The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
I think (meaning, only imo) the effect of the oil lasts longer. Perhaps doesn't give you as much of an instant hit, but you feel it for hours and it gives you a dopeover for sure. Nice medicinal stuff!

Have a good Sunday Mr Westy crew, I am cycling to IKEA by all accounts, lol....the one in Amsterdam not Sweden thank fuk.

Laters, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
I did grow one of em once tryna, was very pleased with it but i never cloned it so only a one time grow. Now other things take my time up lol, another strain on the to do list at some point


Well-Known Member
if its approved by the cheesy cannaseur himself, i must take cuttings. im also gonna pollinate it with corleone kush(bubba kush x sfv og kush f4) my male is nice. and the blue cheese i have is the stinky cheese pheno, i usually get the berry muffin girl.


Well-Known Member
Ello! How's it bro. Got a couple day's with some time to myself, going to get the next batch re-housed and lined-up. Think its going to be my last till i move so got to decide whether to do a few Big plant's, or keep them trim and fit more in. I'll prob. end up doing a bit of both with a few from seed and unknown stretch.
Cant wait to move and get some extra space for a decent grow area, and get the tent ive been sitting on for about 6 month lmao. I'm just happy to get what ive got out the new strain's and first try at coco.

Hope you all good man

mr west

Well-Known Member
So a dear friend sent me some new stuff to try on my mites and mildew. I gave em all a god soaking jus b4 lights off last night, smells really orangey



mr west

Well-Known Member
yep, thats the plan. Not sure how often i should repeat but ill give em another drenching on Thursday night prolly then well know lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Westy, are you also able to go and find your own place to rent through the council? i.e from a private let? I know in Scotland there are loads of people who are council tennants but are renting in my old dears flats.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah u can but u have to find a nice place that accepts benefit and that's harder now than its ever been, specially with a name like chong