The forbidden fruit!


Active Member
Wow this bud looks amazing.
i was hoping to hear from anyone with experience with this strain. and where did you get it?
its also known as le fruit defendu.
please let me hear your story. i can only find these seeds for 110 euros which is somthing like 150 us. unfortunatly unaffordable for me :( and i didnt see them in any other online shop. pics from your grow would be great too
cheers :)


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I just ordered 10 feminised from worldwide seed Co. It will be a while before I see any action but it looked quite titilating to me enough to drop 5 bills on that and three other strains. White widow, Waikiki queen, and master kush X northern lights. I love kushes and whiteys.
definatly make a journal and send me a PM i wanna see how they turn out.
i dont quite have the cash to find out for myself
:fire:I have started growing Le Fruit Defendu mostly because it looked yummy and said it was easy to grow.

This is my first grow and so it is quite likely I am the dumbest MF because I essentially wrecked 3 seedlings to get to where I am at today and yes, they were expensive.

First 3 seeds I didnt let germinate fully so only 2 kept after I planted. Then on transplant I had trouble getting them out of the pots and bent the stems and lost one early but was able to use rooting powder to get the other to re-root. Then I started 2 more and one of the seeds, well germinated, fell out of my paper towel onto the hard ground when I opened it and then didnt grow. So these two beauties are about 10 days apart. So far they are growing nicely . I think I will post again under a journal with details. I would love feedback on what to do next so check me out there. CIMG1051.jpgCIMG1052.jpg