The Big One

Okay first to start off I'm still a newbie to LSD only around 8 or so trips in the past year since I've started taking it. The first time I took LSD i found out that i must be somewhat tolerant to its effects since my 2 other friends had Out-Of-Body experiences just off of one tab whilst I took 1 and was very level headed and redosed 2 hours in because the effects were not near as intense as my friends were, just slight breathing and color changing. I normally dose between 3-5 hits of LSD now to get my desired effect. This time however, I only had enough money after bills to buy 1 hit and since my girlfriend and her bestfriend were dosing MDMA and walking around the lake i decided what the hell, ill buy one and I'll be in a good talkative mood and walk around the lake with them. This acid was in a Geltab and i'm normally used to blotters so i had no clue what to be expected but this shit was fucking powerful. Here's how the trip went. (No timestamps, i was way too fucked up to tell what time it was.)

Started seeing the world in waves just 30 minutes in and massive euphoria. Soon everything became elongated, I remember looking at my girlfriend whilst sitting on the couch and her legs and arms began to stretch as if she was an alien, i felt her skin and it felt cold and scaley. I promptly let J, and my girlfriend know that I was started to feel the effects so J put some psychedelic mindfuck videos on the TV via Chromecast. and as i was looking at the TV I saw every single color turn into tentacles and come towards me. This didn't scare me so much, but the music on the other hand got super distorted and sounded demonic so I plead to them to turn it off because it was making me feel weird. At this point my girlfriend had to pick up her friend from work, so lets call her L. In this 20 minute span of her going to pick up L I began feeling like god. I sat up, walked to the bathroom took a piss and flipped myself off while looking in the mirror, as to say fuck you world I'm your god now bitch. I turned around walked back to J's room and he turned into the fucking grim reaper, but not in the traditional sense, instead he just grew black horns and a black pointed tail and would not stop staring at me. (Turns out later he was never even looking at me in the first place.) but i could see his face point blank staring at me.

I sat down on the couch and my girlfriend came home with L they both sat down next to me and started talking to each other. I tried my best to conversate with them but things got real weird real fast. L and my girlfriend started talking about something, telling a story more like, talking about a red headed boy who never liked himself, always isolated himself from everyone and all in all was just a negative person and then started talking about how there was a girl, weird and cooky, not everyone liked her but she was always positive about things. I started to realize that the girl and boy they were talking about were me and my girlfriend. they talked about how me and her were complete opposites that had known each other as children because our parents were best friends but when the parents relationship fell so too did the relationship between this boy and girl until many years later when they came back together. They said that the universe brought her to me to make me a better person and they will always find a way back together regardless of the situation or time between romance This felt amazing and it felt like the universe was going to take care of me no matter what but things began getting darker.

They relayed the beginning of our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend and how innocent it was but then they started raising their voices, slowly turning into a yell they talked about how I was so depressed even though everything was laid out right in front of me for me to be happy and they both looked at me and said that throughout everything the universe gave to me i was never happy, I was never grateful, I had never given my girlfriend the attention she deserved and was always negative no matter what the situation. This time the two didn't feel like they were themselves but being controlled by someone bigger and then they told me to look at the TV and as they kept talking what was happening on the TV and what they were talking about were going in sync. They relayed every single fight and every single complication we had ever had and they were basically saying that I was the reason the relationship was starting to fail. And at the end, my girlfriend said she wanted to show me something after saying that she needed her cocoa butter on her new tattoo, so we go into the bathroom and I look into the mirror. Time stopped, there's this red headed girl full of life and a blue haired boy, who has always been down and i realized that life was a continuous cycle looping over and over again from the time me and her were born until the time me and her die. There were distractions set in place and that no matter what we would find each other. But the universe told me that they were tired of life always ending up the same so they put this Acid trip in my wake to show me the truth because they were bored and they were going to destroy everything. As this happened I saw the glass shatter in front of me and time started back again. I asked my girlfriend what she was doing and she said "What". I said I needed to go because this was way too weird for me.

Then time came. L and my girlfriend came to me and asked if I was finally ready to go and if I had leveled off a little bit. I said yes (I was not at all) but i felt like they were leading me to a greater truth and they told me to take the backpack because I'll be needing it (There were waters in case we got thirsty) but i thought it was much bigger than that. We go to my car and my girlfriend and L dose the MDMA and drive to the lake. Once we got there I followed them and they started seeming more godly than i was meant to believe I was. The universe kept saying that it was something bigger (I cant remember what things they said they were) but they were teasing me and calling me stupid for believing that a simple god as my self was actually anything of significance when they are so much bigger than that and they they told me that today was my last day on earth so I began to think. MDMA = 4 letters = Me, Girlfriend, L, and J = the reason I took acid and the girls took MDMA was because WE WERE THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCOLAYPSE. Everything made sense in my head and I knew that the reason it was windy was because the world was going to be nuked and the wind was just from the nuke falling towards Earth. And I was happy.Then the Universe told me that they were kidding about everything and that I was not a god, nor were J, L, or my girlfriend but just people and that was okay, because even though we were so insignificant compared to the masters controlling the universe that because i lived on this planet I was a part of this cosmic entity and that means I'm important and that the universe would never leave us because they loved every single one of us because we are what makes life... LIFE. Then the song "Thumbs" by Sabrina Carpenter started vibrating through my entire body and ringing in my ears then I hear my girlfriend say, " Now are you ready to take Life by the horns and make something of yourself?" I said yes, and we sit on a bench and it felt like the entire trip ended right there. I immediately felt exhausted but loved like everything was going to be alright.

(Side note, there was zero patterns, and still only breathing waves and elongating which quickly ended. These hallucinations were very real looking and every word was in completely fluent English. I asked my girlfriend if anything that happened was real and she said that none of it happened and i was just following them looking super deep in thought and they had no clue how fucked up i was.")

Hope you guys enjoyed my trip report if you have any questions feel free to ask, this was one roller coaster of a trip and one of the most enlightening moments of my life.