...I got in a rare fight with my GF ( 16 years now)...anyways, she left pissed and I got paranoind because I was 12 plants over my limit, just for a few weeks untill harvest,...but long story short,I was paranoid,drunk on Jager, and pulled all my veg plants and tosssed um...I know, very imature assface move to be over my limit ond even stupider to thrash 16 haelthy beautifull plants...please don't beat me up over it in mean post, trust me I learned...and paid...and now am buying shit top dollar at a dispensary while playing catch-up...just thought I'd share...and again, I'm not a dumbass, I just had a vary rare blowout with the wife that weekend and lost it...
....damn Jager and my Kid Rock cd's contributited to the madness...oh well, see ya have a stony night