The chronic - is it still alive?


Well-Known Member
The old 90s strain, NL/Skunk X Ak-47 a classic and often unspoken strain. Smoked a bunch back in the day but it seems to be one of those strains that's either lost to time or lost its potency?

Is it another one of those "what's around today ain't the same" strains?
My source had seed from the 90s and we called it the old school funk. It had some fruity batches but the prime ones from him had that skunk pulling thru, sort of loud but sweet, classic smoke!

How many did you grow if you don't mind me asking? From seed or clone? Just curious if you got alot of pheno variation? I know you said 2000 so if recollection isn't there no biggie
I had it back around 2000 also, it was a fast growing plant but had a tendency to herm . I had better strains so I gave it two shots and moved on .

Mine was a cut gifted by a friend so I only knew that particular pheno .
The original was tasty was sweet and kinda fruity not skunky it was loud tho in the way that its pungent but its not skunky imo it was a ok strain its like big bud or critical tho its a cash cropper mainly in its day its not the same now as it once was its one of serious seeds strains that changed like ak also it can be ok smoke but nothing ground breaking ime
It may have just seemed more skunky to me because everything else was pissy brick weed. Would be a good day time smoke, and yea ak47 has never really impressed me...

Was actually reading it was originally skunk1x nl (didn't specify if 1, 2 or 5 on northern lights) so almost like m39 but maybe skunk mom and nl dad...idk or just exactly the same as m39 which oddly enough I find myself wanting to smoke after it being like 20 years....Says later versions were bred to ak47 (probably that watered down ak47 too lol) who knows I guess right

I'd also love to smoke a killer bag of ak47, trainwreck is another I either didn't like or got poor versions of..
I had some chronic x NL#5 a few years ago and holy shit that was some knockout weed! Pretty sure they were freebie seeds from Midweek Song or Seed City from memory.

Edit - the seeds were from Spanish Seeds. They have a few fem crosses using the chronic!
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It may have just seemed more skunky to me because everything else was pissy brick weed. Would be a good day time smoke, and yea ak47 has never really impressed me...

Was actually reading it was originally skunk1x nl (didn't specify if 1, 2 or 5 on northern lights) so almost like m39 but maybe skunk mom and nl dad...idk or just exactly the same as m39 which oddly enough I find myself wanting to smoke after it being like 20 years....Says later versions were bred to ak47 (probably that watered down ak47 too lol) who knows I guess right

I'd also love to smoke a killer bag of ak47, trainwreck is another I either didn't like or got poor versions of..
I think it was nl#1 if im not mistaken and If its before 2000 its the original chances are chronic from serious after the bust was different same with ak trainwrecks good if u get a good one but its a energetic type of high rather than a stone for me so daytime stuff and theres alot of fake cuts plus theres actually more than one strain called trainwreck in cali to add to the confusion back in the day so its worth remembering that too ive smoked a few mexicans but not in brick form only brick weed ive tried was thai stick first then some brick from Africa and the Caribbean but im from Scotland we aint close to mexico or have close ties so yeah that be why lol some mexicans can be good smoke in my experience seems there rarer these days too tho of course
You can pick up Chronic from serious seeds on Seedsherenow at the moment. I was going to grab the AK-47 from serious seeds but now you guys have me second-guessing myself.
You can pick up Chronic from serious seeds on Seedsherenow at the moment. I was going to grab the AK-47 from serious seeds but now you guys have me second-guessing myself.
Ive honestly never had a home run bag of ak47...I feel like it may be lost to time myself or I'm just in the wrong place... if I smoked killer ak47 I sure didn't know it
I kinda remember it being skunky funky and maybe the guy I knew had the original seeds. He had it into the 2000s as well and as others have said it tasted fruity. The last I had it from him it wasn't as funky, more floral with a funky back end. Makes me wonder.

