The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.


Well-Known Member

Let's not kid ourselves anymore, all the jerks that have been radicalized over the last 30 years of hate radio and hate mongers on TV and radio, and at least 10 years of online trolling (that the Russian's hijacked along regardless of what the political ideology trap they fell into that drove them to hate the 'other'), are the ones exciting the rioting that is occurring in the cover of dark. Now they are using the pain to increase their attack on our democracy, and Trump is fanning the flames using his cults branded trigger words like "ANTIFA".

Trump's online army has been spreading the fear of this group for years online for just this sort of occasion.

These homegrown terrorists are blending in with these peaceful protesters and causing the mayhem so that Trump can use this as a re-election platform.

Because if he can sell it as 'the radical left' is the ones causing this, and his militant portion of his cult can trick a large enough portion of the public that there is some truth to it, he might pull off a re-election. If people are scared enough to fall for his con.

Trump militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) are out in force trying to re-write the history as it is happening so that it is confusing and he can sneak past his presidencies failures for as long as possible. Please don't let that happen, understand that it is not just one side of any issue that is being attacked, it is by every side on every issue. When talking with friends and family about this, the tensions will be high and bubbles people are in will explode when they get popped, so be prepared.

Trump has been asking his cult to be violent all along, at this point I would not be surprised if the reason that the cop kept kneeling on George Floyd's corpse while fully aware that he was being filmed, and that he did it to trigger this national response to his murder.


Best of luck everyone, hold your love-ones close. And know that anyone caught in Trump's cult will be very difficult to talk to when they get upset about the information that you are giving them and tend to lash out when you hit the trigger words they have been brainwashed into responding poorly to (like 'racist'), so be patient, they have been programmed to not accept any reality outside of what Trump/Putin have created for them using very sophisticated online data tools.
I would not put it past Trump to have had this 'photo-op' staged to be able to push his narrative about how it is 'agitators' and anything he can to avoid talking about all the white supremacists created the mayhem to scare his base into sticking to their cult logic.

Trump has the reporters removed from the White House against guidelines, makes sense if you want them to get some good photos.

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These cops are obviously letting this happen. Unless someone who is familiar with the White House lawn can correct me on this, it is hard for me to think that somehow those protestors were behind the gates bunker boy put up, and behind that line of cops without being noticed.

I'd love to try to see one thos BLM fuckers try to burn my house down. I'm armed to the teeth you retard!

Chances are is some chump that has fallen for the same propaganda (assuming not another paid Trump troll (foreign or domestic) or one of the white power idiots that are trying to help Trump paint these crimes as part of the protests), as the ones that are burning shit down.
Chances are is some chump that has fallen for the same propaganda (assuming not another paid Trump troll (foreign or domestic) or one of the white power idiots that are trying to help Trump paint these crimes as part of the protests), as the ones that are burning shit down.
Yeah sure lets pull the white supermacist label even though I also said I hate the Democrat created KKK party! And also said many higher IQ African Americans think BLM is a joke also. BLM is nothing about Martin Luther King values. BLM are the new racist and do not want all races to get together like King visioned! And the funny thing is BLM was created by the same party that created the KKK, the "Democrats"! Read history moron! Like Kanye West said, "get off the Democrat plantation". The democrat polticians do not care about blacks. Behind the scenes they talk about killing you like Margaret Sanger killing black babies who Hillary loves by the way. Ever heard of pretend friends? Thats what the Democrat polticians are to the African Americans. Thats why it frustates me so much knowing this. Blacks should be going to war with the Democrats! They're your real enemy they played you guys like fiddle. That's your real enemy! Wake the fuck up!
Also George Floyd was an asshole he was a repeat offender. And the most fucked thing he did was rob a house and put a gun up to pregnant woman! Now I don't agree with the cop killing him. Im not big fan of cops either and know they do alot fucked up stuff especially being a stoner myself. But this guy was not an angel. Candace Owens is an African American woman also does not support thug Floyd! And reported about his past crimes. Theres a very large percentage of African Americans that are embarrased and don't support BLM!
Also George Floyd was an asshole he was a repeat offender. And the most fucked thing he did was rob a house and put a gun up to pregnant woman! Now I don't agree with the cop killing him. Im not big fan of cops either and know they do alot fucked up stuff especially being a stoner myself. But this guy was not an angel. Candace Owens is an African American woman also does not support thug Floyd! And reported about his past crimes. Theres a very large percentage of African Americans that are embarrased and don't support BLM!
"i dont agree with the cop killing him but"

the kkk endorsed trump you trumpsucking retard
you know that whole thing is over already, right?

