The controversial Vitamin C grow


Well-Known Member
Well I said that I would so here it goes. I previously started a thread about lowering ph with vitamin c and got mixed reviews about my little experiment. But here it goes I got my seeds to germinate in the solution I made, still no surprise about that part, we will see where this goes from here.


Well-Known Member
this is gonna become another full time job huh lol. I will make some up and post those too. if anyone else has any questions comments suggestions just let me know

p.s. you saw that thread about the kid that stole that plant, really fucked up lucky for him he's not a friend of mine cause i would beat his ass if he was


Well-Known Member
No.. I didn't see that thread. Ripped off someone he knows? :? <sigh> The world has always been, and will always be, a messed up place.


Well-Known Member
Okay here are the picks of my little girls about 36 hours out of the paper towels. They are in peat right now and will be in a soilless mixture of 1/3 peat 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 perlite. The girls where germinated in a paper towel in a sandwich container on top of my fluval, lol that ones for you seamaiden I think me may be the only ones that know, with my vitamin C solution witch was mixed as fallows.

1 gallon water pH 8.1

1 level table spoon Vitamin C crystals from gnc

attached are some pics the one on the far left is actually the biggest now and the one on the far right came up today and shot up an inch. Oh yeah and the graph I'll have more up soon so check back:peace:



Well-Known Member
WOW, so the V-C kept the pH relatively stable for several days before climbing back up.. wow.

Yes, I know what a Fluval is. Lots of people don't like those pumps, but I do. I sold off ALL my aquarium stuff years and years ago, and right now I'm wishing I had at least one of my filters left so I could soften our well water with peat.



Well-Known Member
Well it turned out that i didn't need to do the whole perlite vermiculite deal I was talking with my boss about how i was thinking about starting a flower garden, witch i guess i m lol, and he gave me his old tub and hydroton score. so i got my girls into the tub and they have been nuted for about oh a week now i am using 1/8 strength 2-5-2 root starter and superthrive vitamin and hormone supplement, one of my girls is well ummm very un pc but retarded she was yellow in the middle before i transplanted and her next set of leaves where doing the tango with each other so i decided to just see what it was going to do, sigh. The other girls are doing real good now they're off of 24/0 and on 18/6 getting watered twice a day. If you didn't notice this is going to be a double triple threat grow 1. my first grow:neutral: 2. vitamin c to lower pH:neutral::neutral: 3. cfls:neutral::neutral::neutral: this will be fun though. here are the girls what do you think (i'm going to be adding 4 cfls every week till flower and who knows maybe more lol.



Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, how old are those seedlings?? :shock: :cry: Mine are two weeks old and only JUST getting their second set of "real" leaves. Of course, they're not in a temperature controlled environment, either. Still though... bummage, I suck.


Well-Known Member
They where 9 days old when i took the pictures. WW i really hope that wasn't sarcasm with the whole blowin chunks man and eye rollin deal but who knows. Also I am changing my reservoir every 7 days i figure it can't hurt and i know fresh water is better water


Well-Known Member
Nine days since popping..? At least? Even? Fuck, mine are nowhere NEARLY that big or developed. :| Gawddammit.


Well-Known Member
Well I got a few more lights for my little girls cause what i had just wsan't cutting it any more. I had some major pH issues when i went out of town the other day and my wife was left in charge, note to self never again lol, so i had to do some trimming and they are still recovering but all of my new growth seems to be healthy for the most part. lets see they're just under three weeks from seed pop. Oh yeah almost forgot hey have been taken off of the root starter and have been put on schultz acid loving plants at 1/4 streangth let me know what you guys are thinkin
So sad to see your outta town seamaiden since your my only fan and all have fun hope your babies do well while momma's gone and hope to hear from you soon



Active Member
ThatGuy1985 said:
So sad to see your outta town seamaiden since your my only fan
no, i think i am gonna follow this one as well so its not just you and sea :)
I read your other thread regarding the VC and was intrigued. i am glad you decided to put it to the test. I am really curious how this is gonna develope.


Well-Known Member
My girls where very sick and i finally decided to take a little bit of the advice of my fellow riu junkies, no i didn't go to conventional ph lowering methods, i reduced my watering from 2xs for 15 min to 1x for 15 min. I also got rid of the schultz nutes after reading about how the nitrogen in it may be water soluble it cannot be absorbed in a hydroponic system (i actually wrote the company an e-mail asking lol) so now i have "real" nutes i am using sensi grow a b. Also i stimulated the economy (thanks president bush you cock sucker) and got a "real" ph meter instead of reading litmus paper. Oh my god i don't know why the hell i didn't do it sooner it is way way easier and there is no umm is that yellow green yellow or red yellow. here is the pic that made me decide to pull my head out of my ass and reduce the variables on my little project.



Well-Known Member
Hey I was just screwing around with the graphics meant no disrespect!
I kinda figured ya didn't most that smoke the pipe aren't the ones to be quick with the judgment and jabs, but I figured I would cover my bases :eyesmoke: thanks for the positive words:peace:


Well-Known Member
I am ready to jump out of my pants and run around the house I have a little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 month in still under 18/6 with sensi grow at lowest streangth (going to step it up tomorrow) and superthrive


Well-Known Member
Ha I got so excited I forgot that this was my grow journal lol here are the pics of my little ones the one on the left is the girl. I am so glad that i switched nutes the explosive growth that I have had in the past 3 or four days has just boggled my mind here are the pics. you can still see the damage from my novice growing but i think they are gonna pull through


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