The Insanity of the Left


Well-Known Member
So recently one of the nut jobs on the left had the audacity to accuse me of being a Sociopath. What's ironic is the fact that after reading a description of what constitutes a Sociopath the only conclusion that I was able to reach was that it was a description of people on the left, and most politicians.

Profile of the Sociopath

This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.
Glibness and Superficial Charm
I most assuredly do not have that, I can not count the number of times I've been called an ass or some other term meant to illustrate the fact that I don't kiss ass, refrain from expressing myself, or adhere to the insanity of the left in an effort to get along with the left.

This, compared to the vast majority of the left, who while they do not necessarily believe in everything the left wants them to believe in blindly goes along with the rest of the left to "get along." Illustrating that the left, or Socialists, insist on everyone excercising superficial charm to push forth the Agenda of the state.

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
Yet another description of Socialists.

They want to ignore the Property Rights of others, ignore the right of others to speak their mind, ignore the rights of others to expect that the Federal Government (or any government) will not arbitrarily steal from them.
They are also hostile and domineering using their pseudo-moral high ground in attempts to assassinate the character of those that go against their insane beliefs.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
I don't think I need to explain how this describes the left with their continual rants about fairness and how they have a right to steal other peoples money for healthcare. Which according to them is a right not a privilege (of getting off your ass and working.)

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
Obama? Hillary? Reid? Miller? a lot of other politicians. Of course its not limited to just politicians. Just about any socialist repeatedly lies. They lie by ommission,commission or misdirection. They pretend to be refuting points by making the points and excersize an amazing ability to manipulate what others have said to attack others, despite knowing that the other person did not actually say or mean what they are being accused of having said or meant.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
This goes back to the Socialist belief that it is their right to violate the rights of others. Some how there is no immorality in stealing the property of others. According to them there is some kind of justification for "noble" ends that justify the shittiest most immoral means out there.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
From my experience I'd actually say that Liberals tend to be bitchy, whiny self-absorbed people that will not hold a door for some one if it means wasting part of their time. Whereas a conservative doesn't even think about doing such things, because they were brought up to treat others with respect (less those that refuse to treat them with the same.)

I've also seen liberals explode over what ultimately is very insignificant. Erupting into infantile like temper tantrums for the most absurd of reasons. Of course, I was guilt of the same, when I was five.

Incapacity for Love
Which explains why they have to express it through materialist means. They want everyone to have a puppy, and a car, and a house, and healthcare and so on and so forth. This of course is because they can not actually express love through non-material means, having not the intelligence to believe in something as ethereal as emotion (the same reason they can't believe in a higher power.)

Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common
This goes back to their temper tantrums over arbitrary slights. And with out a doubt liberals are undoubtedly promiscuous. They are after all the ones that brought us the "era" of STDS, err free love.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Another charge that can be placed against them is their Lack of Empathy with their victims (those that have money.) Liberals don't understand that people don't want to have their property stolen, and can't seem to grasp the fact that just because they can "afford" it (a arbitrary judgment made in the typical one size fits all paradigm of the left.) doesn't justify stealing from them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
Ties in to the above.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
Well, there's Bill Gates (a crazy liberal) who released a bunch of mosquitos. There's George Soros, who made a sizable portion of his fortune by manipulating the markets.

The left also routinely ignores the rights of other people to not have to worry that the state and the mob pushing it are going to arbitrarily steal more of their money proving their cruelty to their fellow man.

More extreme examples are the environmentalist flakes that believe that the solution is to kill 90% of the population of the world.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.
Repetition of one of the earlier points.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
Can you say "net tax eater" or doesn't pay their actual fair share but insists that everyone else must pay more than their fair share. They are ignorant of the fact that if everyone was to actually pay their "FAIR" share - that is if they were to pay the amount of taxes that would pay for the amount of services they receive - the middle and upper classes would see their taxes drop and the poor would see a drastic tax hike.

Of course, since they also are incapable of empathy they do not understand that fair would mean that everyone pays the same dollar amount for the privelege of living in the United States, not that everyone pays some arbitrary percentage determined by politicians in the various state capitols and in D.C.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.
Changes the label that they apply to themselves.

(what's next?)

