the most simplest grow set up????

CFLs or HID lamps ( 300 watt CFL or 600 watt) ( only want to grow 2 plants to start with)
want to grow something relatively easy i was thinking AK 47 coz if done correct could have many good buds duz not really grow too tall and duz not need much heat or a big array of lights.
how many CFLs would i need?
clay pebbles or coco grow mediums
i only have a small space for them so should i use a white matt for walls or use a tin foil?
and a important question for me is, how far away should a blue 300 or 250 watt CFL bulb be from the seedling it self?
i just attempeted twice in a row to grow 2 thia plants but erm yh worked for 3 weeks with a 40 watt bulb lol but i clocked that the stem was too thin and my bed room lamp was to small for the plant it self as it was starting to hover over it bending its stem for light ( stress) i would of used a proper light but someone is doing scams on my bank card :|:|:| imma find you!
so yeah any advise would be key as i wishing to get 2 lights in the next 3 weeks, blue spec and red spec
oh oh oh oh another one , auto flowering or normal?? and where would i get one, can i really trust any sites that sell them?
yh thats all thanks people dem


Active Member
CFL's are more efficient and run WAY cooler than HID's but your but will not be as dense and you probably wont get as much.
i would suggest atleast one 300 watt CFL per plant or a 600 watt HID for two plants.
Ak47 sounds like a good choice and its got an awesome high.
i would go with clay pebbles because they allow for the best drainage and circulation. they are also 100% re-usable which is a huge plus.
use white walls cause tin foil will cause hot spots from the reflection and burn your plant
you can put a cfl pretty much as close as you want to a plant. for a seedling i would say 6-8 inches. maybe more for a high wattage CFL like the ones u want to use
i have heard that autoflowering plants are only worth it if you absolutley do not have room to grow anything bigger. they will not yeild close to what AK47 will but they have a short grow time and are beginner friendly.
as for seed websites go it all depends where you live. i have heard some good stories and alot of bad ones. if you have no other option than webistes are the way to go but do ALOT of reasearch on the site first.
Hope this Helps!!
Good Luck!