The greatest invention to stoners without a piece?


In my opinion i believe tin foil to be the greatest invention when trying to Macgyver a way to smoke your herbs. I mean come on it doesn't melt you can bend it to your desired shape it can be very durable and can be crumbled into a tiny little ball for enjoyment or in the need to hide your stuff not to mention the trick you can play on your munched out friends by telling them how awesome it is to chew when you're stoned. Whether you agree or disagree post what you think. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
indeed it's not. ingesting trace amounts of alluminum has been linked with contracting alzheimers. thats why deoderants have to list alluminum as an active ingredient. not too say i haven't toked on my fair share of foily bowls. haha my second bes invention would be plastic graduated cylinders from lab. you can McGuyver up a nice ass bong with a piece of a windchime as a stem an a ghetto slide made from a pen with a socket jammed on top. hahaha man those were the days


Active Member
The greatest invention to stoners without a piece would have to be imagination.

Necessity is the mother of all inventions.


Well-Known Member
+1 for imagination!

FYI aluminum will melt. I melted a sheet onto the top of someone else's stove. Was heating up a hookah coal and didn't want it to mess up the glass top. Placed a small piece on top to help protect the stove top and about 5 minutes later it was fused nicely to the stove. Tried to scrape it off with a knife but it welded itself onto it. Had to use a knife sharpener to get the edge back...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Apples are way better then tinfoil, that shit is hella gross..... I mean dont get me wrong i would use it in dyer circumstances but id preffer anything over tinfoil or a can.


ok so ive heard about the apple just never seen it made...

im thinkin pull the apple stem off use the divit as a bowl shove sumthin down the center and then shove sumthin down the side to connect to the center and there you go?

or is it simpler than that?


while i agree it can be benificial, im prolly gonna regret how fuckin sick I get when i'm like 70 from my fair share of usin tinfoil for homemade hookas and shit when I was a teenager.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
ok so ive heard about the apple just never seen it made...

im thinkin pull the apple stem off use the divit as a bowl shove sumthin down the center and then shove sumthin down the side to connect to the center and there you go?

or is it simpler than that?
Cut one vertical sliver and one horizontal sliver out... carve a little bowl area at the top and suck through the horizontal area... all you need is a knife or something to cut into the apple.


Apples are way better then tinfoil, that shit is hella gross..... I mean dont get me wrong i would use it in dyer circumstances but id preffer anything over tinfoil or a can.
the apple tastes so fuckin good..

and gets me just as :eyesmoke:as any other pipe


Cut one vertical sliver and one horizontal sliver out... carve a little bowl area at the top and suck through the horizontal area... all you need is a knife or something to cut into the apple.
Anytime id toke with my buddy when he was too low on cash to buy a piece he'd offer to make an apple, which I agree cuz they're tight to toke out of.
Whats weird was he always carved a choke into his, I never did that when I made them. does anyone else do that?