the old Lobelia/Damina blend

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
Which I can drink as a tea, to save some wear and tear on my lungs.
Tolerance break day 3. Also third day of a continuous fast. My theory is that your will go all that THC in your fatty tissues MUCH QUICKER and reset tolerance much sooner if your body is getting most of its fuel from your stored fat reserves.
I do not plan on fasting for the entire fortnight, but I think it will spare me having to go 19 days-- and even if it doesn't a fortnight should be enough to at least make me feel 100 miligrams of edible THC again!
Lobelia is very nice blended with Damiana. Very soothing and relaxing. For a smoking blend, I'm wondering if I should try a three herb mix and add a little Gingko Bilobila. Monitoring myself very closely to see how irritable I get. Last time I held out for eight days, and decided I was having too many off my meds moments. Like yelling at strangers for no reason. ugh.
You know I had been trying to quit smoking and just go the decarbed THC by mouth route? I had forgotten that smoking or drinking lobelia tea would actually help improve my throat and lung health. Lobelia is an excellent expectorant.
If you're already a tobacco smoker, Lobelia doesn't quite substitute for it, but it comes awful close.
But if you're not already in the habit of smoking tobacco, lobelia hits the nicotine receptors beautifully and has several advantages to tobacco.
1. the mix of stimulation and sedation is similar to tobacco, but such that it helps you get to sleep, rather than contributes to insomnia.
2. expectorant that's actually good for the lungs.
3. not habit forming.
People advise against lobelia saying it is a poisonous emetic. So is tobacco-- this is much less so. I've smoked enough tobacco fast enough to want to puke-- never happened with lobelia. But I never put more than a pinch of it in my tea, even when I can smoke much more than a pinch.