The Idealisticc Drug Dealer (Fiction Based Of Course....)


Well-Known Member
You stand the block... have a few pesos in your pocket and expect something large in return. Or is it in the rat standing behind you with the infused gun telling you hand it over or your face is a nice pack of frost flakes! These situations play out.... whether in real life or some millk made movie. Drugs are a part of us we can never avoid much like money and food. Its necesary much like the water we sip live without meds is much like living without proper food.

But what comes down to the intuition of the drug dealer...he is shady in nature, does he log it, short it.... does he have an evil eye when he exchanges his stuff. THis is are life for many. We don't meet a pharmacist or some kind of erowid megaman that knows this drifts. Bare necessities are barron on the table..... some powder, weed, or some blotter confornts us... if were cool with him then we take his charitables and exchange money like Monopoly in thid world country curreriences.

We look. Observe, and look back him. He shifts his nose back and fourth and demands its the best his seen on the street since Rotterdan hit rock bottom! At 2am. what ideas are to stream into are head..... can we be innovative and reject the deal and barter a system, I highly think so.

THe Ideal drug dealer is far from scope.... do you think?

I need a cigar, break for It!

Answer if you're in need ;)
Ever got held up or shorten to the point of feeling embarrassed? This type of dealing makes drug dealing a bad thing in the first place. It gives it a bad reputation. Every business transactiion can turn ugly for the greed of the greens... and people have to understand that!
Yea this one time I got totally stiffed on a mescaline barter. What a cruel fellow. Haha just playing :bigjoint:

I've met some very shady people buying weed, from multiple random kids at skateparks selling their parents pills to the tattoo faced people outside the convience store with dope. Luckily I have never been robbed but for sure have been ripped off/shorted. Usually nothing to get that upset about, and I'd usually get hooked up if I called them on it.

I did get ripped off a few years ago when buying some in bulk. Went with someone I never used before because I couldn't find elsewhere. I got half the weight I payed for and there wasn't much I could do. The weed was actually very high quality compared to what I was used to at the time and was probably worth the extra cash, I was just too inexperienced to know it. Luckliy now I have a close friend with great deals and don't have to deal with as many sketchy people. :weed:
Ever got held up or shorten to the point of feeling embarrassed? This type of dealing makes drug dealing a bad thing in the first place. It gives it a bad reputation. Every business transactiion can turn ugly for the greed of the greens... and people have to understand that!

I got played when I was 14 for some "white widow". My "friend" gave me my cut that was wet ass weed that smelled like soap.
make way...AVMs coming through...

i was shortened by this lil ghetto troll and saw him six mos later while in jail. he was beaten lol stomped in the corner over 50. ill never forgive/forget the shillers and scammers. im a man of my word and expect the same in return!!! KEEP IT REAL, and they keep coming back!
Got scammed as a kid. Went to the streets of downtown and found a fellow. He acted totally sketched out the whole time, looking around like cops were everywhere. Showed us the bag then told us to meet him elsewhere later. We met later on a different street, junkie still acting sketched. "Don't look at the bag!" Okay... Feels fine... Whatever.

Dude leaves, we look at the bag. "Mother fucker!" Fucking yarn wrapped in cellophane!

We see him later. "Hey!" He bolts and we chase after him. Fucking ninja ass crack-head disappears into thin air.
Freshman year, wanted to try weed for the first time but didn't know who to call. Got a dudes number from a friend. Meet up with this kid who went to my school but I didn't know down the road from my house. Opens his truck window, I hand him 40 bucks he hands me a bag of oregano. Speeds off before I even realize it. A few years later, I get a call from a guy who got my number from a friend looking to buy a bag. I go to meet up with him, turns out to be the same dude that ripped me off. I ask if he remembers, he apologizes and I sell him a fat sack of white widow. Forgive and forget.
Freshman year, wanted to try weed for the first time but didn't know who to call. Got a dudes number from a friend. Meet up with this kid who went to my school but I didn't know down the road from my house. Opens his truck window, I hand him 40 bucks he hands me a bag of oregano. Speeds off before I even realize it. A few years later, I get a call from a guy who got my number from a friend looking to buy a bag. I go to meet up with him, turns out to be the same dude that ripped me off. I ask if he remembers, he apologizes and I sell him a fat sack of white widow. Forgive and forget.

better man then me
Aaah man, how I have dreamt...

The idealistic drug dealer for me would be a person who considers his customers top priority, doesn't lie about the quality of the product, always tests it himself before he supplies anyone else with a reagent test, and has some personal experience with the substances he's selling. It would also be really nice if this guy delivered. It's a plus if he's got a cool attitude about it, what I find pretty common in most drug deals is I don't really know the person and it's a little awkward at times.. not a huge deal, but it'd be nice to maybe smoke a bowl with the connect sometimes, or at least be on "that level" with them to where it would be cool if you offered or if they did.
Ah simple typo.... we all know what you meant :lol:

Going into chemistry. Let me guess.... Organic right?

Its going to be a long road of bubbling sauces and broken beakers ;)