I just started the P90x 2 days ago plus trying to follow the nutrion plan along with it.
Its kicking my ass lol. Good luck on losing the extra pounds
P90X is no fucking joke. If you can stick with the diet and workouts I have no doubt that you will be shredded in a three months. Their shake is fantastic. A little low in protein for me so I add two egg whites. The menu is incredible.
P90X is the real deal but you better be ready to live around your work out. Lots of time spent on buying and making the right food...plus the work outs. Good luck.
The word "diet" to me means something different to me than it does to most others. A diet in my mind is a sustainable lifestyle regarding how and what you eat. Too often we associate diets as something temporary when in fact it shouldn't be temporary. The reason many have temporary diets is that they are unsustainable. Atkins, starvation, water diets, and so on...these are not sustainable diets. You cannot eat or live like that forever.
My wife and I are in great shape. My wife is Brazilian and a size zero. She's also 10 years older than me at age 43. She's still super hot. People gasp when they hear she's on a diet. This is because they are usually overweight and only think of diets as a crash to achieve certain goals. Not realizing a diet is a life long system on how to eat.
Take all the diet books and throw them out the window. If you want to lose weight you have to do two very simple things. Eat right and excercise. Not excercising slows the process and you won't be as fit. But you can lose weight by proper dieting.
Here is the scientific formula for losing weight...are you ready? Here it comes!
Burn more calories than you eat in a day and you will lose weight.
Ta da! There it is folks. Your body is a machine. Feed it less calories then you burn in a day and watch the weight fall off. Generally speaking in order to lose weight at a higher rate you want a 500cal defficiency.
igure out how many calories you burn in a day and make sure you take in 500 less calories then you burn. This is where weighing your food and protein shakes come in. Then you know what your intake is.