The Easiest Way To Grow Shrooms - 100% Brown Rice Tek

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Posted on Wednesday, October 31, 2001 - 07:26 pm:
Original 9er Tek Substrate Page

Recounted & Experienced

Cook Whole Grain Brown Rice according to the package directions, but reduce the water by 25% and leave out the salt, butter/margerine/oil whatever: all you want to do is cook one measure of rice in 1-1/2 measures of fresh water.

Simmer covered with the lowest possible heat and do not overcook. When the cooking time is over (30-50 min usually) turn off the heat and let sit covered in the pot for 30-45 min to cool some. Cook Slowly

Once it has cooled some remove the cover, fluff and mix the rice with a fork.

Scoop the rice out into jars with a large serving spoon. DO NOT PACK! You want the rice to be loose, fluffy, and very porus in the jars. Packing the rice down will mess things up. Don't get a bottom heavy jar like Breeze in Foil Covers...
Sterilize the jars in the PC for 30 minutes


You can make up 1/2 pint, pint, even quart jars with this Tek pretty much like PF jars, that is you can cover the top with Verm and Shoot Spores or Liquid Mycelia (Honey/Dextrose) through the holes. Leave the Foil Covers on during Incubation.

Colonized rice cakes should be cased in something like 50/50 casing with plenty of Lime added. Cakes should not be treated like PF cakes in that if you place them in a fruiting chamber with a double-end casing the cakes have a higher rate of contamination (probably because the cakes are 100% rice)... Your mileage may vary.

Wide Mouth Quarts can be made up with this Tek. The colonized quart jars of rice can be broken up and used to make up Cased Beds. This is a good Tek for producing bulk quantities of substrate. It need not use verm and there is a minimum of mixing and measuring.

Cooking Rice in the jar works (as is done in other Grain Teks) IF you shake like the devil when the jars are still hot as hell coming out of the PC... Pre-cooked rice does not need shaking, you can fill the jar up to the ring line. Jars that do require shaking (such as Teks where grain is cooked in the jar) should not be over 2/3 full after sterilization.

And we all know that the more jars are handled the higher the contam rate. Cooking the rice first, fluffing it, then loosely packing jars works _much_ better.

With a Polyfill Lid you can tip the jar and squirt the needle right where substrate meets glass... Tip the jar up and inoculum trickles down the side and percolates through the rice. Inject as you roll the jar. Use about 5-6 cc's of fresh clean Dextrose per Quart jar, then roll and shake the jar to spread inoculum. It'll colonize faster than cakes. You want to hit the glass right above the substrate, then tip the jar up and shake gently to work the inoculum around. Liquid inoculum will not absorb on whole grain substrates as on PF substrate, the inoculum will cover a great deal of area (and volume) if it is applied properly; it goes twice as far.

A Polyfill lid substitutes for the verm layer in the top of the jar. But you can use an old PF lid by simply packing down some polyfill in place of the verm barrier. Even with an old PF lid you can cook up a completely vermless cake