The nerd in me (creative writing/DnD)

Soo I'm not just a stoner, I'm also a gamer (role playing).
Feel free to judge, I tell anyone without mind of their opinion on the matter.
My buddy's runnin a game and I'm playing a druid. Here's a bit of lore I wrote for the background of the character (Flynt Kardare).

On the island of Daal, one of Torgath (the main island)’s sister islands, Elves and Half-Elves gather from around the world to a small metropolis named Corynth. They gather to the city because of rumors of superior magical healing, religious acceptance and overall satisfaction for any person due to the enormous market. Tourists coming to Corynth seeking these things will be met with their greatest expectations and more throughout their experience, completely unknowing of the evils and misfortunes lurking under the streets and in the shadows. The city of Corynth is run from the center by a large Druid counsel, aptly named The Counsel of Corynth. Said Counsel is the reason for the city’s success, literally building it from the ground (on which a Stonehenge was built and worshipped around by Druids, some of whom serve still the Counsel.) up hundreds of years ago, which is why it holds all control over the city and it’s habitants. Although the Counsel provides for the city with imports and exports to cities all across Daal and even to and from other islands, excellent medical care and hospitality and abundant job opportunities, the people of Corynth are all aware of the crooked and evil control over they hold over the city. The Counsel controls all laws, all authority, all prices and all of the work force, creating an upside down society. The head of the Counsel of Corynth, Sadil Kardare, is the last Elf that lived to be a part of ring of druids who built Corynth, the 5 others all eventually succumbing to death by age. Sadil is surrounded by Druids just beneath him in command to act as bodyguards, advisors, high-priests and other roles that can only be trusted to individuals higher in command. Beneath those Druids are less important figures, most of whom the top ring doesn’t trust nearly as much. Sadil Kardare had a family once, bustling with all sorts of different sorts of people but now the ages have taken there toll. The last of any family Sadil has left is his son, who he has made his right hand man until time finally takes himself. Toruk Kardare was born to Sadil and Adylyn Kardare in (appropriate year) and proceeded to take his father’s world by storm. By the time Toruk was in his early twenties, Sadil had already trusted all of the military operations in the city, market pricing and taxing, and keeping the public satisfied to him. While his career grew and grew, he gave birth to a child who was named Flynt. Flynt spent his earliest years living in the Counsel’s palace centered in Corynth, sheltered from the outside city until his parents deemed him ready for the confusion and chaos that was the present world. Until his 12th birthday, he was encouraged to continue his studies and training in the palace, taking advantage of the best education and training facilities the city had to offer. Because of this relentless expectation to rise above all of his previous family (as was the customary outlook in the Kardare family), Flynt became exceptionally talented in multiple areas including combat and the divine sorcery that was unique to the Druidic culture. By the time he turned 12, his parents were finally convinced that he was able to handle himself and granted him access to leave the palace and enter the city. Up until this point, Flynt had already been developing his own opinions of the palace, the Counsel and the outside city surrounding him. The evil ways of the Counsel bothered him to no end, keeping him wondering if things are going to be this way forever and if he was fated to be part of the corrupt hand that the Counsel of Corynth played. After he turned 12 and was let out of the palace, Flynt spent as much time outside of it as he could, exploring all areas of Corynth and outside of the city walls in the Sea of Green, the dense jungle-like forest that surrounded most of the city. Several years later, Flynt was hiking in the Sea of Green once again, attempting to develop a stronger and stronger connection to Obad-Hai, the God of nature whom he had pledged his loyalty to against advisement of the Counsel of Corynth (all of which pray to the same god, Corellon Lorethian). Flynt took the usual routes through the forest he usually took, all leading to the make-shift shrine he had constructed years ago. When he finally reached the shrine, he noticed something was amiss right away. He felt uneasy and paranoid, like someone was there watching him. Flynt stood there, keeping still, until finally something moved out of the corner of his eye. He caught the movement and turned toward the large wooden shrine to see a medium-large sized snake coiled around Obad-Hai’s staff, head sticking off the top of it while it tasted the air with its tongue. The snake caught eyes with Flynt and everything seemed to stop for what could’ve been anywhere from thirty seconds to ten minutes. Time seemed to drag on and on until the snake uncoiled itself onto the ground and slithered over to Flynt, who knelt down on the soft earth and outstretched his hand. The snake slithered from the ground up onto Flynt’s arm, then his shoulder and draped itself around his neck. Serasha. Flynt heard the word whispered almost in his mind, but not.
“Serasha, huh?” Flynt said out loud and looked at the snake. “Alright then. I’m Flynt.” He said, turning from the shrine to hike back to the entrance of the forest.More years pass, more of the city is no longer a mystery to Flynt as he continues to walk through Corynth, watching events unfold, meeting new people. After so many confrontations with new and the same and observing the people of Corynth, Flynt came to realization with his desire to walk in other people’s shoes. Flynt was the kind of person that would think about things like, “What does the world look like in the shoes of someone else?” or “What do things look like to colorblind people?” This realization was the start to Flynt’s continued research within the palace which took place for years and years, into his late 20’s. His research yielded incredible results of abilities that past Druid’s had used through their knowledge of divine sorcery. Although there were few, some Druids aspired and succeeded in training enough to develop their skills to the point of shapeshifting, even cleanly shifting into other people. He continued to train and study within the palace walls, leaving to take walks through the city now and then, looking through guilds and factions at the selection of contracts that were available. This continued for several more years until Flynt had finally convinced himself to leave the city to find adventures and eventually hone his skills to shapeshifting level. He was 32 when he finally left the palace, leaving his parents and the Counsel promises of his return when he reaches his own satisfaction; and when he did, he would be much stronger. His first destination was to the city of Amorrah which was on the north side of one of Daal’s sister islands. He had read in a guild contract about an average sized caravan carrying a group of several adventurers who he would try to befriend and join.

Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome :]