The breeding grounds or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2021


Well-Known Member
The first follow-up to my smash outdoor gardening forum hit
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after a 12 year hiatus...

Was out of commission and not growing the last ten+ years as my mother lost the house I used to grow at, and I became a homeless drug addict for the decade.. travelled around the county riding frieght trains and ODing all over the south west, East coast and deep South (New Orleans fentanyl kept killing me when I'd relapse drunk as fuck)..

Eventually made my way back to California after about 5 solid years out east, got a van in quartzite Arizona that barely got me to Slab City in southern California, before it Lew up and then covid happened and I was trapped in the desert homebum tweaker Oasis called SLABS.. started learning concrete and building the diy skatepark in the 80 year old Olympic high diving pool made by the federal government and abandoned for over 60 years before being dug out by tweakers in 2010.. while building the skatepark i got clean off the needle and started growing again.. not very successful due to terrible conditions and the fact I had to steal water from the coachella aquaduct and haul it across the desert rk my camp and garden.. before i could finish the park or the grow season I met my future wife who was laid up in a wheelchair because her BF hit her in the knee with a machete and kept her hostage with a shotgun.. he ended up stabbing Someone ND going to jail for a little bit, long enough for me to take my new van and EDD unemployment money and his hostage GF up to NorCal and visit my friens and family in Redding CA.... Ended up finding a beautiful property in the recently burnt down Berry Creek CA with a year round creek at the back of the property.. unfortunately it's a little more shaded here than I would prefer but I've got a nice big green house with t5 LEDs to supplement lighting and keep my plants in veg while work on my breeding program..

Crossed purple elephant and satori, purple elephant and lavender and a few other crosses on my last grow in 2010 and it gave me a taste for breeding I never got to satisfy and I figure that's the best place to restart my grow mission..

First order.. coming up with a Trainwreck strain that grows well and yeilds big in the hot dry Northern California heat I live with..

I got some Jack wreck seeds from brother Randal at (killer deals on some classic genetics ) and some elite clones and a bunch of freebies and testers I'm going to use at the beginning, hopefully get the atcat e32 cut soon to backcross the jack wrecks to and whatever else I decide to add in..

Some pictures of my new property and my seedlings, will hopefully have a massive photo update the next few days as these photos are months old..

Not very much info on the grow, I know, but I had to get this post started somehow and after a big dab and my wife handing me the phone has led to this incoherent introduction to my thread...


Blake and Mikayla
Hellablaked / [email protected]
Oops, pics didn't load.. guess I tried to put too many. Here's a smaller start:


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