The Obama Deception


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The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

- Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

- Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

- International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

- Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

- The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order.
you are obviously a very informed follow if you're trying to spread this video around. i've seen all of the Truth vids.. end game, loose change 2nd edition/ final cut.. etc. however, im not a alex jones fan anymore.. i prefer jason bermas.

anywho, keep up the fight bra
Then you more than likely should know the dire situation we are in and the bleek future we are headed towards if these people are not exposed.

Everything depends on exposing these people; it will decide whether or not we enter a new age of tyranny with a scientific overlay, or new Golden Age and renaissance of the people.

There is a quickening and they are about 8-10 years out from having a complete grip over the entire world, and by that point, no one will be able to resist them.
yes sir not to mention they want to kill the embargo on cuba there crazy giving all those bastard commies ibillions of dollars and no control where stealing a cow gets you life and murder gets you five years
My brother gave me this DVD to watch and I did while smoking and now I'm all scared and paranoid and not sure if it's the weed or the DVD