The beginning of something beautiful


Ok folks I just started my first grow. I am a medicinal marijuana patient in california and am allowed to grow 6 plants. My sister and cousin are also patients and are my neighbors so I plan to grow the 18 for the 3 of us. I plan to eventually have a perpetual cycle that I can harvest 3 or more plants every month. So far I have 3 plants (Bubba, Blue Dream, and Woody OG) which I wish to become my mother plants however 2 of them (woody and bubba) are from seed and I will need to verify sex first. The Blue Dream is from a dispensary. I have a 13'x8' area I plan to flower in and and area of maybe 8'x4' that I can use to veg/clone. The 2 rooms are not connected so there will be no light leaking. I have decided to go 1000w HPS in flower with supplemental custom built LED panels for the missing spectrum. I already have my 1000w hps light and my base nutes came from cutting edge. I will be getting everything I will need for the cloning in the beginning of may as well as a second reflector for my veg room however I dont feel like I need to go 1000w in veg I may go 400w or 600w.....(feedback please). The mothers will be in soil and anything that gets flowered will be hydro (aero actually). My camera aint the best but I will have plenty of pics.


Thank you very much DSB I have been roaming the forums on here for a a few months and finally decided to make an account and do some posting. There are some great threads here.


Ok today I go in and bubba is looking a bit droopy. She was a little dry so maybe that was the problem. My other guess is that it is transplanting time since it is still in its little home made pot. Ill be putting it in a 3 gallon pot in the next few days.



Finally got a new camera to post some more updates. I am starting to realize that i am making this more difficult than it needs to be. Anyway, I was just almost ready to send the woody and the blue dream into flower when a friend brings me two nice clones, blue dragon, and AK-47. So now since I have only one light and the clones are not ready for flower i am forced to extend the veg period for the larger plants. However I just ordered a 600w hps ballast and am trying to decide whether to go get an HPS bulb or an MH conversion bulb since i am on a budget this month with the intention of this bulb becoming a back up when i get a dual arc. keep in mind i already have a 1000w HPS that i will be using for flowering. Here is a new picture the big ones are all about 18" and totally ready for flowering the little ones are in hydro (i changed the AK over to hydro after this pic was taken because the blue dragon was responding to it so well) and yes i plan on changing to buckets that dont allow light in for algae. Most of this was thrown together last second just to make it work that is why it still needs alot of work
But yeah anybody got input on what type of bulb i should go with for veg so i can flower the big ones?


Ok I guess its time for an update. I changed a few plans and made alot of progress. Split my 8x12 room into two 8x6 rooms and got a 600w dualarc for when my clones are ready for veg. I got the clones under a fluoro until i feel like they are ready for the 600w. I started flower on 5/29 so im on day 11 today. Bubba show his balls before flower so he is now gone. The Woody OG was from seed also but everything on it looks female so far. The AK47 went downhill but the blue dragon is doing amazing in my first hydro attempt. So I am flowering Blue Dream, Woody OG, and Blue Dragon. I wanted to let the dragon get a little bigger before I started flower on them all but someone brought it to my attention that the blue dream would be huge by the time flower was over and it may push my height limit so i rushed it. At the start of flower the blue dream was 31" (12" of which is the pot), if it gets to 63" it will be 15" from my 1000w HPS max height and I was told it may reach that height. I still got a crappy camera so I am sorry about the lines I did my best to shade them.112_3843.jpg112_3849.jpg112_3848.jpg112_3852.JPG112_3856.jpg(the new light, the girls, blue dream, woody og, blue dragon)


Got myself two more clones yesterday.
112_3859.jpg SFV OG
112_3860.jpg NYCD
Guess its time to fire up my veg lamp and turn off the fluoros. Oh and i just saw the thread about not posting i peoples grow journals without being asked to. Everybody can feel free to post in here if they want. I welcome any feedback questions or suggestions. This is still my first grow so I could still use a bit of help.


Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous of you medical states. Can just go to town and pick up clones. While i gotta be all sketchy ordering seeds from europe. Hmph :sad:


Ok folks I got a bit of a problem i need help with. I just noticed that the woody OG looks to be a hermie not positive yet it hasnt completely shown me any balls but i see a claw. So here is the situation, I still want to flower it out and get some feminised woody og seeds cause i am under the impression that is what you get from hermies plus any buds it might produce. I am not using my 600w HPS at the moment and can flower under that but i plan to use that to veg when my clones have taken root in a week or 2 so what I need help with is what kind of lights can i get for cheap that can just flower that one plant and not produce too much heat because my other locations where i can grow would be much less ventilated. I am hoping to spend $40 or less.


