The fine art of low temp dabbing. Getting the best hit and never buying another banger again.


Well-Known Member
This post is written for complete noobs and more seasoned dabbers alike. If some of this stuff is obvious to you please keep that in mind.

I’ve been chasing the best low temp setup for ever. Nothing is nastier to me than a dirty banger. You know the kind I mean. Who the fuck wants to take a dab off of this?


Wouldn’t you rather do a dab out of this bucket?

The first one is probably how most people’s buckets look after a few grams go through them. It’s what every bucket will look like eventually without the proper care, and it doesn’t have to be that way. If you keep your bucket spotless your dabs will just go better all the way. Your wax won’t get wasted and every rip will taste wonderful.

The first thing you need is a good directional carb cap. I am not here promoting MJarsenal products and I’m not getting anything from them for making this post. I just think they make killer products at a great price. The directional carb cap will not only allow you to pull a vacuum in your bucket — which lets your dab vaporize at a lower temp, but it also allows you to point the airflow directly into your pool of wax for more efficient and complete vaporization

You don’t want to get your bucket too hot. It should never glow red. I just count to 10, drop my dab in, and place the cap on immediately. All the good stuff will vaporize, and if you did it right there will be a little left over in the bucket, kind of like what’s left over after a fractional distillation run. This stuff should wipe right out with a q-tip and no further cleaning should be required. Here’s another sweet product from MJarsenal that really helps by keeping your iso and q-tips handy. If anything gets baked on and doesn’t wipe right out, first clean the bucket out with iso, and use vinegar and gentle heat to remove any stubborn spots


Now your bucket is sparkly clean, so you can taste more of this,

And less of this.
Dammit, I can’t edit the OP anymore. I just wanted to add one last point.

Before I figured all this out, I was getting frustrated to the point I was considering dropping hundreds on an e-nail. I almost pulled the trigger on one a couple times but I could never bring myself to do it. I hate spending a lot of money on accessories, and I was just sure I could figure out how to get super clean dabs with a torch.

The two most important things are the carb cap and cleaning your bucket after every dab. There’s nothing quite like that first rip off a brand new banger, and if you follow these steps you’ll get that brand new banger hit with every single dab.
what temp is optimal 4 your bucket to be when u drop in the dab?

You know I’ve never been able to measure it, but I did just order a laser thermometer and this is one of the reasons why. I heat the bucket for maybe 5 seconds at full blast. Just long enough for anything that might be left in the bucket to form a little wisp of vapor. Then I immediately drop the dab in and put the carb cap on as soon as it has melted off my tool. In my experience it’s better to err on the side of caution. A two second reheat with the carb cap on while you’re inhaling is enough to get all the good stuff, and it won’t cook the lipids that burn into gunk and ruin the taste so you can still just wipe those out with a dry q-tip. As soon as the laser thermometer comes in I’ll temp the bucket and post it, because I could see this info being useful for anyone with an e-nail. I don’t need one now that I’ve figured out how to do it with the torch.

Low temp dabbing is a lot like fractional distillation except the distillate never gets condensed. You want to vaporize out all the terps and cannabinoids and leave the lipids and waxes in the bucket. Using the carb cap to pull a vacuum works in a similar fashion to the cold trap and vacuum pump on a short path, which lowers the boiling point of everything.
Great thread.

I used the timer on my cell until I found this. Much more convient, especially if you're having a sesh with friends and using more than one rig.


Once you've gotten familiar with your bangers, its easy to get that perfect low temp terpy dab every time.
20190710_112251 (2).jpg

And as Terra stated, carp caps are key. The terp balls help too.
Fresh Frozen Blueberry Shortcake above and below.

I also bought a FingerBanger. They work amazing for cold starts. Some of the best terps vaporize off early even at very low temps. I've found using a deeper banger allows you to capture all of the terps. They make one called the Cock banger too. (dont look at me, I didnt name them, lol)