The Best Cannabis I have smoked: Mexican Land Race

rtain cultures. Like a know-it-all, who
Excuse me, but your statement sucks. Not trolling you, just being honest. I wouldn't expect a lot from a guy who just scored a random 50$ ounce of swag at the beach, but I think you can do better with your reporting. you bought that crap cos you have low standards, or is it because you're on a quest for mexican sativa seeds?

Ok- I like where you've been trying to go by putting into words your smoke reports from your perspective. Overall, you sound like someone who has very little experience with herb and is just now trying to connect the dots. However your gross generalizations are often absurd. It reminds me how you're ignorant and racist about certain cultures. Like a know-it-all, who still has a lot to learn. Keep trying, but for someone who claims to have such acute senses you come across as being nearly obvious to myriad variables when it comes to herb. What about the entourage effect of thc combinations? What about how the herb was handled at harvest and oxidation? Start taking into account your own unique body chemistry and subjective mindset more and you'll make greater strides in better understanding this medicine.

Why did you move from Prague? You can be honest and tell us you ran out of money or just made the whole thing up. After all, u provided no legit photos of the city. How do we even know you're in Mexico and not in some trailer in West Virginia? Why aren't you going to meet actual farmers down there for seed stock?

You're right, I don't have a pHd in weed smoking like you do, your parents must be really proud, I bet you're an overachiever.
The rest of your comment is just huh? But it's OK, I get it, you're probably fucked up all the time.
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He really hit a nerve there, didn't he?

You seem pretty upset. Tell me qhat troubles you so?

Is the trailer getting to you? Maybe the the pot isnt strong enough?

Idk maybe you should hop in a rubbwr tire pour some kerosene over and have a smoke m8
I've never been an active smoker, I used to smoke a few times per month with my friend in my teens and early twenties, then I quit for 10 years as I would see weed as something recreational such as getting drunk.
You're right, I don't have a pHd in weed smoking like you do, your parents must be really proud, I bet you're an overachiever.
Do you still live with your parents?

Next thing ya know, you'll be callin everyone at a pot site a bunch of burnouts and stoners. You're that guy, right? Lol. But really you have it all wrong. Cannabis is medicine, you just don't understand it. People use cannabis to treat many things, much more than just getting high. I could help your learn, but you first have to accept that you're beginner level and don't know much.

Which exotic location will you be making up stories from this week?
what av these bloady free loading, fat freddy, free wheelin franklin good for nothing finnius freek luvin green fingered guru's ever done for us??? eh

APART FROM, better, cleaner, fuller flavoured, more ballanced, robust, indica to sativa to thc to cbd ratioed compact budded cannabis plants?? :clap: did I&I miss anyting.......kin hippie weed wackers :fire:
I think mixing sativa with indica just fucks it up,

For you. You realize that if 10 different people smoke the same weed they might have 10 different reactions to it?
A lot of sativas make me tired. If I smoke Mexican pot, lol, at noon I will need a nap before 3:00. A lot of indica does not make me tired at all. Blueberry, about 80% indica, is great for me. If I smoke some in the morning by 3:00 I will be completely clear headed. I might even have to think, "Did I smoke today?"

Fucks it up? Nah, you are full of it.

it takes the energy and giggles away and gives you a stone you don't need

That is idiotic. You do not know what I need or want. Shut up.

unless you have cancer or something and all the indoor stuff you grow nowadays has at least 10% of Indica. Fuck that shit, go team sativa!

That is your opinion and it is not universal and it sounds stupid to me.
I like mexican land rice. Never had it in mexico, but mexican food is good in any land.
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yea, just keep "watching"
i figured id take a few pics before flip and then at harvest, for structure and what not..then some bud shots and perhaps smoke report idk.

ill veg for ~a month maybe less, im only gonna have 2,1ks over em, thats all the space i can spare.

based on the brick, smells and bud formation (i mainly grow sativas from central/south america, they dont all look the same to me anymore). i would estimate these to come from a little more south into south america than i was hoping, but i just grabbed any ol brick...and have about a 16-18 week flower. im gonna say not quite cheesey but an astringent dusty body odor and citrus this one an almost lime smell. appears to be crossed with two prominent "strains"

thats what im calling.

lets see how spot on i am ;)