Ok here we are days 2 of week 4. Had fruit flies for like 2 weeks then found out they werent fruit flies the were fungus gnats. Ran some H2O2 through both the soil plants and covered the soil to prevent them from breeding further. I think i have eliminated the threat from them. woody is now showing what may turn out to be male flowers so I will be going to the hydro store to pick up some DM Reverse and hope the last few months dont go down the drain. Other than that everything is looking fine and getting hella frosty for the big plants. Once again sorry about the lines I did my best to shade them out.
112_3879.jpgBlue Dragon
112_3883.jpgWoody OG (hermaph)
112_3884.jpg112_3885.jpgBlue Dream
About 5 weeks left


Now for an update on the clones. I was having an issue with fluctuating PH in both buckets and in the bucket the diesel is in i was seeing something that looked like...i dont know spiderwebs or something....and i assume it was fungus I added a small dose of H2O2 to the rez and also ran some through my medium and wiped down the inside of the bucket and netpot with it and this was a few days ago and there is absolutely no sign of it returning yet however i still havent stabilized the PH of the SFV OG and am starting to see the same fungus as the other one had so I am about to clean the OG the same as i did the NYCD and hope that works. The roots are now poking out of the NYCD and it is on its way to having its water level lowered and getting a full veg nute dose. Still no roots yet for the SFV OG but I will have it under control soon.
112_3893.jpgSFV OG
another update next week or when something unexpected happens


ok I repaired my better camera so here are a few better quality pictures. Week 4 Day 4 just watered the two soil plants and changed the blue dragons water. Sprayed woody with the DM reverse and hope it helps. How do they look for their age? Also I dont know what the problem can possibly be with my NYCD clone it has the same exact nutrients at the same exact PH as the SFV OG and the OG is looking great but the NYCD is just droopy as hell. Any Ideas on what I can do to revive it?
101_2207.jpg101_2167.jpgBlue Dream
101_2246.jpg101_2233.jpgWoody OG
101_2218.jpg101_2187.jpg101_2217.jpg Blue Dragon (Whole grow smells like the perfect mix of blueberry and sour diesel because of this one)



HELP PLEASE... I dont know what i can do about this NYCD? Anybody know how I can save this clone before its too late?
101_2270.jpgIt is in the exact same nute mix as this one 101_2269.jpg I hope it isnt already a lost cause. I want this diesel to work out soo badly.


Well Fuck the NYCD it died on me. The SFV is looking good and has roots coming out of the netpot finally and the PH is stable at 5.8. I got 4 new clones yesterday. I got a tangerine dream, a sour diesel, another blue dream since its my favorite and a lemon bubba kush. Unfortunately they all came in dirt and i have to transplant them into hydro but i have already done the bubba and it seems like it likes it just fine. Here are the pics of the clones
101_2542.jpgBlue Dream, Tangerine Dream, Sour Diesel
101_2546.jpgLemon Bubba Kush
101_2548.jpgSFV OG


The big plants are doing great except the woody OG (pictures coming after the lights come on). Either it is just slower in flowering or the hermaph/DM Reverse issue has stunted it but i must say flowers are forming and i dont see any balls. The blue dragon smells SOOOO amazing that if i dont find another dragon clone or seeds before harvest i will attempt to re veg it. I really need help with bloom boosters I have just started the 6th week of 12/12 and I would like to get some kind of bloom boosters or flower enhancers or whatever I already have base nutes from cutting edge and a few botanicare additives (fulvex and cal-mag) and I have also got superthrive and am wondering what kind of stuff people would recommend for either my clones or my flowering plants.


I just use 8ml of Flora Micro per gallon and 16ml of Flora Bloom per gallon with filtered water I get from a water store. When I add the nutes the PH of the water is perfect and I never have to mess with it. I had PH problems when I tried to use tap water. Tap water killed my first hydro plant because the PH was all over the place and it started growing this nasty slimy brown shit.


I just use 8ml of Flora Micro per gallon and 16ml of Flora Bloom per gallon with filtered water I get from a water store. When I add the nutes the PH of the water is perfect and I never have to mess with it. I had PH problems when I tried to use tap water. Tap water killed my first hydro plant because the PH was all over the place and it started growing this nasty slimy brown shit.
yes exactly i noticed that too but havent switched yet. I have just learned how to maintain with tap water. You gotta let the tap water sit so the clorine evaporates and then your waters ph will be more stable. Also for brown slime either get some beneficial microbes or some H2O2.


where i live the water is 1400ppm from the get go and letting it sit out didn't bring it down to 4ppm like the stuff from water mart. filtered water it EZ mode. bongsmilie