the community box


Active Member
hi guys i just got my equipment and gonna build a box next week starting assembling it and popping seeds tuesday

i got
250w hps
100m³ fan(58cfm~)

the box is my problem
how big should it be for the hps since im limited in height (~40inch max)
what u guys think about a box 24x24x31 i would grow autoflowers or go 12/12 1 week after germinating


Well-Known Member
Why not use all your available height (40")? 24x24" is good for a couple of plants under a 250w.

HPS might take up 9' of vertical space.

to OP scrog them biatches, do one plant and train the hell out of it till that scree in full, then flip and cont training so that the tops of the plants are in a good spot and lollypop the plant. should serve you well

image courtesy of someone else, found on google just seemed it would be a good example

