The long awaited STEALTH indoor RETURN of my first grow- PICS!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone after a long pause in updating my grow i am proud to show case whats left. When we last left off i had vegged for 3 weeks and begun to flower in a quite limited space.

Well- here i am now about two weeks later. I gave one plant away to a friend (colt). I have two left, Rocky and Tum-Tum. Both of these were topped and semi-LST'd. For the past week they have been outside here in the northeast. They aren't looking too good but i am finally ready to bring them back indoors. The bad news is i believe that tum-tum is male so only Rocky is coming in. I am about to post pics of my of indoor setup. Once it gets dark ill go snag Rocky and give you all some of the long awaited pictures.

Heres the setup in a few boxes. Im working on getting some white paper or mylar in there but this is what it looks like for now.

The last pics are from my first set up, i am sure this one is ALOT better.

lighting- 1 t5 florescent tube
1 42watt CFL



Well-Known Member
Looks good man

Too early to tell sex

I might see a tiny bit of a nitrogen def. coming but its hard to tell. If your plant starts to look more yellow post back here with some pics.

Other than that looks like its healthy! Good luck


Well-Known Member
its looking SO much better since i moved it inside. The only problem is it stretched some outside so the node spacing goes from like 1/2 inch to 3/4 in on the last node. Other than that though its looking dope. Ill post some pics of the baby later.


Active Member
Looking good. wut fertilizer u using and wuts ur potting medium? Might wanna try Low Stress Training on that baby since u have a small space. do a search on this forum and u'll c what im talking about.


Well-Known Member
right now im using no ferts. Its planted in some nice soil i bought at the garden store. im thinking about LST but since it almost lollipoped and all the lower branches are really small concerned that LST could really effect the yield


Well-Known Member
right now im using no ferts. Its planted in some nice soil i bought at the garden store. im thinking about LST but since it almost lollipoped and all the lower branches are really small concerned that LST could really effect the yield
It'll work itself out. If anything those small lower branches will grow big to act like a top and reach for the light