you can go back to being mad about kneeling or masks or whatever stupid shit makes you the saddest little white guy ever
Lol, wipe the spittle off the screen. Which one is it? Masks, kneeling or whatever non sequitar you have, which you then base an entire argument off of. Quote for accuracy.

This will chum your bum.....
Lol, wipe the spittle off the screen. Which one is it? Masks, kneeling or whatever non sequitar you have, which you then base an entire argument off of. Quote for accuracy.

This will chum your bum.....
calm down you dumb white
Yeah sure lets pull the white supermacist label even though I also said I hate the Democrat created KKK party! And also said many higher IQ African Americans think BLM is a joke also. BLM is nothing about Martin Luther King values. BLM are the new racist and do not want all races to get together like King visioned! And the funny thing is BLM was created by the same party that created the KKK, the "Democrats"! Read history moron! Like Kanye West said, "get off the Democrat plantation".
White men created the kkk, the Democratic party is no longer the same after the civil rights era. You should quit swallowing Dear Leader's propaganda to make people like yourself so worked up.

The democrat polticians do not care about blacks. Behind the scenes they talk about killing you like Margaret Sanger killing black babies who Hillary loves by the way. Ever heard of pretend friends? Thats what the Democrat polticians are to the African Americans. Thats why it frustates me so much knowing this. Blacks should be going to war with the Democrats! They're your real enemy they played you guys like fiddle. That's your real enemy! Wake the fuck up!

You are really buying into the propaganda that is spoon fed to you by Trump's trolls (foreign and domestic), assuming your an American and not another in the endless line of trolls here trying to push Dear Leader hateful messaging. This current Democratic party is the closest to representing the actual people that make up all of our country than any other in history. While the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda is alive and well in the Republican party, which they have been using to try to keep their power for as long as possible by trolling everything that the Democrats try to do as some sort of '-ism'.

The real enemy is the hateful bullshit that the people you are trying to throw smoke for is pushing.

Also George Floyd was an asshole he was a repeat offender. And the most fucked thing he did was rob a house and put a gun up to pregnant woman! Now I don't agree with the cop killing him. Im not big fan of cops either and know they do alot fucked up stuff especially being a stoner myself. But this guy was not an angel. Candace Owens is an African American woman also does not support thug Floyd! And reported about his past crimes. Theres a very large percentage of African Americans that are embarrased and don't support BLM!

And were is this percentage at? It is interesting that you are trying to get the Russian propaganda to stick. It is almost like Trump is in trouble and needs to try to both have his minions push the racism to epic levels while simultaneously pretending it doesn't exist anywhere but the Democratic party. Are you going to tell us not to vote next?

The Russians have been attacking the vulnerable from every side of issues, BLM (supporting it to the black communities, while painting it as some radicalized organization to the scared Trump supporters with things like highlighting the violence that the white supremesists are doing with the protests as cover). If you are an actual American and don't understand this warfare that Russia is conducting on our democracy I would suggest waking up and learning about it, because it is very real, and Trump is allowing Putin and his other dictator friends to tear our society apart.

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As soon you started talking about Russia you lost all credibility. How does Russia have anything to do with BLM? BLM is funded by George Soros NOT Russia asshole! Whenever you want a scapegoat you yell Russia! Absolutely loon ball ridiculous! You people aren't peaceful, your warmongers that want to start war with Russia and cause a civil war race war! You want to divide us, not join us. Wanting to kill whites is racist bud! Or wanting to kill any race for that matter! There's assholes in every race. Being a rotten person is not dictated by your skin color! You want to distract people with a non existent enemy to cover up all the corruption in the Democrat party. Also the Republicans are guilty of this too.

And again calling me a Trump supporter when I clearly stated in my past post, "Trumps an asshole for not firing Fauci and going along with cornavirus hoax". And lied about protecting the 2nd amendment by signing the red flag law. He's more talk and no action in my opinion.

And yes I don't think it's worth voting for a system that's been rigged for over a 100 years! I mean really you think I'm gonna get excited for brain dead dementia Uncle Creepy Joe who cant even remember what state he's in haha? I will not be voting for anyone this year unless Trump pardons Roger Stone, exposes the corruption in WHO, exposes the corrupt funding from Fauci and Bill Gates to the wuhan lab! Or Trump can also suck a dick! Also no point of voting till they get rid of SuperPacs and CPACs anyway. Only rich people can run, not the average person! That's where the corruption starts. In order qualify for these Super Pacs, you need to basically be a millionaire. That's why we get all these plastic wrapped hand picked do nothing candidates!

Yeah you keep on believing the Democrat party is helping you LMFAO!!! The blind trust is so comical to me! Man when the minorities finally wake the up on who's really been pulling their chains and realize what the Democrat Party have done and plan on doing to them, those bastards are gonna be hanging from nooses! Remember Democrat politicians are your fake friends. And that also goes for the Neo Republican party that exist today. That's why I have always been an Independent Classical Liberal because both parties are a joke! Anyone calling me a Trump supporter will be ignored not repeating myself again or fueling the trolls here.
You should stop fighting reality.

This is from the bi-partisan senate report on the Russian militaries attack on our country. There is a lot more, you should give it a read.

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As soon you started talking about Russia you lost all credibility. How does Russia have anything to do with BLM? BLM is funded by George Soros NOT Russia asshole! Whenever you want a scapegoat you yell Russia! Absolutely loon ball ridiculous! You people aren't peaceful, your warmongers that want to start war with Russia and cause a civil war race war! You want to divide us, not join us. Wanting to kill whites is racist bud! Or wanting to kill any race for that matter! There's assholes in every race. Being a rotten person is not dictated by your skin color! You want to distract people with a non existent enemy to cover up all the corruption in the Democrat party. Also the Republicans are guilty of this too.

And again calling me a Trump supporter when I clearly stated in my past post, "Trumps an asshole for not firing Fauci and going along with cornavirus hoax". And lied about protecting the 2nd amendment by signing the red flag law. He's more talk and no action in my opinion.

And yes I don't think it's worth voting for a system that's been rigged for over a 100 years! I mean really you think I'm gonna get excited for brain dead dementia Uncle Creepy Joe who cant even remember what state he's in haha? I will not be voting for anyone this year unless Trump pardons Roger Stone, exposes the corruption in WHO, exposes the corrupt funding from Fauci and Bill Gates to the wuhan lab! Or Trump can also suck a dick! Also no point of voting till they get rid of SuperPacs and CPACs anyway. Only rich people can run, not the average person! That's where the corruption starts. In order qualify for these Super Pacs, you need to basically be a millionaire. That's why we get all these plastic wrapped hand picked do nothing candidates!

Yeah you keep on believing the Democrat party is helping you LMFAO!!! The blind trust is so comical to me! Man when the minorities finally wake the up on who's really been pulling their chains and realize what the Democrat Party have done and plan on doing to them, those bastards are gonna be hanging from nooses! Remember Democrat politicians are your fake friends. And that also goes for the Neo Republican party that exist today. That's why I have always been an Independent Classical Liberal because both parties are a joke! Anyone calling me a Trump supporter will be ignored not repeating myself again or fueling the trolls here.
The kkk endorsed trump
You should stop fighting reality.

This is from the bi-partisan senate report on the Russian militaries attack on our country. There is a lot more, you should give it a read.

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Haha yeah disgraced lying sack of shit Robert Mueller Russian Delusion Collusion Investigation! What an embarrassment and a sham! That Bush Jr dick sucker should be in jail now! Fuck Rhino Mueller!

I don't like Trump but I agree this was a hoax! Another dumb engineered warmonger war with Russia and you were stupid enough to fall for it!