The newb is at it again sos

Well the newb is trying to learn but my girls are having some trouble white widow autos week 8 I broke my watering container so I used one which I just found out is a bit bigger but they didn’t like the amount of water now I realized I messed up there but I am having this issue as well.. picture shows current condition. One is having yellowing down low and both are having some tips yellowing.. they are in apotforpot containers any help is greatly appreciated for this newb trying to get it all figured out.. double double checked water ph is 6.6



Well-Known Member
We really need every detail of your grow you can give us, but I do see one problem. What you're using for training is too thin, it can act like a garrot, scoring the stem, especially if you have a fan blowing on them. Try using pipe cleaners or twine, both very inexpensive and reusable.