The Middle East


Has there ever been peace in this region of the world? Ever? Just thought I'd ask because why don't we just let them be and kill themselves?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Has there ever been peace in this region of the world? Ever? Just thought I'd ask because why don't we just let them be and kill themselves?
Not really. There have been decades of peace if you go back far enough, but even the times of "peace" were plagued with civil wars and revolts. When they aren't fighting other people, they just fight themselves. I guess the closest thing is probably the Hammurabi era. After he conquered Mesopotamia there was nearly a century of peace, but that's going back nearly 4k years. Since then, not so much.

Of course you can say the same thing about Europe until very recently.


New Member
Dan your wrong here and you know it common are you being sarcastic? to give just one example we have the ottoman empire which had many lengthy periods of peace and this is going back only roughly 100 years. Even today there exists peace in much of the middle east.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dan your wrong here and you know it common are you being sarcastic? to give just one example we have the ottoman empire which had many lengthy periods of peace and this is going back only roughly 100 years. Even today there exists peace in much of the middle east.
As I said, even in times of "peace", there were major uprisings and revolts everywhere. When the Ottoman empire wasn't our conquering territory they were fighting themselves. Peace doesn't exist in the middle east, oppression does. It's not the same thing.