Attempts to repackage their message of enslavement in fluffier terms to mislead the public.

No, I'm afraid that when it comes to anti-social tendencies the left illustrates all the classic behaviors. Promptly followed by politicians (which of course is not surprising.)


Well-Known Member
"they can't believe in a higher power."

This struck me it is my oppinion we are wired to believe in a higher power. Whether it is Humanism/Atheism, Enviromentalism/Earth worship whatever we all have a belief system. I think, Personally, that Pergressives project the role of God onto Government. The Government can do anything as long as we all pray hard enouph (vote) and are willing to sacrifice (be taxed). They will suffer injustice so long as its part of Governments "Plan" for the greater good.

Unfortunatly Government (employees) Begin to see themselves in the Role of "High Preist" And they can do anything so long as enough of them, Biships and Cardinals, can agree that it is the will of their God.

But insead of even following their "Gods" Commandments they expand on them twist them pervert them into an all powerful church.

Can ya' feel me?


Well-Known Member
So recently one of the nut jobs on the left had the audacity to accuse me of being a Sociopath. What's ironic is the fact that after reading a description of what constitutes a Sociopath the only conclusion that I was able to reach was that it was a description of people on the left, and most politicians.

I most assuredly do not have that, I can not count the number of times I've been called an ass or some other term meant to illustrate the fact that I don't kiss ass, refrain from expressing myself, or adhere to the insanity of the left in an effort to get along with the left.

This, compared to the vast majority of the left, who while they do not necessarily believe in everything the left wants them to believe in blindly goes along with the rest of the left to "get along." Illustrating that the left, or Socialists, insist on everyone excercising superficial charm to push forth the Agenda of the state.

Yet another description of Socialists.

They want to ignore the Property Rights of others, ignore the right of others to speak their mind, ignore the rights of others to expect that the Federal Government (or any government) will not arbitrarily steal from them.
They are also hostile and domineering using their pseudo-moral high ground in attempts to assassinate the character of those that go against their insane beliefs.

I don't think I need to explain how this describes the left with their continual rants about fairness and how they have a right to steal other peoples money for healthcare. Which according to them is a right not a privilege (of getting off your ass and working.)

Obama? Hillary? Reid? Miller? a lot of other politicians. Of course its not limited to just politicians. Just about any socialist repeatedly lies. They lie by ommission,commission or misdirection. They pretend to be refuting points by making the points and excersize an amazing ability to manipulate what others have said to attack others, despite knowing that the other person did not actually say or mean what they are being accused of having said or meant.

This goes back to the Socialist belief that it is their right to violate the rights of others. Some how there is no immorality in stealing the property of others. According to them there is some kind of justification for "noble" ends that justify the shittiest most immoral means out there.

From my experience I'd actually say that Liberals tend to be bitchy, whiny self-absorbed people that will not hold a door for some one if it means wasting part of their time. Whereas a conservative doesn't even think about doing such things, because they were brought up to treat others with respect (less those that refuse to treat them with the same.)

I've also seen liberals explode over what ultimately is very insignificant. Erupting into infantile like temper tantrums for the most absurd of reasons. Of course, I was guilt of the same, when I was five.

Which explains why they have to express it through materialist means. They want everyone to have a puppy, and a car, and a house, and healthcare and so on and so forth. This of course is because they can not actually express love through non-material means, having not the intelligence to believe in something as ethereal as emotion (the same reason they can't believe in a higher power.)

This goes back to their temper tantrums over arbitrary slights. And with out a doubt liberals are undoubtedly promiscuous. They are after all the ones that brought us the "era" of STDS, err free love.

Another charge that can be placed against them is their Lack of Empathy with their victims (those that have money.) Liberals don't understand that people don't want to have their property stolen, and can't seem to grasp the fact that just because they can "afford" it (a arbitrary judgment made in the typical one size fits all paradigm of the left.) doesn't justify stealing from them.

Ties in to the above.

Well, there's Bill Gates (a crazy liberal) who released a bunch of mosquitos. There's George Soros, who made a sizable portion of his fortune by manipulating the markets.

The left also routinely ignores the rights of other people to not have to worry that the state and the mob pushing it are going to arbitrarily steal more of their money proving their cruelty to their fellow man.

More extreme examples are the environmentalist flakes that believe that the solution is to kill 90% of the population of the world.

Repetition of one of the earlier points.

Can you say "net tax eater" or doesn't pay their actual fair share but insists that everyone else must pay more than their fair share. They are ignorant of the fact that if everyone was to actually pay their "FAIR" share - that is if they were to pay the amount of taxes that would pay for the amount of services they receive - the middle and upper classes would see their taxes drop and the poor would see a drastic tax hike.

Of course, since they also are incapable of empathy they do not understand that fair would mean that everyone pays the same dollar amount for the privelege of living in the United States, not that everyone pays some arbitrary percentage determined by politicians in the various state capitols and in D.C.

Changes the label that they apply to themselves.

(what's next?)

Attempts to repackage their message of enslavement in fluffier terms to mislead the public.

No, I'm afraid that when it comes to anti-social tendencies the left illustrates all the classic behaviors. Promptly followed by politicians (which of course is not surprising.)
Obama is every bit of sociopath...


Active Member
that was definitely a good read...what is the label for someone who is empathetic towards others, respects other people's rights, emotions, property and privacy and lends a helping hand or ear or opinion whenever needed?


Well-Known Member
This is funny, must have taken you a while.

You 'righties' are just pissed about paying taxes but their a fact of life in a world using a monetary system that enslaves its people...... your national debt needs to be paid off, and thats not a new thing.

Money is the New Religion... The Government is working to the Banks Agenda now, thats not Socialism, thats Facism.


Well-Known Member
This is funny, must have taken you a while.

You 'righties' are just pissed about paying taxes but their a fact of life in a world using a monetary system that enslaves its people...... your national debt needs to be paid off, and thats not a new thing.

Money is the New Religion... The Government is working to the Banks Agenda now, thats not Socialism, thats Facism.
Do you think that the left likes to pay taxes and the right doesn't? Just because YOU LIKE TO PAY TAXES?


New Member
Oh brutal, outside of the "charm" part, I think sociopath fits you to a tee. You and most of ther rest of the righties on this saite. No matter how hard I try and find somethimg we can agree on, there is no getting through that sociopathic blanket you-all have draped over yourselves. You guys see yourselves as right and everyone else that doesn't think exactly as yourselves as wrong, pathetic reasoning, true sociopathic reasoning, er non-reasoning. This fits the following: Max, Vi, Cracker, TBT, Ilkan, well Ilkan has had the curtesy to listen to me anyway, so I'll give him a pass. There are a few others that border on the insanity of the right, but the above named rascals are totally insane.


Well-Known Member
This is funny, must have taken you a while.

You 'righties' are just pissed about paying taxes but their a fact of life in a world using a monetary system that enslaves its people...... your national debt needs to be paid off, and thats not a new thing.

Money is the New Religion... The Government is working to the Banks Agenda now, thats not Socialism, thats Facism.
Jointsmith the problem with your statement is that you're assuming that there is a difference between Fascism and Socialism. There really isn't.

Both are Oligarchial Systems of Government
Both rely upon coercion
Both grant power of business decisions to the state (wage/price/production controls)
Both talked on and on about creating a better future

The only difference between the two was the need to differentiate between Stalin and Hitler. It would have hardly been logical for FDR to announce that we were going to help the Good Soviet Socialists fight the Evil Axis Socialists.

At that point the issue becomes confused.

Though any one with historical knowledge will recognize that Socialism (Sino-Soviet Practicing of Communism) was more destructive than Fascism (Roma-German Practicing of Communism.)

The only difference between the two was that Fascism attempted to pretend that government hadn't seized control of the economy. Never mind that an examination of the controls imposed by the government on the economy would indicate that it was either Socialism or Fascism.

Under both systems there were wage controls, price controls and production controls. Under both the state encouraged monopolies or vastly concentrated industries with minimal competition.

Under both systems rights were severly curtailed, or ignored all together.

Socialism = Fascism = Communism = Tyranny = Socialism = Fascism = Communism = Tyranny ...

Though I supposed technically I could add Oligarchism into that list, but it is possible for an Oligarchy to be Benevolent and as such it would not necessarily be the same as Socialism Fascism, Communism or a Tyranny all of which are marked by a Hostile, Domineering State.


