The job is not to enrich ourselves or your children; but that our Great Grandchildren can


Well-Known Member
Think about it.

Immortality is the knowledge that your great grandchildren will thrive in the world you've left them.

Why shouldn't this be the standard by which we judge our corporation's accomplishments?

Democrats vs Republicans. Ultimately, who cares? The REAL goal is whether the world we leave our progeny is better than the one we were given.

If this question keeps you awake at night, GOOD. That's the point.
Think about it.

Immortality is the knowledge that your great grandchildren will thrive in the world you've left them.

Why shouldn't this be the standard by which we judge our corporation's accomplishments?

Democrats vs Republicans. Ultimately, who cares? The REAL goal is whether the world we leave our progeny is better than the one we were given.

If this question keeps you awake at night, GOOD. That's the point.
You don't have any progeny, noone wants to give you any and you're like 50...

Why do you care?
I wish folks would stop referring to "my" future descendants as if they are individuals that I can indeed affect, rather than use the truthful reference of they being members of some type of desired collective. It's very disingenuous
I wish folks would stop referring to "my" future descendants as if they are individuals that I can indeed affect, rather than use the truthful reference of they being members of some type of desired collective. It's very disingenuous
The desired collective is called your family. Just saying.
The desired collective is called your family. Just saying.
If so it would behoove me to amass as much wealth as I possibly could and anyway I could, and put in iron clad legal trust for them. Having done so, I 'd be condemned as a robber baron capitalist oligarch. As I said this ploy to guilt folks to do the right thing by invoking future generations is disengenuous. If you wish people to be less selfish and act for the benefit of the future all, just be honest and say so. No one other than myself and my present time family have any sincere concern about my future great grandchildren.
If so it would behoove me to amass as much wealth as I possibly could and anyway I could, and put in iron clad legal trust for them. Having done so, I 'd be condemned as a robber baron capitalist oligarch. As I said this ploy to guilt folks to do the right thing by invoking future generations is disengenuous. If you wish people to be less selfish and act for the benefit of the future all, just be honest and say so. No one other than myself and my present time family have any sincere concern about my future great grandchildren.
You don't think that the security and shared prosperity of the country they'll live in would have anything to do with their ability to have a good life?
I don't need fake internet friends like you idiots.
The people here are very real, come from all walks of life and have created a vibrant and mutually beneficial community. I've personally met many of them, hoisted beers together and even invited them into my own home and shown them my grows.

Therefore I'm keenly aware that each account here (a few socks notwithstanding) represents a real person, each with a real story, real interests, real expertise and real needs.

It is a sad reflection of your own immaturity that you cannot understand that and would so casually mistreat us.

You're no Doctor; at best you're a base charlatan masquerading as something you're not. An actual doctor wouldn't dream of behaving as you have.

So- feel free to use the back button on your browser and don't come back. No one is forcing you to be here.

And if you don't want to leave, then at least do us all a favor and fucking grow up, 'Doc'.
The people here are very real, come from all walks of life and have created a vibrant and mutually beneficial community. I've personally met many of them, hoisted beers together and even invited them into my own home and shown them my grows.

Therefore I'm keenly aware that each account here (a few socks notwithstanding) represents a real person, each with a real story, real interests, real expertise and real needs.

It is a sad reflection of your own immaturity that you cannot understand that and would so casually mistreat us.

You're no Doctor; at best you're a base charlatan masquerading as something you're not. An actual doctor wouldn't dream of behaving as you have.

So- feel free to use the back button on your browser and don't come back. No one is forcing you to be here.

And if you don't want to leave, then at least do us all a favor and fucking grow up, 'Doc'.
STFU narc, the politics forum is nothing but a forum for whining and bitching, it's all you people do.
You think you're gonna change the world arguing this shit on a pot forum? LMFAO
You don't think that the security and shared prosperity of the country they'll live in would have anything to do with their ability to have a good life?
Sure I do, however, the premise would be substantially more honest if "family" weren't invoked. Why not say for the good of future humankind/humanity? What really is the difference between family 3 generations in the future vs 3 generations past? Genetically we are all related, yet we kill our neighbors for profit/envy/power. They are our relatives as well. Shouldn't we have the same loyalty and concern about the progeny from our great grandfather's brother's/sister's line? Invoking familial vanity as a means of improving the future doesn't really improve the future.
Sure I do, however, the premise would be substantially more honest if "family" weren't invoked. Why not say for the good of future humankind/humanity? What really is the difference between family 3 generations in the future vs 3 generations past? Genetically we are all related, yet we kill our neighbors for profit/envy/power. They are our relatives as well. Shouldn't we have the same loyalty and concern about the progeny from our great grandfather's brother's/sister's line? Invoking familial vanity as a means of improving the future doesn't really improve the future.
Especially when you're essentially a 50 year old male cat-lady who women only use for fancy dinners.

(Not actually referring to you)