the ganj lifestyle


Well-Known Member
So we all love the ganj here but in real life we gotta keep it low key usually. But whenever we find one of us its like we're part of a family of sorts. Unless the guy is a total wierdo its cool meeting other people who are down for the budda. Herb is in a class of its own, chemically its safer than asprin and has one of the lowest addiction potentials. We are all hoping its legal so we won't have to feel like criminals but in the meantime the torch bearers of truth will carry the flame until justice is achieved. We all grin when we heard a newsarticle about weed. We all browse the bud porn in high times and we're always out back burning at parties. I love you guys, just try to keep it legal and moral everywhere else. Haha, I'm a lil baked so that's my rant.


i totally feel where you are coming from. i just recently moved to a new apartment complex and to my delight i came across cannabis toker { inside joke}. i can not even begin to explain the feeling i felt. it was like being apart of a family and you'll always adding to it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah i get ya man, im bang into my fishing this year and when i go & see other ppl skinning up when i walk past it just makes me feel good!


Well-Known Member
I love finding another smoker. I have literally smoked with all kinds, a bum, a Mayor, students, drop-outs, rich, poor, all colors of the spectrum. Just talking, telling stories and sharing laughs.

I don't know of anything else that brings people together like that.


Well-Known Member
Haha, you guys feel me then. I have a toking friend who's had kinda a distant relationship with his brother, they were just kinda different people. Well my friend came to find out his brother had been growing for years and my friend had never known. They didn't know each other smoked but since they found out their relationship has really blossomed and talk almost everyday now. All of us are keeping the movement going everyday by doing what we're doing. Its an awesome feeling seeing other people who are like minded.


Well-Known Member
i am a rasta when u look at i u see a yellow african with big dreadlocks unshaved face ect i theres nuthing i would want to hide about my ishen smoking jah praising shaman voodoo rightous life i love it ....


Well-Known Member
i feel bad for the shiny shoe wearing suit the ones who arent living there like coorporate puppets,,hahahah


Active Member
i feel bad for the shiny shoe wearing suit the ones who arent living there like coorporate puppets,,hahahah
You'd be really surprised who lights up after their 9-5, actually. I'm trying to get a job at a hospital, so I'm sure if I worked there, people would never guess. That's how I like it though.