If cannabis didn't have the power of alcohol or tobacco, then millions wouldn't be spent ever year to brainwash the sheeple and keep it that way.
Alcohol has
not had even close to 100 years in a minimum regulation enviroment. Prohibition on it wasn't even repealed until 1933.
And I think Big Pharm has more than a small stake in this matter, whereas alcohol's major contenders were small splinter family and church groups with little to no money to throw at it's prohibition.
I don't think people should go around telling everyone to demolish all the churches since there are about a 5 to 10 on some roads. Or destroy the trees since they don't like looking at them.
Maybe the answer is to just take all these businesses and segregate them all into one area like the ghetto. I am sure that will keep crime down, and allow a safe environment to purchase medicine.