the myth exposed


Well-Known Member
hey guys i just harvested 6 shiva shanti i did 3 in miracle grow all porpuse potting soil. and three in fox farms ocean mist.With the mg. i added no nutes for whole grow.With ff. i used their peace of mind line nutrients the veg the bloom booster and the high phosporus bat guanno.I am a experienced grower.Im a good grower.I noticed a tiny bit of yellowing on the tips of the 3 in mg. after two weeks they were fine (slight adjustment to the high dose of nutes in mg)No problems with the ff. The results after 66 days in flower i chopped.On day 56 i flushed out my 3 in mg with 4x water to soil. and did not water again for rest of grow. On day 57 i flushed the 3 in ff with 4x water to soil but had to water one more time on day 61. After a 6 day hang dry and 6 weeks jar cure. I tested the results.the weight of my 3 in mg was just over 4 oz.(117 grams)The weight of my 3 in ff 84 grams.The texture and taste was a little better with the mg. (full flavor) for some reason the taste was verry light on the fox farms.(no flavor). all 6 were started on the same day at the same time. all 6 were 12 inches tall when put into flower.none were topped or tied .both sets of 3 were flowered under their own 600 watt hps.each recieved a brand new bulb to flower (excat same bulbs were used).The results are miracle grow was better.better yeild better flavor.Sorry ff lovers but the jig is up the myth is exposed.ff is over priced and over rated and the truth needs to be heard:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
I really like M-G Azalea formula food on my established plants. But when I say that here people think I must be stupid. So I feel better knowing what you have posted.



Well-Known Member
still prefer Ocean Forest over any other soil mix... =]

No problems with the ff.
And that is my main reason... Never had probs w/ FF OF... Have had small to large problems with MG... Mainly the problem you had with too much nutrients in the base mix...


Well-Known Member
I just started using something other than miracle grow....and the results suck assholes. I think this thread just talked me back into using the old MG soil....good thread:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I noticed a tiny bit of yellowing on the tips of the 3 in mg. after two weeks they were fine (slight adjustment to the high dose of nutes in mg)
Are you saying the plants adjusted to the MG nutes or that you made an adjustment to the soil? Great comparison by the way.


Well-Known Member
I think light intensity and proximity have a lot to do with nutrient absorbtion. So people curse the soil when they need to add lumens.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying the plants adjusted to the MG nutes or that you made an adjustment to the soil? Great comparison by the way.
its a high dose in there and it was hot at first for my plants but they adjusted and then thrived.I did this side by side because i was so sick and tired of seeing peoples own opnion cloud over the facts.Im not biased so i tested and reported i was verry surprised too i thought for sure ff would blow mg away.cause so many just sing the praises.but the test proved to me that mg is good stuff.and i will take it over ff anyday of the week.


Well-Known Member
its a high dose in there and it was hot at first for my plants but they adjusted and then thrived.I did this side by side because i was so sick and tired of seeing peoples own opnion cloud over the facts.Im not biased so i tested and reported i was verry surprised too i thought for sure ff would blow mg away.cause so many just sing the praises.but the test proved to me that mg is good stuff.and i will take it over ff anyday of the week.
I think a lot of people dont like MG because they nute their plants and burn the fuck out of them...worked great for me though :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i used both regular mg and the mg organic potting soil mixed together just a 1:1 ratio...I think it helps dilute the intensity of the mg nutes significally

but i never understood why there was so much hatred for miracle grow in the cannabis cultivation world, like obvioulsy it works really well for other plants, why wouldnt cannabis, which is one of the most resilient plants in the world, die just because of a soil your using?

no, your right, it had absoulutely nothing to do with how you grew, its just the soil...

and now with your little experiment maybe some people can stick there foot in there mouths



Well-Known Member
If these weren't clones you could explain away the difference just with diversity. Try again with clones of one plant, it will satisfy me :hump:


Well-Known Member
I just started using something other than miracle grow....and the results suck assholes. I think this thread just talked me back into using the old MG soil....good thread:mrgreen:
not for nothing dude but didnt you call me a creepy stalker for calling out one of your friends for lying to me.And then that same friend unjustifiably smears my name.Edits my e mails (illegally) and posts them up.You said i was a creepy stalker and you added me to your ignore list.So why are you here? But while you are ill tell ya about yer friend.1 shes nuts 2.shes arrogant and judemental.So i just tried to knock her down a notch.Mabey i was wrong for just wanting seeds from her and trying to butter her up to get them.Thats using and lying.So i brought her malice on myself.But you without hearing my side took hers and called me a creepy stalker.which is weird because mostly everyone else was objective and didnt take sides.Thought we were both wrong. except you joined her team,without all the facts and helped her paint a rotten picture of me.Thnks for likeing my post.I believe in the truth.and mg proved to me that its good soil.FF was fine, no problems, but mg gave me more and the bud was better.thats the truth


Well-Known Member
If these weren't clones you could explain away the difference just with diversity. Try again with clones of one plant, it will satisfy me :hump:
no dude these were not different pheno types all these plants looked identicle, same growth rate patterns etc. all the same strain all were ready on the same day all showed sex within 2 days of each is a hybrid but a verry stable one. Its the mg thats the difference there is a different formula of nutes and some say its like steriods for plants.That is the difference


Well-Known Member
not for nothing dude but didnt you call me a creepy stalker for calling out one of your friends for lying to me.And then that same friend unjustifiably smears my name.Edits my e mails (illegally) and posts them up.You said i was a creepy stalker and you added me to your ignore list.So why are you here? But while you are ill tell ya about yer friend.1 shes nuts 2.shes arrogant and judemental.So i just tried to knock her down a notch.Mabey i was wrong for just wanting seeds from her and trying to butter her up to get them.Thats using and lying.So i brought her malice on myself.But you without hearing my side took hers and called me a creepy stalker.which is weird because mostly everyone else was objective and didnt take sides.Thought we were both wrong. except you joined her team,without all the facts and helped her paint a rotten picture of me.Thnks for likeing my post.I believe in the truth.and mg proved to me that its good soil.FF was fine, no problems, but mg gave me more and the bud was better.thats the truth just blew shit up on me and I had like zero to do with that shit. I didnt call you a creepy anything and I figure why cant we all just get along...just my opinion..I actually forgot about the whole thing to be honest..ha ha...see how much I actually pay attention to that much...I have a busy life beyond RIU bro. I do like your thread though and I did rep+ you for it....and dont come at me with that shit again bro....I could give two shits as long as all of the riu members are safe k.:peace: