The plan... will it work?

The plan...
1x 300w cfl light
2x 600w hps light
6x plants per light

The plan is to veg 6 plants under the CFL for 1 month, take 6 cuttings, then put the 6 cuttings under the CFL and move the 6 plants under light A(600w HPS), when the 6 cuttings have been veged for a month, take 6 cuttings and put them under the cfl and move the veged ones under light B(600w HPS).

I'm doing this, so I can harvest every month... here are some questions...

Firsly would this workout?
I'm using 18L pots are these to big? I have some 11L pots would they be better or what size pots do you recommend when veging for 4 weeks?
Would you change the lights?, if so what lights would you use?
Would you use more plants or less?, if so why?
What yield do you think I'd get? (I got just over 10oz off 5 plants, veged for 4 weeks under a 400watt hps, using same medium and nutes.

I'm growing in Canna Coco, using Canna nutes, A+B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, PK 13/14, Boost.

Thank you


Active Member
I think you're jumping the gun. Start slowly, work your way up to the top. See if you can actually handle it.

Seems legit though... To a certain extent


Well-Known Member
I would use several cfl bulbs of lower intensity, if insisting on cfl. That way light distribution is better for all plants and can be kept closer.

I prefer fluorescent tubes as the ballast can be outside the tent to help reduce heat inside the tent.

Also take more than 6 cuttings as not every one will root. Take at least double then only veg the healthiest 6.

Also while rooting even a 30 true watt cfl should be plenty. My mom and cuts go under a 23w + 26w cfl. One is warm color other is cool color. Probably be fine with less as my mom bushes the fuck out in a matter of a week or two
I think you're jumping the gun. Start slowly, work your way up to the top. See if you can actually handle it.

Seems legit though... To a certain extent
at the moment I don't do my own clones/cuts I buy them, then grow 18 plants under 3 600watt hps lights and the guy sometimes takes long to get clones, so have to wait around which is anoying. This is why I'm thinking of doing this method... I'll get to harvest every month and wont have to buy clones and waste time between. I tried cloning and my clones turned out perfect, but to bad I had no where to put them, so i gave them a friend. I've done total of 7 grows, but always used canna coco and canna nutes.


Well-Known Member
at the moment I don't do my own clones/cuts I buy them, then grow 18 plants under 3 600watt hps lights and the guy sometimes takes long to get clones, so have to wait around which is anoying. This is why I'm thinking of doing this method... I'll get to harvest every month and wont have to buy clones and waste time between. I tried cloning and my clones turned out perfect, but to bad I had no where to put them, so i gave them a friend. I've done total of 7 grows, but always used canna coco and canna nutes.
i fit 21 mothers in 2liter coke-bottle hempy buckets in my mother-box under nothing but 48watts of T5, point is, why not put a small cloning box together? ...especially if you have a constant need.

here's a couple pics of my mother-box, the dresser where the top lifts open, and the rest are of a small cloning/seedling box i built, or modded actually as it started as a small shelf unit sold as dormroom furniture.

i can link you to a list of DIY projects if you need inspiration, mother-box build is on the list, lol.

peace, bozo


i fit 21 mothers in 2liter coke-bottle hempy buckets in my mother-box under nothing but 48watts of T5, point is, why not put a small cloning box together? ...especially if you have a constant need.

here's a couple pics of my mother-box, the dresser where the top lifts open, and the rest are of a small cloning/seedling box i built, or modded actually as it started as a small shelf unit sold as dormroom furniture.

i can link you to a list of DIY projects if you need inspiration, mother-box build is on the list, lol.

peace, bozo
If I kept on growing how I do now all 18 plants in veg for 4 weeks then 8 weeks in flower.... I'd take cuts at 4 weeks, but when my clones are ready to be put into veg I'd have no where to put them, because my plants wouldnt have finished flowering? or could I just leave the clones and just keep feeding them and they'll stay small as they'd be in a very small pot, until the plants have finished, then put them into veg + flower, then I'd have nice strong clones with alot of roots
also them long bulbs in pic 4 where do you get them from and what they plug into? what are they called? found the bulbs on ebay but not the thing they plug into -.- its not a normal cfl thing they plug into?


Well-Known Member
If I kept on growing how I do now all 18 plants in veg for 4 weeks then 8 weeks in flower.... I'd take cuts at 4 weeks, but when my clones are ready to be put into veg I'd have no where to put them, because my plants wouldnt have finished flowering? or could I just leave the clones and just keep feeding them and they'll stay small as they'd be in a very small pot, until the plants have finished, then put them into veg + flower, then I'd have nice strong clones with alot of roots
if you take the first set of clones, i guess the ones you buy, ...anyway, take those clones and veg them like you always do and flip them as you always do, then take cuttings from the lower branch's that will only produce larf anyway and put those branch's into some kind of cloning op, it'd need to be reliable and i'd still recommend you take and root more than you need, you won't get 100%, not every time. anyway, if you did that you'd be starting cuts to root at the end of week 2 of flower and it typically takes 2 weeks to root clones so now you're at the end of week 4 and you have a bunch of rooted clones with 4 weeks left to veg them for the next run, ...then you do it all over again, ...yeah, it can be done, it is being done, ...but you'll still need a space to clone them in and a space to veg them in once they're rooted.

...btw, where do you veg your plants before the flip?

peace, bozo


Well-Known Member
also them long bulbs in pic 4 where do you get them from and what they plug into? what are they called? found the bulbs on ebay but not the thing they plug into -.- its not a normal cfl thing they plug into?
those are called PL-Ls and they are a form of remote ballasted CFL, ...think T5 but folded in half, anyway, they are easy to find online, i forget where i got mine, it's been a while but i can link you to the thread on that clone-box build if you'd like.


here you go, this way you can see how i built it and how i wired it and in the thread you will find links to source all the components. ...the box itself i bought for about $50.00 and the lights, including ballast, sockets and bulbs was under a hundred and it's been in operation pretty much 24/7 since i built it back in 2010, ...and with the same bulbs too, lol.

my micro cloning factory

peace, bozo
while veging i put 9 under 1 600w hps and 9 under the other, then when ready to flip spread them between the 3 600w lights... 6 under each light

also so 2 weeks before they're ready to harvest take some cuts? never tried to taking cuts when they're in flower didn't think it would work because by that time most bottom leafs r dead anyway, but i could take like 2 cuts off each plants and that be 36 cuts and hope 18 survive lol if more survive get rid of the rest of em


Well-Known Member
while veging i put 9 under 1 600w hps and 9 under the other, then when ready to flip spread them between the 3 600w lights... 6 under each light

also so 2 weeks before they're ready to harvest take some cuts? never tried to taking cuts when they're in flower didn't think it would work because by that time most bottom leafs r dead anyway, but i could take like 2 cuts off each plants and that be 36 cuts and hope 18 survive lol if more survive get rid of the rest of em
no man, not 2 weeks before harvest, 2 weeks in, other words, 14 days after you flip to 12/12, ...if you wait until 2 weeks before harvest none will root.

and i'm still not getting your setup, i understand you have 3x600's that you flower with, is it these 600's you also use to veg with? ...just not all three?

no man, not 2 weeks before harvest, 2 weeks in, other words, 14 days after you flip to 12/12, ...if you wait until 2 weeks before harvest none will root.

and i'm still not getting your setup, i understand you have 3x600's that you flower with, is it these 600's you also use to veg with? ...just not all three?

yes exactly i use these 3 lights also with veg but just not all of them as dont need all of them at that stage


Well-Known Member
yes exactly i use these 3 lights also with veg but just not all of them as dont need all of them at that stage
...frankly, you don't need any of them, i veg under 2x 2bulb 4foot T12 flouro fixtures and i'm getting some very nice growth, and you need something you can use while the 600s are in play budding your flowers, light T12 fixtures run about $20.00 each so you won't need to make a large investment to put a place together for vegging the next round and to keep your mothers and clones.

peace, bozo