The big bud


Well-Known Member
What is the best system to use to get the biggest yeild from super silver sensi grow sensi bloom big buddha
The one you are most familiar with, the one you have all dialed in. That takes time. So pick one, learn how it and your plants work together, and in a few grows, you may begin to see the potential of the perfect system. For you.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
higher yields can be expected with a hydro systems, and if you want to be as efficient with your light youll want a vertical or stadium grow so no space/lumens are wasted. all depends what you can afford, i prefer outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Smokinrav makes a good point. Choose one method, get dialed in...and the Herb and it's different methods of cultivation will become so much clearer..

Personally I like a Scrog/LST grow...