the longer the veg time = bigger yelds?


i was woundering if i let my plants veg for like 3-4 months then flower for 8 weeks or so on a healthy plant would it make the yeld bigger and how much do u think i would get out of it


Active Member
unfortunately... it's doesn't work that way...
it's more like the older your buds will be...

... cloning will be best for longer veg time ...
hello new also but not at gardning.seems to me that its what your lights can cover that counts if the plants are healthy.uniform canopy no matter how many plants.bigger plants need bigger pots for roots and more prone to problems. seedbank will tell you 350 to 600 grams this must be outside.i know a few people that get 300 inside veggin for 2 mos.happy times


It helps to a certain extent, all depending on your light, space, and plant amounts are. Your plants will only grow as well as their worst limiting factor, in most cases the light. So if you have a bunch of plants and are trying for a sea of green than you want to switch to flowering as soon as you can to get a bunch of single colas, however if you can only have a few plants and have the time to top your plants and really grow them out then your yields will certainly be improved. I had a friend who vegged for about 8 months or so and his mama was about 4-5 ft in diameter and over 4 ft tall, it made for one hell of a trimming day!


Active Member
VEG LONG!!! If you have the patience and the space, veg it for as long as you want. The longer you veg the bigger your plant will get. Hands down. We vegged ours for an extra month... You can keep a pot plant vegging for years if you want.


Well-Known Member
I got 2.7 pounds off a girl that vegged 3 months last summer. I found the larger plants are less susceptible stress caused by bugs not more so, the other thing is the cola size, just cant get the big ones from a immature plant. Veg on man, grow a monster.


Well-Known Member
You have to figure, the longer you veg, the thicker the stems get. The more branches that develop, more growth tips, more colas, bigger fruit due to established roots. etc....

Take a look at pine cones.... small trees have small cones. the monsters come falling down from the giants.