The DIY light build, Bucket Company buckets , Jack's nutes, plus CO2 is like getting a gas pedal for your grow.


Well-Known Member
I hooked up my new Pacific Light Concepts DIY build & a new set of Bucket Company buckets & switched to Jack's 321.

It was time to see what the seedlings could do so I jacked up the lights to 30,000 lux, gave 'em a good feed of Jack's with bennies, & smothered them with CO2 in a light breeze The sudden growth is amazing. It gives you a feeling of control. I could hear mother nature snickering after I wrote that. :|

This system was my Xmas present & it has sure made life easier. I'm using a little Nova Tec aquarium chiller in my res as well with a string of far red Buddies lights ready to go for the flip.



This spaghetti mess will be tided up.


The exhaust fan & filter is all that remains.
Those lights look awesome sir, well done. Curious about how you are going to use the buddies though, you putting them up top with the strips or going to use them as side lighting?

Wish you the best with your grow though.
Thanks. The Buddies will go over the top. I just finished the plug connection yesterday so I'll probably try to place them this weekend. They come with sticky back tape but there is no place to stick them on that light so I'll have to space them in between and use baling wire to keep them pointed in the right direction.

The good people at Grow Lights Australia also gave me some blues to play with due to a payment processing problem. GLA has been great. Very helpful. Ditto with the company where I bought the drivers, TRC Electronics. Both have gone to extraordinary lengths for my tiny little order.

I have doubts that the blues will have much effect. I think Dr. Bugbee of Utah State has a team experimenting with blue lights right now but I understand many plants don't respond to them. I'm looking forward to seeing their results.
Use of Co2 in veg is NOT cost effective at any scale.
Use of Co2 in BLOOM? Is by far - in smaller operations. At my scale? it's not actually worth the time and $ spent..

Use of Co2 in veg gets stretched out branching with less then desirable node spacing....