The PC Games Thread


Well-Known Member
What PC games do you own, what PC games do you love to play, what PC games are you most looking forward to?

I was recently introduced to STEAM and have bought Age of Empires 2, and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Oddworld: Abe's Exodus. I got pretty far on AO with the Playstation 1 waaaay back in the day and I loved it! Never played AE but it looks very similar. I reaaally appreciate how easy the STEAM interface is, easy to download games, easy to install, easy to play.. very user friendly. I also enjoy having the game registered to an account incase I ever lose/misplace/destroy my hardware, very convenient.

I really like real time strategy games, but ones that give you time to prepare. For example, AOE2, the objective is to build up your resources and create an army, advance technologies, advance through the ages, etc. As opposed to a game like Starcraft 2, which is very similar, just much more fast paced. The focus is more on military combat and less on economic or technological conquest.

The game I've been looking forward to the most, probably ever, is Grand Theft Auto: V!


Hol-E-Shit! Best game ever created or what?
I have merged to PC gaming

You are able to pretty much get almost every game you want for free

You may deck out your graphics customization

Online tends to be free, lacking a certain costs from certain 'online gaming networks'

I play tons of Minecraft (again)
installed mods allowing old school 1600's warfare in game while doing my normal shit

I have and also fuck around with the occasional Roller Coaster Tycoon series. its always a thrill to operate a theme park

Back in the day I favored games like Fable Lost Chapters, WoW, Oblivion.
I can't get into those kind of games anymore, at least MMORPGs

Part of Wows success in mid 2000's was due to that being new of the time. Now it's just outdated and fucking pandas. what.
im surprised you recently just got steam anyone without steam I feel so bad for their lives lol
I have no steam.

i just can't see myself paying for games anymore lol, let alone any media

well steam is free, and they have a shit ton of free to play games....i would say like more than half my games are free on steam, i generally buy games when they are on their christmas or summer sale, like i just spent maybe 10$ and bought about 15 games, including The Witcher Series.

some free to play games including
Dota 2
League of Legends
Star wars the old republic
monday night combat

ect ect the list goes on
football manager 2013, i have been playing that game since it was first called championship manager back in the 92/93 season was playing it on a amiga 1200 back then lol
Me and a few friends play BF3 on PC every once in awhile, it's awesome, I love that game, Battlefield 4 is going to be BF3 on steroids! I can't wait!

BF4 and GTAV are what I'm most looking forward to, I need to do a few upgrades on my PC pretty soon
I hear ya there Padawanbater2, my laptop is gonna be needing some upgrades if I plan to do new released games

There is no fucking way I will play a game with low FPS or the minimal graphic setting. It's below par for my taste.
Great thread!

My favorite P.C. games (that I play consistently) are: League of Legends, Black Ops 2, Binding of Isaac, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and Smite.


I am SOOOOOO looking forward to Saints Row: IV and GTA V. Not to mention the newest Battlefield:

EEEEE! I cannot wait!

Great thread!

My favorite P.C. games (that I play consistently) are: League of Legends, Black Ops 2, Binding of Isaac, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and Smite.

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I am SOOOOOO looking forward to Saints Row: IV and GTA V. Not to mention the newest Battlefield:

EEEEE! I cannot wait!


Oh fuck yeah, Saints Row is a great series, really well done!

Also, I cannot fuckin' wait for commander mode to come back! Big mistake leaving that out of BF3 I thought!
Oh fuck yeah, Saints Row is a great series, really well done!

Also, I cannot fuckin' wait for commander mode to come back! Big mistake leaving that out of BF3 I thought!

Heck yeah man! I finished Saints Row 3 a few months back , but still find myself clamoring for more gameplay hours. LOL, finishing every last achievement. What a gem that game is. I have not played the previous versions though, so I may need to go back in time.

Yeah , good call on Commander mode!
I've been playing a shit load of Age of Empires 2 with a couple friends, that game is unlimited fun!

Anybody know what the best real time strategy game out right now is?
Eh, it's OK, but I wouldn't call it the best.. Actually I preordered that game and it's been sitting on my shelf for a while, I like it, just not for everyday.

It's too fast paced for me, I like the whole build up your civ and acquire resources aspect of the game, SC2 is way too fast paced for me to enjoy properly, the enemy army is in your base within 10 minutes!

Real War was pretty cool, kind of like AOE except with more modern tech, stealth bombers and shit, I'm looking for something maybe a little more modern like that!