The only candidate who knows whats what...


Active Member
yah i just went to a rally he had in Austin

What a badass
he was started talkin bout how we need the government off our back and out of our private lives and everyone went crazy

i attended an obama rally a couple days later and even though there was about 8 thousand more people, all obama talked about were the problems in the world, but never how to fix em

Ron Paul told us exactly what he was going to do

pure badass


New Member
Hey, 420, if he knows so much and is so smart, why isn't he the frontrunner?
Yeah I know, it's everyone elses fault, the MSM, the repuke party, the demobats, the ignorant public, tell me all about it. He is a loser!


New Member
Im sick of hearing Obama, Hillary and McCain speak....They never talk about how or why or what they do is going to "change" anything. Ron Paul really does know what hes talking about. Hey Medicine Man what is Obama going to "change"? Ron Pauls usual schooling of Ben Bernanke VVV

YouTube - Ron Paul Schools Ben Bernanke Yet Again
Don't ever confuse me with someone that agrees with the current government, not by a long shot. Not being a scholar of economics, I guess I'll have to wait and see what Obama brings to the economic table. I seriously doubt he could do a worse job than the present regime.I'm also sure there are Idiots on this site that will pretend to know those answers but it is not I.


New Member
Hey, 420, if he knows so much and is so smart, why isn't he the frontrunner?
Yeah I know, it's everyone elses fault, the MSM, the repuke party, the demobats, the ignorant public, tell me all about it. He is a loser!
med: where the hell did this come from? you seemed to support his veiws on the american government...untill now.

ron paul may have a snowball's change in hell of being president, but that's not because he's unworthy. it's because he's a pure snowball and the powers that be are demons in this hellish country.

look, its been 200+ years since this experiment in a democratic republic started. believe me, people behind the scene have been perfecting, since then, the art of influencing and/or outright stealing elections. now with electronic voting machines, we truly have no voice.

you mean to tell me that ron paul sets the record, TWICE, for most money ever raised by a republican candidate in a day - from grassroots support, not big business...and that translates into 15 electorial votes?!


he was a much larger part of the people's choice and his success was marginalized from the beginning by the media for his message, and by the powers that be's control over our election process.

and you're very naive to believe that obama or hillary will end this war and bring the troops home. both of them are just as corrupt as any republican. obama may be less so. your party loyalty blinds you again.
Ron Pauls great, he definitely gets shafted by media (air a 10 second blimp for breaking records but gets 'fair time' when a racial scandal pops up) but that's news media for you any way you look at it.

Other candidates have just as much experience as he does but they don't want to talk about the same economics he does and that is his expertise.

We'll always have the debates to watch.......


New Member
Med ...

Here's your first lesson in economics: If Obama is elected it will be Jimmy Carter all over again.



New Member
Hey, 420, if he knows so much and is so smart, why isn't he the frontrunner?
Yeah I know, it's everyone elses fault, the MSM, the repuke party, the demobats, the ignorant public, tell me all about it. He is a loser!
No becuase he is not a member of the CFR, which Obama, McCain and Hillary just so happen to belong to. Remember this is a one-party system(NWO).


New Member
Rascist bigotry will get neither of you any more brain cells, try eating a good diet, I've heard that may improve your intelligence, although in your two cases, I doubt it.
Ahh yes ... and there's the race card. Disagree with Med's choice of a candidate, who happens to be Black, and you're a "racist." Hey Med ... that bullshit doesn't fly in this country anymore. Ya really have to get up to speed with the times. :blsmoke:




New Member
Ahh yes ... and there's the race card. Disagree with Med's choice of a candidate, who happens to be Black, and you're a "racist." Hey Med ... that bullshit doesn't fly in this country anymore. Ya really have to get up to speed with the times. :blsmoke:


Bullshit, you are a closet rascist and you know it.


Well-Known Member
He didn't say anything racist He just said Jimmy Carter was smarter than Obama? I don't know about jimmy but I know Obama is a very smart dude, he hasn't even played that card yet, you guys will find out for sure later that Obama is a intellectually gifted individual