Well-Known Member
Let's not kid ourselves anymore, all the jerks that have been radicalized over the last 30 years of hate radio and hate mongers on TV and radio, and at least 10 years of online trolling (that the Russian's hijacked along regardless of what the political ideology trap they fell into that drove them to hate the 'other'), are the ones exciting the rioting that is occurring in the cover of dark. Now they are using the pain to increase their attack on our democracy, and Trump is fanning the flames using his cults branded trigger words like "ANTIFA".
Trump's online army has been spreading the fear of this group for years online for just this sort of occasion.
These homegrown terrorists are blending in with these peaceful protesters and causing the mayhem so that Trump can use this as a re-election platform.
Because if he can sell it as 'the radical left' is the ones causing this, and his militant portion of his cult can trick a large enough portion of the public that there is some truth to it, he might pull off a re-election. If people are scared enough to fall for his con.
Trump militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) are out in force trying to re-write the history as it is happening so that it is confusing and he can sneak past his presidencies failures for as long as possible. Please don't let that happen, understand that it is not just one side of any issue that is being attacked, it is by every side on every issue. When talking with friends and family about this, the tensions will be high and bubbles people are in will explode when they get popped, so be prepared.
Trump has been asking his cult to be violent all along, at this point I would not be surprised if the reason that the cop kept kneeling on George Floyd's corpse while fully aware that he was being filmed, and that he did it to trigger this national response to his murder.

Best of luck everyone, hold your love-ones close. And know that anyone caught in Trump's cult will be very difficult to talk to when they get upset about the information that you are giving them and tend to lash out when you hit the trigger words they have been brainwashed into responding poorly to (like 'racist'), so be patient, they have been programmed to not accept any reality outside of what Trump/Putin have created for them using very sophisticated online data tools.