permitting. There are quite a few options within an hour or so, but I mostly wind up at the various places around the foothills southwest of Denver as those are closest. I always try and take my son along and he gets fidgety on car rides over an hour.

I laugh a bunch at how geared up people get for these day hikes. To each their own, maybe its an exercise thing, but the amount of people with full packs, camping gear, poles to walk a few miles of heavily trafficked trails seems insane. The little 1 mile loop around red rocks is the epitome, bros...there's a restaurant and gift shop right over there, you are not setting out on a major journey.
I do quite a few day trips, weather permitting. There are quite a few options within an hour or so, but I mostly wind up at the various places around the foothills southwest of Denver as those are closest. I always try and take my son along and he gets fidgety on car rides over an hour.

I laugh a bunch at how geared up people get for these day hikes. To each their own, maybe its an exercise thing, but the amount of people with full packs, camping gear, poles to walk a few miles of heavily trafficked trails seems insane. The little 1 mile loop around red rocks is the epitome, bros...there's a restaurant and gift shop right over there, you are not setting out on a major journey.

I agree there's a lot of posers but It's also a way to test out gear so you only bring what works.
Thats a good point I hadn't thought about. I'm still gonna crack up at it though.

You got poles...well...uhhh *reaches around frantically* I got a pocket full of hot wheels cars. Let's have a survival off.
Thats a good point I hadn't thought about. I'm still gonna crack up at it though.

You got poles...well...uhhh *reaches around frantically* I got a pocket full of hot wheels cars. Let's have a survival off.

Throw the cars in front of his feet. See if he can navigate that! LOL I step on kids stuff all day :lol: