The Kana social experiment, case study #808, exhibit A; detailing the medical uses, benefits, and side effects of Kana from experience


My hubby (D.A.V.) is nearing 70 years old and smokes a single toke daily in leu of the opioids he used to take many years ago. He never smokes until at least a few hours after he takes his b.p. and cholesterol meds to avoid feeling overly sluggish. I take his pulse and b.p. Readings daily and noticed that within half hour of smoking a toke, his b.p. numbers are normal but his resting heart rate increases by up to 20 beats per minute. So, he is restricted from any kind of physical activity for at least 2 hours after he smokes a toke to give His heart time to relax. I hope the sharing of this info helps others and I am so looking forward to actual research with actionable results in the very near future because we care.