THE LAYMAN'S GUIDE TO PERFECT BHO THREAD!! Cheap and easy hash from outer-space!


Well-Known Member

Jebus Crepes here we go!! This first post should be undergoing some editing for weeks until I get the structure down and hyperlink different useful posts as they are posted.

First of all, anyone here who has spent hundreds of dollars on purging equipment will immediately discredit me, but please hold criticisms until after trying my method; after all, it only costs 40 grams of trim and some butane. Good, I've already started with a run-on sentence, this is going to be a long thread ;)

This method gives you 2 grades of hash: White BHO, pure white powder, a perfect and complete chemical extract. You have NEVER smoked anything this potent before, unless you are already making it or paying out the ass. Good luck even finding this anywhere.

The next grade is a golden honey comb shatter. It all smokes clean, and is DEVASTATING.


I can also show you how to make my Candybar BHO which is just layering Honeycomb, Amberglass, Honeycomb in your storage dish, and letting it purge off in open air.

I've been promising this thread for a while and I am still perfecting my technique, but there is no doubting that this BHO comes A-MAZ-ING! Please test it out and let me know what you think. I'd like to know if my lack of need for purging equipment if due to my elevation of 5,600 ft or if it's the methods I'm using exactly. I'll be posting this step by step, so we'll know for sure.

Things you will need (and I shit you not)
1. Trim
2. Butane
3. Pyrex casserole dish
4. Hair Dryer
5. Resealable aluminum can (energy drink, beer, whatevs)
6. Unbleached coffee filters
7. Scissors
8. Razor blades
9. Oven mits (I got me some Ove' Gloves!)
10. Electric drill or a hammer/nail
11. Your freezer

So let's go ahead and get together this list of items and we'll continue onward to our first step...

Supplies for preparing the resealable cap.

1. 1/16 or 1/32 drill bit and drill OR a very small nail and hammer.
2. Rough Grain sand paper (may want to also use very fine grain, optional)
3. Steel Brush
4. Acetone
*It's important to drill the cap, face side down, so that it creates funnels that allow the butane to freely flow out, if you you drill with the face of the cap up, it will create mounds on the inside of the cap and butane will pool inside your cap.***

Let's go ahead and start making our vessel here, so we'll start by modifying the cap. Each post I'll cover a different topic, keep it detailed and easy to follow. Just don't be scared by all my typing!

Our hashing vessel is going to be a 2 dollar energy drink can! Crazy right? I guess I'll call it my hashing can. I went out on the hunt for a small sized (12 oz) resealable aluminum can, which this Monster can does just perfect! I noticed this particular flavor is the only can in this size and style. Coors makes a 12 pack or resealable aluminum cans, but I am not spending my money on pissy Coors Light. I'm a craft brew man!

I went ahead and grabbed my smallest drill bit, (1/32) and originally drilled 9 holes, 4 of which were covered by the lip of the can (d'oh) and I later drilled 4 more holes to make up for that, so if you are using 1/32, I would recommend 9-12 holes closer to the middle of the cap, rather than the outside. You might be able to see what I'm saying in the pics. This whole thread is a work in progress.

Once I drilled my holes, I had some aluminum burs to get off the cap, which I chose to get rid of. I figured the burs would hold onto my hash, and that the paint from the can would get into my hash, since this Monster can is all black (why Coors should be considered). So I went ahead and got some real 20 grit sand paper and rubbed it across that a few times, pulls the burs right off. I then hit it with some 220 grit to loosen the paint up real quick, don't spend any time on that part. Then I just got a steel brush and some acetone and scrubbed the rest off clean.

Don't forget to remove the blue rubber gasket on the inside of the cap! The coffee filter will be taking it's place as the gasket to keep the lid on tight!

So those 4 most-outer holes are useless, you can just not drill those, and drill more towards the center. After my first run with this cap, I wet ahead and drilled more, I might still add more... I'll explain why later, let's get this thread up for right now at least.

And we are done! Always be sure to rinse this stuff off really good after you drill it, I don't know what happens when there is aluminum in your can while your hash, but I think it's best to avoid it.

Time to prep our can, which is simple!

Alright, smoked a bowl of the hash and I'm ready to resume. Before I finish this thread I'm going to do another BHO run today. On my last hash run, where I took these pictures, the hash didn't come out right. I took all the steps so the pictures will properly depict everything. I have to figure what is wrong and let people know what not to do, if they are to get a great product their first try.

