The government we have sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Nice government we have.
Just watched tv for an hour.
One ad after another for....
Lottery sales
Beer sales
Casino visits
Gambling vacations
liquor store promo's
the modernization of alcohol sales...??? ya no one can find the stuff can they?
payday loans
Alcohol and drug counselling.
Mental illness information
Promotions for events centered around alcohol.
Madd ads warning death if you drink
Arrive alive commercials.
Commercials showing folks yucking it up boozing it up.
Ads showing dead people who drank and drove
Boating ads telling me if I drink and boat i'm impaired too.
Family abuse counselling ads.
Neglected children ads.
Al Anon ads

What did I miss there? Did i miss anything. Bet I did.

too funny...right after the story on making booze more available the next story is about how many more visits to the ER we have been seeing from alcohol related problems. They increased 6-7% a year for booze related issues. More Woman needing services for booze troubles increased by 86% from 2003-2016. Seems the ladies are pissed.
Anyway...wonder why we have alcohol problems. I don't!
Maybe stop promoting it quite so much.
Other ads make it seems like it's more fun than a barrel of hookers. Then on the next ad it's killing people.
Fuck do we have some really stupid folks on this planet......leading and following.
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What really bugs me is the make more booze available initiative is a chamber of commerce driven plan. It's simply the folks who already make a killing..haha..get it...on booze just wanting more money.
They don't care who it kills or hurts. As long as they make more money.
Imagine these assholes looking down their noses at us weed lovers for the last 65 years.
I'm cranky.
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Don't eat that yellow snow?
Looks like a Telefunken U-47.

Stuck to seat..............pardon face.
theyARE gross and perverted
their obsessed 'n deranged
they have existed for years
But very little has changed
there the tool of the Government
And industry too
For they think their are destined to rule
And regulate you
they may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
they make you think their delicious
With the stuff that they say
they are "not" the best you can get
Have you guessed them yet?

Well I was thinking more about the verse that is the LP mantra.

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold
Well I was thinking more about the verse that is the LP mantra.

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don't need you
Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

It's like he knew eh?
Nice government we have.
Just watched tv for an hour.
One ad after another for....
Lottery sales
Beer sales
Casino visits
Gambling vacations
liquor store promo's
the modernization of alcohol sales...??? ya no one can find the stuff can they?
payday loans
Alcohol and drug counselling.
Mental illness information
Promotions for events centered around alcohol.
Madd ads warning death if you drink
Arrive alive commercials.
Commercials showing folks yucking it up boozing it up.
Ads showing dead people who drank and drove
Boating ads telling me if I drink and boat i'm impaired too.
Family abuse counselling ads.
Neglected children ads.
Al Anon ads

What did I miss there? Did i miss anything. Bet I did.

too funny...right after the story on making booze more available the next story is about how many more visits to the ER we have been seeing from alcohol related problems. They increased 6-7% a year for booze related issues. More Woman needing services for booze troubles increased by 86% from 2003-2016. Seems the ladies are pissed.
Anyway...wonder why we have alcohol problems. I don't!
Maybe stop promoting it quite so much.
Other ads make it seems like it's more fun than a barrel of hookers. Then on the next ad it's killing people.
Fuck do we have some really stupid folks on this planet......leading and following.

As an American let me just say "WANNA SWAP"?
We do love to complain, but we are far far better off than 90% of the population of this planet. No matter WHO governs, or WHAT Party is in charge, there will always be a large number of people who feel ostracized, and will blame those in charge for everything that is wrong in the world.

I for one applaud this government for legalizing pot. Did they do a perfect job? Hell no, not even close... but it's a start... Had the conservatives won, this would not have happened, but it did, and we can't go back, only forward...

In a few years, things will relax, pot will be just like booze (as a recreational drug), the laws will have been challenged and fixed... Perhaps we'll even have that apology....

The option? Wait for the conservatives to decide to legalize, and still have to go through all this, except their laws would likely be even stricter to start with, and we could have to wait years for them to even consider legalization... decades maybe....

So, I don't believe "the government we have sucks", I believe all governments suck, but ours less so than most others...

So, "The government we have sucks less than most but more than we'd like..." :)
Trade the orange thing ten times over for Trudeau! Throw in Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Jim Jordan, Ingram, The turtle, Lapierre, Koch bros, Pence, Fox and Friends and all the other fascist freaks.
You can have Jim Bakker, Paula White, Falwell the second, Perry Stone, Copeland, Robert Jeffress, Mark Taylor and all the other frauds that have a new Lord.