"The Obama Administration Officially Considers Marijuana To Be Just As Dangerous As H


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"The Obama Administration Officially Considers Marijuana To Be Just As Dangerous As Heroin!"


2012 Presendential Canidates Stance on Marijuana

Obama - Keeps marijuana a high crime and raids growers

Newt Gingrich - wrote a bill that would allow for the Death Penalty for Maijuana

Mitt Romney - Marijuana users should go to jail

Perry - Support 30+ year sentances for marijuana and would probably support death if pfizer offered him 20 grand

Herman Cain - No official position but Id say its obvious he would do whatever the drug companies ("his advisors") tell him.

Bachman - Voted against marijuana legislation in the past will do it again

Ron Paul - Has fought for legalization of both hemp and marijuana for 30 years
What a joke , ive seen them smack heads hanging around and ther is no comparison to dope smoker's .

It takes the piss

To bad Bill Hicks is not alive. He would be having so much fun with this one.
My dad died of a Heroin overdose, I've never heard of anyone dying from marijuana even in a freak accident like say accidentally sucking in a roach and choking to death or accidentally drowning on bong water.