Back to the tutorial. In this step, well be using the following items from our list of supplies:

- unbleached coffee filter
- scissors

Time to finish up our can, this is super easy. The lid probably the most technical step, which is good, because for me at least, that was super easy. lol.

Go ahead and place your coffee filter of the mouth of your can, and twist your lid over it so it forms the filter to the mouth. Like so:


Now we are going to cut off that skirt, we just want a filter that covers the mouth of our can. The filter tends to wick up hash in this method, so we don't want anything else than something to cover up the mouth of the filter and that's easy to handle when removing the filter. I'd save your used filters in bags and run them again later. Freeze 'em or something.

Just like that. Now our coffee filter also acts as a gasket to keep our lid on snug, for those of you who were nervous about the fit after removing the blue rubber gasket from the lid.

Go ahead and pop off the lid and filter, and set those aside. We're going back to the garage, we gotta drill a little hole in the bottom of our can, the butane has to go in somewhere.

Remove one of the smaller tips from your can of butane. We want smaller because it's just easier to drill a hole for it, if we fuck up we can always drill a bigger hole, but not a smaller hole. Just find whatever drill bit works for the tip, tap your can, and stick your tip in there... just the tip :oops:

There you go, and if you've never done this or seen it done before, you just pop these little plastic tips out of the cap of your butane canister, I kind of got it all in that picture. Most products come with the tips in the lid itself, Dodo comes with a red soft plastic ring of tips (included in the picture) that is under the lid, it looks like those revolver reloads for toy cap guns.

Yeah son! Who remembers these? How could you not??

Anyways, that's it. Rinse out your can reall good, you don't want any aluminum or plastic shaving hanging out in there, dry out real good (like maybe with our hair dryer?) and it is time for step 3! Where the fun begins!

How do you like that? Cheap little energy drink can, and it makes some ridiculous product. I was just using this while waiting for a check to come in, and then I had planned to get a glass tub. I still might, but I wanna keep playing with this thing for a while.


Blasting 'tane



My friend misheard me and thought I said "blasting taint." Which he thought was a gnarly way for me to say I had to take a toilet-wrecker of a shit. So he was pretty apprehensive about following me at first, until I cleared up that minor misinterpretation :lol: I was fucking dying! At first I couldn't even think of what blasting taint could even mean! Fuckin' A', what good hash will do to you, eh?

Let's roll out with some pictures... right after I go munch and start up a new batch of BHO. I can't hunch over a computer all day, I just can't. I mean... I so could... but I wont let myself!
Hey everyone, I realized part way through making this thread that I don't know nearly as much about making BHO as I thought I did. I have learned soooo much in the last month, I'll be making a really cool thread for everyone and I'll be posting the link here. I'll also be putting it in the correct section of the forum.

The method I was showing on here works really well for small personal amounts, but it wasn't very efficient, I pulled twice the weight out of the trim I already used once I got my methods down.

Stay subbed for some real good information in the future.
I like the recycled aluminum can. I went to home depot and baught a steel pipe and end caps and the clerk looked at me like I was making a pipe bomb.... shoulda went to the self checkout
yeah I use 3 cans per ounce of popcorn/trim. made my boy who sells (and smokes) tree in large quantities cry, like literally tears running down his face he was so high, and he refused to drive home for like an hour. in short bho shatter is no joke. its like licking an orange peel every day (smoking bud) and then finally getting to bite into an orange (bho)
Wtf is that shit? Booooo
My question is ... I have a queen bee in my possession and 4 tins of tane..i got nuff leaf trim too fill her...would 4 work or do I need more? how loud is extracting? Can one do it in the backyard without arousing suspicions? Chearz!
BAM! click me to learn how to make some waxes/oils bho style

pages and pages of info, we've been through a lot, if you have a specific question, try using the search tool at the top right of the thread, insert some key words, enjoy :]
^^I'd like everyone to divert their attention from here to this member's thread.^^ Lots of fantastic information for making BHO, especially for people interested in starting small, as the first post was a 18g run. I actually learned a bit from this myself and will be applying it to my methods. I am no longer making it on such a personal scale, and maybe some day I'll make a decent thread when I have the time.
Noice . The first page is almost half a year old of info.

Have you winterized anything yet?

Is it absolutely necessary to winterize? I obviously want the best/cleanest product but first I need to achieve wax I feel before moving on to winterizing. Or I could do it now. What do you suggest? Thanks in advance and best regards.