The Doctor and Bubblegum


Hey RIU! It's been a while but I'm finally able to grow again now that I'm out of the army. I'm starting with two strains for now 1 green house seeds The Doctor and 1 freebie Bubblegum. I'll probably get a few more going down the road but for now I'm gonna go with the two. Just started germing them about an hour ago I'll upload some pics later.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations my brother I am recently out of the army myself. Good luck with the grow and if you need any tips or help to shake some of that rust of give me a P.M.


So the girls are finally in the ground and are doing well both have sprouted and look healthy. unfortunately I don't have pics for you because I need to get a new camera but as soon as I do I will upload some.


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well here they are as promised we had to make a makeshift setup for the seedlings until we move next month the two cups belong to a friend they are Blue Widow and White Widow the seedlings in the egg cartons are The Doctor and Bubblegum. Also I've decided to start a critical jack auto next week so I can have something to hold me over until harvest.


so change of plans I'm buying a tent this weekend along with some t5's and i'm going to start a new grow. as for the doctor and the bubblegum plants i'm going to take those out to a friend's and he's going to mother them and clone them.