The behavior of the right vs the behavior of the left, a study in contrast.


Well-Known Member
I find the reactions of the left and right remarkably telling in this discussion over bombing Syria.

And I have yet to hear anyone comment on it.

During the lead up to Bush's wars the right was united behind him, I heard few if any complaints, few if any detractors, doubters, naysayers, equvocation or contrary arguments. It was "my president right or wrong", it was "of course we must go to war" and the right entertained no dissention.

Now, the left is divided when it comes to support of the president "their" president this time. You find Dems on every side of this issue arguing among themselves, not all of them siding with Obama.

Very different, and to me, indicative of the differences in mindset and mentality between the left and the right. Seems that the right show themselves to be followers where the left does not.


Well-Known Member
It's really pretty simple. The left, or let's say the Democrats, do not walk in lockstep behind President Obama, and never have. They have a tendency to think for themselves. That cult called the Republican party on the other hand, simply follows their leaders blindly, like the drones that they are. That is why there is such a problem in the House. Too many drones that spew the party line, damn the facts.


Well-Known Member
First off, the Democratic party is not the "left". The Democratic party is a center - right party. The Republicans on the other hand are a far right party. It is normal for some dissent within the liberal parties between the progressives and those that lean conservative, so I don't find it that surprising.


Well-Known Member
A different take on the same history.

9/11 happened and the people in general were blood thirsty for revenge. The left/right paradigm and criticism was the media pounding the fact that Bush waited "7 whole fucking minutes" before bombing somebody. "The country is under attack and Bush just sat there for 7 MF minutes!!" I saw the clip of him being told in that kindergarten class over a 100 times easy. Remember that? The country both left and right favored by a wide majority going in and exacting our revenge for the audacity of the attacks on our soil. In the early moments, leaders from BOTH parties (as leaders from both are now as well, hmmm) were busy convincing the public that we are going after OBL and bombing Iraq because.... because they said so, that's why. As a whole the country became cheerleaders in the early years.

After a few years the media and political argument was against the surge, it won't work the left screamed!. Obama runs and says we need to be in Afghanistan, not Iraq and is given credit by hisself and the media for following Bush's plan to get out. The argument in the media then becomes about how many troops to send to Afghanistan because OBL is in Pakistan?

Flash forward to 2 years ago and Assad is killing his people by the 10s of thousands. The right's leadership, most prominently John McCain (who never met a brown person he didn't want to blow up) starts demanding action, the left and the media (redundant?) says no, no more wars, but Assad MUST GO!. A year later gas is suspected of being used by the rebels and Obama makes his now infamous red-line statement (that he didn't really make). Another year and 10s of thousands more deaths and we have videos of dead kids, this is a game changer. Obama must act now against Assad. Only now, Assad doesn't have to go anymore, we just need to lob a few of our own WMD to show who's boss here. Only part of left and the media are on board, we must drop a few bombs. Part of the right wants full scare war. Obama gets the poll numbers a few days later and says to himself, "how can I blame this on the republicans if things go to shit?". He's lauded for his bravery in actually following the constitution.

Yes, there is a difference between the left and right as far as debating how much and where, not whether we should go or not. This one has bi-partisan skepticism and our political leaders are not happy with us right now. The congressional underlings and newbies read the voting writing on the wall and are saying, um, hold up a sec.

Whatever Obama finally decides to do will be criticized from the right and applauded from the left. You can read the bomb syria threads and see the transformation of opinions from the left as Obama's opinion "evolves". It's embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
What radical democrats really want



Ursus marijanus
I find the reactions of the left and right remarkably telling in this discussion over bombing Syria.

And I have yet to hear anyone comment on it.

During the lead up to Bush's wars the right was united behind him, I heard few if any complaints, few if any detractors, doubters, naysayers, equvocation or contrary arguments. It was "my president right or wrong", it was "of course we must go to war" and the right entertained no dissention.

Now, the left is divided when it comes to support of the president "their" president this time. You find Dems on every side of this issue arguing among themselves, not all of them siding with Obama.

Very different, and to me, indicative of the differences in mindset and mentality between the left and the right. Seems that the right show themselves to be followers where the left does not.
I must ask "which Bush?"
I was OK with the Iraq war of '91, primarily because it addressed an obvious international transgression and was prosecuted within the UN framework. That was a real coalition effort.

The wars of the previous decade don't meet those criteria imo, and I saw and see them as a waste of physical and human capital in support of a questionable foreign policy.

I consider myself a centrist, even though i observe myself being somewhat to the right of the center of political gravity in this forum.


Well-Known Member
I must ask "which Bush?"
I was OK with the Iraq war of '91, primarily because it addressed an obvious international transgression and was prosecuted within the UN framework. That was a real coalition effort.