Well-Known Member
You know none of us actually know each other so labaling each other with our various mental disorders umm kinda pointless really. I don't mind paying taxes more or less for things that are for the commen good I.E. roads And fees for sevices and whatnot but income taxes grate on me. We didn't nead an income tax until 1913 so what happened? Why do we need one now? I see it as theft its protection money to street thugs thats just how I see it. IRS are thugs plain and simple.

I would like to see payroll deductions be volintary. Many people love their pet projects. SS for instance I know my wife is working now almost entirly for the fact she will get SS. I would love to see a state do this just as an experiment. You would loss money for about 3-4 years then once the pot holes started becoming a problem people would pay more, I bet, then what they get now and programs people like would get more money programs people don't like would die on the vine. Voteing with your dollars.

I don't think anyone here is "bad" perhaps misguilded but not evil. We all have our likes and dislikes. We all want to be free just some want more freedom then others. We missunderstand each other we fight and argue but this is good it makes us think. That is what this is about to me. I don't come here to call someone a fucking "Moron" I don't know you I just want people to think maybe a little bit about how other people think.

You know I enjoy coming here and argueing the issues of the day with all of you. We are like an amature think tank its great.


New Member
The tax on income was the goal of the progressives as we approached the 1900s. It is based upon class envy and still is. There are only 535 people keeping it in place ... the Congress, Senate, Vice President and President.

It is no accident that the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax were enacted at the same time ... 1913. If a country is to have a debt money system, then there has to be a way to get that money out of circulation in order to avoid run away inflation. Taxation is one of the best ways.

Think of it like this: You have an employee to whom you pay a wage. The employee pays a tax on that income. He hires a gardner and pays part of his income to to the gardner. The gardner pays an income tax on what your employee pays him. The gardner hires a mechanic to work on his car. The mechanic pays an income tax on what the gardner pays him. The mechanic hires an accountant. The accountant pays an income tax on what the mechanic pays him ... and on and on ... UNTIL the money is all consumed by income taxes. Is there a difference between that example and just burning the money? Well, take it from me ... the Federal Reserve banks actually do burn money. I know because I've seen the furnace with my own eyes.

A fairer system would be to stop borrowing money into existence through the Federal Reserve and have the federal government print U.S. Dollars (no debt) instead of Federal Reserve (debt) notes. Along with that, abolish the tax on income at all levels and institute a FAIR tax ... which is nothing more than a simple sales tax on consumption.



Well-Known Member
We could do away with income taxation if we cut spending to 2001 levels, 2001, 8 freakin' years that is it!! Income tax is BS. Your saying we can't cut out 8 years of growth?? I could cut 400 to 500 billion right now. Off the top of my head. Bring home the troops stop proping up dictators and stop the war on drugs BAM done. One day.


New Member
While you're at it Ilkhan, would you please take the time to abolish the Departments of Energy and Education?

Oh yeah, turn the Pentagon into a triangle as well. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Oh brutal, outside of the "charm" part, I think sociopath fits you to a tee. You and most of ther rest of the righties on this saite. No matter how hard I try and find somethimg we can agree on, there is no getting through that sociopathic blanket you-all have draped over yourselves. You guys see yourselves as right and everyone else that doesn't think exactly as yourselves as wrong, pathetic reasoning, true sociopathic reasoning, er non-reasoning. This fits the following: Max, Vi, Cracker, TBT, Ilkan, well Ilkan has had the curtesy to listen to me anyway, so I'll give him a pass. There are a few others that border on the insanity of the right, but the above named rascals are totally insane.
I listen to you Med and think you are absolutely bat shit crazy and have such an insane level of ennui that you probably can't get an erection (how unfortunate for your wife.)

Which would certainly explain why you are such an angry affluent bastard.


Well-Known Member
Yeah day two no problem. :D

BTW here is Ron Paul questioning Hillery Clinton about foreign relations its over 5 minute just watch the last minute its nice I think. Still don't trust the witch though.
Though really wish the entire Capitol was taped 24/7 and streamed live.

Of course, the Representatives and Senators would then hold their illicit backroom meetings in other locals.