the case study from the bible (jorge's book)

can someone tell me if these guys are just gifted or if the harvest they got was realistic??

they did a SOG with 100 plants first go around with 10 600W lights and got 8 lbs which ended up being .6 grams per watt with heat problems messing with their harvest..

second grow with 400 plants SOG and they got like 25 lbs from 14 600W lights which ends up being like 1.3 grams per watt... now from what I have read this is higher than alot of you guys who claim to be pretty good at this.

any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of factors in every grow and some people just have a green thumb. I know a dude pulled some heavy weight on his first grow and now has had his last two shit out on him. Also with 400 plants a man better get some big yields.


Well-Known Member
grows of that type/size and report have more than face/report value.

translated = this ain't their first rodeo


Sector 5 Moderator
I know one guy that has it so dialed in that he can predict almost to the oz what his harvest will be. He's been doing the same strain, the exact same way for years. He runs like 18 flood and drain tables, 4' x 8', and has experimented with each individual variable to see the results (true scientific control group study). He gets significantly better than 1 gram / watt.