The wars of the previous decade don't meet those criteria imo, and I saw and see them as a waste of physical and human capital in support of a questionable foreign policy.

I consider myself a centrist, even though i observe myself being somewhat to the right of the center of political gravity in this forum.
Total Load of Crap

Hussein asked us for permission and we said we didnt care. We werent suprised by it. The Iraqi troop build up on the Kuwaiti border was reported in the papers. The issue was over Hussein trying to extort money from Kuwait. Senior Bush was a Oilman from Texas, Ex head of the CIA and now on the board of the Carlisle group. The whole Iraq thing was a favor to the Sauds and Bush is reaping the monetary benefits of that request.


Well-Known Member
So Arabs move the chemical weapons from Iraq, to Syria, and then now where they go? The house said its going to take 2 weeks for a vote, so that is plenty of time for Assad to remove trace and tie up loose ends. If the plan is to go after the chemical weapons, then our government proves themselves to be incompetent ;yet again.


Well-Known Member
It's really pretty simple. The left, or let's say the Democrats, do not walk in lockstep behind President Obama, and never have. They have a tendency to think for themselves. That cult called the Republican party on the other hand, simply follows their leaders blindly, like the drones that they are. That is why there is such a problem in the House. Too many drones that spew the party line, damn the facts.
you had me convinced until you mentioned the house, then i remembered how the right is splintering as we speak.


Well-Known Member
you had me convinced until you mentioned the house, then i remembered how the right is splintering as we speak.
quoting myself = automatic cool points.

i should also mention the divide not only between the rend paw; wing and the "traditional" GOP as we know it, but also the full on crack with a wedge driven through it that separates the republican party your dad was part of and the new republican party that is batshit insane for the pure craven purpose of seeing how far they can take it and not get slammed with pies in the face while walking down the street or spat upon by small children and old ladies.

it's ted cruz and michelle bachmann versus john mccain and lindsey graham versus rend paw; and the opossum that sits atop rend paw;'s head.


Well-Known Member
I wonder wtf will happen when the republican party is gone. A far left party?
This country has gone so far main stream, what difference does it really make? Until the media becomes weary of government power once again, there are too many uninformed voters out there.


Well-Known Member
At least with a republican in the white house the media actually does their job with investigative journalism, but with O'bomber in the white house its like a constant effort for people to find the truth and uncover the facts.


Well-Known Member
At least with a republican in the white house the media actually does their job with investigative journalism, but with O'bomber in the white house its like a constant effort for people to find the truth and uncover the facts.
Yeah.. my gfs mother gets all of her news from the tv. Trying to talk with her about politics is hopeless.. I think I'll just move


Well-Known Member
At least with a republican in the white house the media actually does their job with investigative journalism, but with O'bomber in the white house its like a constant effort for people to find the truth and uncover the facts.
well when the GOP resorts to falsifying email quotes in order to support a non-existent fake scandal, it can take a while to figure out who is bullshitting and who is being honest.

see breitbart's racist butchering of shirley sherrod for a great example of more blatant right wing douchebaggery via selective editing.

or james o'keefe and the TRUE "race hucksters" (thanks, KKKynes) over at fox news who ran with his selectively edited deception and even furthered the blatant lie.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Total Load of Crap

Hussein asked us for permission and we said we didnt care. We werent suprised by it. The Iraqi troop build up on the Kuwaiti border was reported in the papers. The issue was over Hussein trying to extort money from Kuwait. Senior Bush was a Oilman from Texas, Ex head of the CIA and now on the board of the Carlisle group. The whole Iraq thing was a favor to the Sauds and Bush is reaping the monetary benefits of that request.
Pure Sophistry.

saddam rattled his saber, bush said "aww no you di'int!" but saddam interpreted these warnings as a green light because he was a MEGALOMANIAC. if onbly Bush Sr's warnings had been just a little Sassier, with just a hint more Flavah then possibly saddam might not have invaded our ally. thats why we should have elected The One 20 years ago.

but then he was a mohammedan, and a "warning" must come from a "Plain Warner" who "Warns" by burning your village to the ground thus proving that his "Warnings" were prophetic.

we get it, when you want to "Warn" musselmen, you need to tie that "Warning" to a cruise missile so that they can understand our "Communication"

your entire line of irrationality is predicated on a series of events that DID NOT HAPPEN AS YOU CLAIM.


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. my gfs mother gets all of her news from the tv. Trying to talk with her about politics is hopeless.. I think I'll just move
Ya. I hear you bro. From way out here in the land of "white privilege" where there are very few white people. If people catered to me just because I'm white, then I would be king of the neighborhood or whatever; because I'm the only white guy here. What Uncle Buck and the media tell me is not the same thing as real world experience. Know what I mean?