Perhaps he had the original seeds and lost the strain, then maybe reordered it and got the ak47 version? Idk there were years in between where he didn't grow so could be. Need to just go over and talk to him but there is like a 15 to 20 year age gap. I was friends with his kid. But it's legal now and we are both adults so maybe he would discuss it.
I remember my buddy going down into his dad's shit stealing handfuls of bud and he'd usually grab a banded stack of hundreds to party on for the weekend. Really pissed the old man off when he caught on tho.

Waking up on a Saturday after crashing over there with bud stuck to your sock...trash bags full of killer...wild for a young kid in an illegal state to see at a young age. I kept my mouth shut tho.
I remember my buddy going down into his dad's shit stealing handfuls of bud and he'd usually grab a banded stack of hundreds to party on for the weekend. Really pissed the old man off when he caught on tho.

Waking up on a Saturday after crashing over there with bud stuck to your sock...trash bags full of killer...wild for a young kid in an illegal state to see at a young age. I kept my mouth shut tho.
Where im from is still like that you dont tell many folks you grow and it aint legal either
You can pick up Chronic from serious seeds on Seedsherenow at the moment. I was going to grab the AK-47 from serious seeds but now you guys have me second-guessing myself.
Yes u can but its not the same ak i smoked from them when it was big and newer they had a bust and lost some mothers not all there stuffs changed just chronic and ak47 far as i know the rests still pretty much the same serious is a good breeder i aint knocking simon also it can hard be to keep mums forever when you stay in a place your breaking the law to do so its sadly just one of those things it is what it is
The original AK47 is pure fire. My buddy has a clone from pre2000 AK47 and its as good as anything Ive smoked in years. Hes had the clone since 2004. He popped a pack of Pre2000 AK47 he had on tap, and kept the best plant out of the lot. I think he got 8 females, and 7 males. It came with 15 seeds, and they all popped. Should have kept a male or 2, but didnt.

But the cut he has is pure fire. Its got a floral/honeysuckle, cat piss smell to it, that when growing will defeat any carbon filter. You can smell this stuff growing in a basement half a block away. It tastes like anise seed, and honeysuckle, and is extremely expando weed. 1 bud will stink up your whole house. It can also be anxiety, and paranoia inducing in many people. Anyone thats never smoked a killer representative of AK47, is missing out.
Joey weed has the original Pre2000 AK47 genetics, and I just bought 2 packs a bit ago, and am going to buy at least 5 more packs so I make sure I dont lose these genetics. My buddy aso has an AK47 x pre2000 NL5 from Sensi Seeds, that is no less astounding. It also reeks of cat piss, and flowers. They ddint call the original k47 a one hit wonder for nothing. Its extremely hard hitting, and not for the faint of heart.
We eventually want to breed it to the Crickets and Cicada Puck BC3, the Skunk x Puck BC2, and the Shoreline x Puck BC2. The Ak47 we have is heavily on the Sativa end of the spectrum.

This shit will get you busted, or house broken into. If you have neighbors, or people going by, they are gong to smell it. My buddy lives in the country, on top of a hill, with no neighbors for at least 1/2 a mile away.
He also has a real deal, verified Chem91skva clone, and the AK47 gives nothing up to it. Which one is best is a matter of preference. Both will get ya busted in the smell department.

AAK47 has also changed at least 3 times. The original Pre2000 stuff. the stuff from 200- about 2007, and what they have now. Its claimed its the same as it always was, but this simply isnt true. The stuff from 2000-2007 was also great stuff, but not quite on par with the Pre2000, and the stuff they have now is nowhere near either of the other 2.
In the 80s chronic and chron were just another generic name for really good weed. Even when dre went solo he was rapping about good weed ....Not a specific strain nor cut.
Its the euros that copied the name and created the strain years after we called it Chron.
I even had a classmate named Chronicles and she preferred to be called Chronie Baby. In the 80s.
Dre didn't even smoke. He's just an actor . Wasn't gangster but he rapped about the things gangstas wanted to hear.
Written '90
Tracks laid '91
Released '92
