I set out to show that both sides had similar views on most things. I'd like to take it a step further and say that they're nearly identical. Behind on close doors they actually agree on more than they would have us believe. Unfortunately, compiling evidence of this is a daunting task.
But take Paul Ryan and Barack Obama. They're presented to us as polar opposites. On national security (patriot act, NDAA, TSA) and Foreign Policy they're identical. How about on economics? Wikileaks released some emails and memos on Ryan
http://www.salon.com/2012/08/13/wikileaks_paul_ryan_exposure/ that show that in private he actually favors the gov't and fed injecting liquidity into the system. He specifically points to the importance of QE1 and QE2 to prevent deflation although in public he claims it will cause inflation. This position is shared by Obama. How about the Stimulus. This was meant to inject liquidity into the system, so does he really approve of that? According to these letters he wrote, he does:
Unfortunately i can't connect the dots on every level. I suspect much is hidden behind closed doors. Now that political season is in full swing and supporters from each side spend time ripping each other new assholes, I suggest you consider for a moment that you're each arguing for the same thing just spun a little differently.